September 30, 2009 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
September 30, 2009

1. Meeting opened at 5:34.

2. Attendees: Ed Vien (EV), Lyn Roberts (LR), Helen Schiff (HS), Susan Muenzinger (SM)
Ellen Barbasso (EB), Linda Small (LS), Paul Skowron (PS), Matt Monahan (MM)
representing CNHRPC, and Scott Spradling (SS) from the Spradling Group LLC

3. Minutes from September 16, 2009 approved and accepted.

4. Plan for community meeting 10/24/09
A. Give thumbnail sketch of our vision and hopes
B. Give feedback from surveys
C. Come up with ideas to give them
1. Rebuild sidewalks
2. improve facades of buildings
D. Let people give ideas to us
E. Tell or discuss items in our Toolbox
F. Want to have web site that lists all available business real estate
G. Letter will be sent to businesses, planning board, zoning board
H. Open letter to all citizens will be placed in Suncook Sun for 2 weeks prior to the meeting.
I. Town Administrator can send memo to department heads
J. PS and EV will submit form to use elementary school cafeteria

5. Website Update
A. SS met with web site committee
1. May take a lot of work to revise the site
2. Some like the idea of 4 topics at first page
3. Don’t want to frustrate or alienate people who currently use the site
B. Redoing the site will take a lot of time and may be expensive
1. may be able to get a grant from DRED to pay for it
2. MM will check to see how much they would provide.
C. They wanted to know if PS agreed with the ideas

6. Parcel discussion
A. MM provided overlay showing parcel id’s
B.For the Charette want to designate a limited number of parcels
C. HS made a motion for MM to start writing the application for the Charette study
1. EB seconded the motion
2. All approved, none opposed, motion carried.

7. Other
A. EV received a phone call from the Rotary
1. They want to buy another Wi-Fi antenna to put on Community Center
2. They would like a free ad on Wi-Fi home page
B. E-mail web site committee the Union Leader story on Toy Box
C. Have available properties listed in NH Business Review paper and New England
Real Estate Journal

8. Next meeting Wednesday October 14, 2009 at 5:30 P.M.

9. Meeting closed at 6:44 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary