September 4, 2008 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Michael Wolfe
Gary Colby
Leslie Vogt
Scott Brown

Others Present: John J. Freeman, Superintendent
Rick Gremlitz, Interim Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Lois Jean Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.


Mr. Kilmister added playground, mixing valves, an update on screens and window, and NWEA-MAP testing. Mr. DeLois added information regarding the newly formed arts booster club.

On a motion made by Mr. Colby and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board unanimously approved the agenda as amended.


A motion was made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Ms. Vogt to approve the minutes of August 21, 2008, as written. The motion carried unanimously.

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Julie Scenna asked the Board to consider her request to have her daughter, a senior at Pittsfield Middle High School, remain enrolled and graduate with her class. Ms. Scenna explained the experiences of her family that have created the situation that exists. Danielle Dumond asked the Board to consider the request to have her sister remain at Pittsfield Middle High School until she graduates in June. Adam Ward reiterated the request of the family from his perspective as a friend. Dr. Freeman explained that the school board policy for admitting non-resident students includes a written request from the district of residence as well as the the sending district assuming responsibility for tuition. He recommended that Ms. Scenna contact the superintendent of the Prospect Mountain High School to ascertain the possibility of a tuition payment agreement being considered.


A. Request from Temporary Non-Resident

Mr. Kilmister reviewed a request from a parent for a first grade student to attend school in Pittsfield under some unique circumstances. The Board deferred a decision and asked Mr. Kilmister to gather some additional information.

B. Screens and Windows

Mr. Kilmister reported that all of the replacement windows have been installed. Three balances require repair, which will be completed next week.

C. Playground

Mr. Kilmister stated that fifteen loads of playground mulch will be delivered during the week of September 15, 2008. Old mulch will be pushed over the embankment.

D. Water System

A problem with the water system, involving mixing valves, was detected. A short-term solution was rendered and estimates are being gathered for repairs.

E. NWEA – MAP Testing

Testing schedules are being created. Reading and mathematics testing will be administered to students in kindergarten through grade six.

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F. Enrollment

Mr. Kilmister reported that there are approximately 347 students enrolled at Pittsfield Elementary School.

G. Free and Reduced Lunch

Ms. Vogt asked if progress was being made in receiving the paperwork from parents. Both Mr. Kilmister and Mr. Gremlitz reported that work continues to encourage students to return the paperwork.


A. Nominations

Mr. Gremlitz nominated Michelle Hill as a food service worker. On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board approved unanimously to hire Ms. Hill.

Mr. Gremlitz nominated Ralph Perkins as a custodian. On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Ms. Vogt, the Board approved unanimously to hire Mr. Perkins.

B. Opening of School

Mr. Gremlitz reported that 278 students out of an enrollment of 281 attended school on the first day. Mr. Gremlitz shared the comments from several students relative to their first day of school. He explained that an opening assembly was held on Tuesday, September 2, 2008, that served both as a welcome back and a pep rally for fall sports teams.

C. Homecoming

Mr. Gremlitz reported the schedule for the Homecoming Weekend activities. He invited members of the Board to participate in any of the scheduled events.

D. Summer Recreation Program

Mr. Gremlitz shared a report written by Louise Sawyer, director of the summer recreation program. The program was very successful. Mr. Gremlitz was asked and agreed to ascertain the numbers of students who attend the program over time. Ms. Paradise thanked Ms. Sawyer for her work.

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E. Welcome

Ms. Paradise commented on the smooth transition that Mr. Gremlitz has facilitated and thanked him for his work.

F. Booster Club

Mr. Gremlitz has met with the Booster Club and will continue to work with the group to promote their work.

G. Arts Booster Club

Mr. DeLois reported that an enthusiastic group of parents have come forward to spearhead an effort to provide support for the arts. A meeting was held on September 3, 2008, to share their mission statement and discuss ways in which they can promote music, visual arts, and drama in the schools. The School Board offered their support of this group in their future endeavors.


A. Hiring

Ms. Stevens presented the applications for two educational assistants, Autumn Carson and Denise Gordon. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Colby, the Board voted unanimously to hire Ms. Carson and Ms. Gordon.

B. Special Education Enrollment

Discussion ensued regarding the enrollment numbers of students with special needs. Ms. Chassie agreed to calculate the percentage of students with special needs for each level to report at the next meeting.


A. Opening Staff Meetings

Dr. Freeman confirmed the smooth opening of both schools. He acknowledged the work of the administration in ensuring a successful opening for students and staff.

B. 2009-2010 Budget

Dr. Freeman stated that the administrators continue to work on budget considerations, including the potential of making dramatic cuts. He resubmitted to

Pittsfield School Board 4 September 4, 2008

the Board a proposed budget adoption timeline.

Discussion ensued regarding the possible strategies that may be considered in promoting a budget that is both responsible to the taxpayers and maintains adequate educational opportunities for our students. Revenue projections do not come in until later in the process and have the potential of dramatically affecting the outcome of the budget.

The timing of rolling out a proposed budget to the public was discussed. Dr. Freeman suggested developing some ideas such as a formal presentation to the Budget Committee and providing information in a format that is easier for the public to understand. He presented a list of the School Board’s meeting schedule for the school year.


A. Drake Field & Facilities

Mr. Colby reported that he will throw the breaker and lock the box. He will do this after Homecoming Weekend.

Trustees from the Department of Corrections have been doing brush and trail work at Drake Field.

Materials from the dugout project need to be removed and the area cleaned up, according to Mr. Colby.

The Rotary Club may still need to work on tire ruts in various places in the park that could be dangerous or expedite the wearing out of grass.

Mr. Colby suggested that the bathrooms at Drake Field be cleaned on a regular basis. Currently the bathrooms are not in good shape.

Mr. Colby stated his concern for the fact that the athletic director may not have provided input on the field damage after the balloon rally, as was requested by the School Board.

Mr. Colby stated his concern for the conduct and misbehavior witnessed at Drake Field. He further stated that consequences for misconduct should be consistent with what occurs at the school. Mr. Colby reported on an incident when a parent at a soccer game displayed negative behavior toward officials. He suggested that the athletic director maintain a presence close to the
sideline to monitor the behavior of the spectators.

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Discussion ensued regarding the need for a police presence during practices and games. Dr. Freeman stated that he has had two separate conversations with Chief of Police Wharem about increasing the presence of the police at Drake Field.

Dr. Freeman and Mr. Gremlitz will follow up on the issues raised by Mr. Colby. Mr. Brown reminded the administration that arrangements will need to be made for the softball team during construction of the Tilton Hill field. Dr. Freeman will investigate the possibility of having specific times that Drake Field will be open, depending on the season. The possibility of video surveillance may be considered. Mr. Colby suggested that Mr. Gremlitz and Mr. Kilmister utilize available opportunities to educate the students and their families.

B. Finance – None

C. Selectman Liaison – None

D. Budget Representative – None

E. SAU Planning

Mr. Brown stated that the SAU Planning committee provided Dr. Freeman time to get the school year off the ground. Dr. Freeman will come forward with suggestions regarding space allocation for the SAU at a later date.

F. Negotiations

Discussion ensued regarding the timing of negotiations. Decisions need to be made in time for submission at the School District Meeting in March.

G. Drug Awareness – None


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle High School. Agenda items will include Drake Field follow up, free and reduced, tuition rates, and special education percentage.


On a motion made by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m.

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Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary

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