September 7, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Eric Nilsson, (EN), and Don Chase, (DC).


Ted Mitchell: I am trying to get a sign post that I can use by the dam. I have one post and would like to find another one. Do you suppose I could get one from the Highway Department? Board was unsure as to the availability of a sign post at the Highway Department. Mr. Mitchell will check with George.

Close Public Input (6:04 P.M.)


(DM) Deputy Welfare and Deputy Health Director; (EV) Fire Escape – Town Hall, Library Drain/Wall; (FH) Broadway Street Pallet Shop, 34 Main Street, Town Hall Floors; (PS) Rate Case –Pittsfield Aqueduct Company, Brownfields Grant Application – CNHRPC, Columbus Day – Town Hall Employees.


6:00 P.M.: James Snedeker Re: Conditions of License

(PS) This has been cancelled and will not be rescheduled as Mr. Snedeker has met the conditions of his license regarding finishing the fence, which has been completed today.

6:10 P.M.: Tom LaLibertie – Reimbursement Request

(PS) This has also been cancelled as you will note in the E-Mail from Mr. LaLibertie. He has rescheduled for October.


1. 14 Depot Street

(PS) As you will note in the letter to Mr. Aubertin, Board has given him four choices regarding the site. As you may have noticed, some things have been done at the site. It does not appear, though, that he has fulfilled any one of the choices offered by this Board. The question before you is if you would want the Town Attorney to go to court on this for him to do what we would want him to do. We have not received any response from Mr. Aubertin or Atty. Guida.

(FH) He has put wire around the site and cleaned up the brush, and this needs to be kept up. (DM) This should have been done before. He does not maintain the property. He has put up “No Trespassing” signs. (EV) The holes in the fencing look smaller to me. The work has not been completed; he is still working on it. (PS) It looks completed to me. (FH) This is not what I would want.

(EV) We can send a follow-up letter to his attorney if we are okay with what has been done noting that we have seen the “upgrade” and he needs to keep it in this condition. (DM) He needs to keep it maintained. (EV) Board requests should not be ignored. (PS) The letter went out on August 27th and he has until
September 12, 2010 to respond. (EV) We should respond in such a way as to note that we are not happy about being ignored. (DM) Also, it should be noted that the Board does not appreciate his neglect in not responding to our request. We have noticed the improvement, but this is a temporary fix. The property needs to be maintained. (PS) to do at appropriate time.

2. Annual Tax Map Maintenance Contract

(PS) This is the annual tax map contract before you for approval. (EV) This is the same as last year.

(FH) Motion to approve 2011 Tax Map Maintenance Proposal, Cartographic Associates, Inc. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

3. Welfare Lien Tax

(FH) Motion to approve Welfare Lien Tax Map R14, Lot 1. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

4. Action on Tax Deed Properties

(FH) I recommend that we send a letter to each property owner, which by law we have to anyway, to have them come in to discuss a payment plan with the Board. This will move it along quicker. We can offer them each a 15 minute appointment. Board agreed. (PS) to send out letters as soon as possible.

(EV) Board needs to know what to do in advance. We will be spending a great deal of time listening and will have to determine a payment plan prior to their coming in – so much percentage. (FH) The payments should be made within six months because come June another year will be coming up and several are two to three years behind.

(PS) I think sending a letter to each one is a good idea. Something should be phrased within the letter noting that the Board is prepared to enter into an agreement with the property owner for payment but not willing to waive taxes. There should be a response deadline.

5. Selectmen/Town Administrator Goals and Objectives

(FH) I have one regarding the appearance of Town Administrator desk which is full of paperwork. His office should be neat. (PS) That is a fair observation. Board also related goals pertaining to reducing number of Non-Public Sessions, Board of Selectman handbook, upgrading Town Hall including second floor, Town Hall floors, elevator in Town Hall, sidewalks, long range plans for Police Department, Fire Department and moving Highway Department as well as Department Head Evaluations. It was noted that the elevator monies were utilized for roof replacement and that possibly grant monies could be found for this.
(FH) noted that about $50,000 could be put into Town Hall for fixing maybe half of third floor. The elevator would be one third the cost.

6. Fire Escape – Town Hall

(EV) I have given Steve the okay to manufacture the pieces necessary for updating the fire escape at the Town Hall. The issue now is with fastening it to the building which is not part of the contract.

7. Deputy Welfare and Health Director

(DM) noted that Board needs to know if Don Chase is going to continue to take on these positions. A letter should be sent to Mr. Chase to request if he specifically plans on fulfilling these positions. A letter or a phone call should be accomplished and if he does not, the Board will be able to appoint someone else. (PS) to do.

8. Broadway Street Pallet Shop

(FH) There have been two fires down there. The pallets are up against the break line and it is a complete mess down there. We should get hold of the property owner and give him thirty days to clean it up. It is a hazardous area and it costs $200-$300 for each fire. (EV) I agree it is a safety issue. (FH) The office building is part of the property. It is open and people go in and out which should be controlled. It should be cleaned up. It is a health hazard. The debris could all be put in piles and then burned as soon as possible and he could be charged for that service. Snow will be on the ground soon and these are not all new pallets there.

(FH) Motion to go forward with a letter to property owner regarding hazardous safety issues. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

9. Rate Case/Pittsfield Aqueduct Company Re: Attorney Query

(PS) There is information in your packet regarding temporarily raising rates by the Pittsfield Aqueduct Company.

Laura Spector has E-mailed the Board asking how to approach this rate case noting that we have no factual or legal basis to challenge this increase. She is looking to the Board as to how to guide her in this matter.

(DM) I do not see what options we have in this matter. Do they have to prove burden on their business? (FH) From the way I understand this, it is an annual increase. (PS) I will E-mail that the BOS has decided that lacking any factual or legal basis to challenge this increase, the Board agrees to the temporary rate increase.

10. Brownfields Grant Application – E-Mail from CNHRPC

(FH) Motion to approve letter Re: Pittsfield Letter of Commitment; Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission Brownfields Assessment Grant.
(EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

11. 34 Main Street

(FH) There is a serious safety issue there. Property owner needs to put up a fence and we should give him until September 31st to respond. (PS) We can do a similar order as was done for Depot Street rather than involve attorney at this point. It is noted that a letter has been sent to property owner with a date of September 16th for response. (PS) to do order, if necessary.

12. Town Hall Offices Floors

(FH) It would be a lot of work to move everything out of the office, rip up the carpet and then move it back. If we are going to remove it, we should do it at a time when we are going to replace the floors. Putting down tile might be a good idea. (PS) noted that he had sent an E-Mail to Dan but to date has had no response regarding the “prison crew.” This is something that would have to be done on the weekend. (DM) It should not affect the office business. We should get a price on cost for both options – “prison crew” and private vendor. (PS) We needed to remove some of the carpet so that a private vendor can see what is there.

13. Columbus Day

(PS) I have E-mailed the Board concerning the Town Hall employees’ request for Columbus Day. They would like to do the same thing as they have done in the past – close the Town Hall and staff taking a vacation day or floating holiday. (EV) That would mean losing a Monday as a late day for people.

14. Library Wall/Drain

(EV) We now have the materials for drain and will install soon. We will start working on the stone wall as soon as time allows.






(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Manifest. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (EV) Second. Carried 3-0.

(FH) Payroll got a couple calls for manpower.


1. Public Session Minutes of August 31, 2010

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of August 31, 2010.
(DM) Second. After discussion concerning corrections, motion/second amended and Carried 3-0.


(DM) Page 7: Public Input, Line 4 should read – …procedures because emergency response is always different.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of August 31, 2010.



James Theodore: I was wondering if they are going to replace – glue it back on – the pieces of cement on the corners of the handicapped ramp. If they do not, the railing is going to rust out. Also, in the future when they come in with the loader to snowplow, they need to make sure they do not hit the corners. (PS) noted that Mr. Theodore had brought in the pieces and that he had discussed with Building Inspector, Kyle, and he explained that it would not be worth it to glue it back in. It would have to be reframed. Mr. Theodore: The rails are rotted now. (DM) Has George seen the damage? (PS) George and Kyle looked at it. Mr. Theodore: This happened about six months ago. (PS) to check with George. (DM) Please give him the heads up not to come so close to the ramp with the loader.
Mr. Theodore: It was done with the loader and that is a $40,000 ramp.

Mr. Theodore: Is Don Chase living in Town yet? (DM) The Board has sent a letter to Don Chase and we have not heard back to date. He has not attended the last three meetings.

Bob Heroux: “Did you get my message?” I do not want to be here every year to do this. He explained that his wife attempted to register a new motorcycle but the Town Clerk’s office would not do it. She was told she was missing some papers. She had the title and old registration. I have been registering my bike in Town since 2002 and up till last year I never had a problem. We have incompetent people in the Town Clerk’s office and I do not like to deal with one of them. My wife is coming back tomorrow and I do not want her to have any problems.
(DM) What is the reason it couldn’t be registered? Mr. Heroux: It was not in their listing and therefore they could not register it. It is a brand new bike and they could not find the value in the listing. Nancy wanted a bill of sale. It is a 2010 bike. Last year they said I had to sign. I will be sending my wife in tomorrow and want it straightened out. I want my bike registered. (FH) They also had a bike registered recently that was the first one like it registered in New Hampshire and they had a problem with it.

Mr. Heroux: Last year a statement was made that the Town was going to purchase some software to deal with this. Was that ever done? Why am I the only one having a problem with this? You need competent personnel. (DM) Did Nancy tell her to come back tomorrow? Mr. Heroux: “No.” (DM) We have not heard the whole issue. Mr. Heroux: I am frustrated with this.

Mr. Heroux: Who is the Building Inspector? (DM) Daniel Kramer. Mr. Heroux: How far back do his records go? My house was built, plans submitted and approved by the Town in 2001 and I am still having issues. I would like to see some of the paperwork. Mr. Heroux was advised to come in and research whatever records we have.

Close Public Input




(EV) Motion to adjourn. (FH) Second. Carried 3-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:23 P.M.

Approved: September 21, 2010

_____________________________ ______________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded on September 7, 2010, transcribed and publicly posted on September 9, 2010.

Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary

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