September 9, 2008 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting
Minutes of the Josiah Carpenter Library Trustees Meeting

The meeting of the Trustees of the Josiah Carpenter Library was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
In attendance: Director Leslie Vogt, Mary Schelble, Bill Provencal, and Sylvia Wallace

Acceptance of Minutes: The minutes of August 12, 2008 were accepted as printed.

Old Business:
Meeting with Town of Pittsfield Trustees: Bill spoke with Kara since our meeting with the Town of Pittsfield Trustees. He stated we were earning 2.28% interest at present with no terms. We can put money in or out at any time. He said Kara didn’t recommend pooling money with town funds at this time. At present our $35,000 plus interest earned is in the NHPDIP account. After discussion, the motion was made by to leave the $35,000 plus interest presently accrued in the NHPDIP general account until further review. It was seconded by Bill and approved.
A second motion was made by Sylvia to have 50% of any interest earned beginning in 2009 be dispursed to the Library, and 50% remain in the investment vehicle we have. The motion was seconded by Bill and approved.

New Hampshire History Collection: Leslie has not received a reply from PHS Library about the NH History collection so she assumes they are not interested in holding it. Bill will find out if the PHS (Pittsfield Historical Society) wants the collection. If Leslie finds copies that are rare in New Hampshire she will offer them to the State Library.

Draft Budget 2009 Review: This was discussed.

The Director’s report was discussed. Leslie may propose adjusting hours again.
She would like to have the following hours:
M-W 2-7 p.m.
Th 10 a.m. –6 p.m. (story hour at 10 a.m.)
Sat. 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
The Board discussed and approved this change. Leslie will send the Board a new schedule and revise the narrative to the draft to the Selectmen.

The treasurer’s report was discussed. Bill made the motion we accept the Director’s report as modified and the treasurer’s report as printed. It was seconded by Sylvia and approved.

New Business:
Building repair projects for 2009: Mary attended the planning board meeting when they discussed the capital improvement plan for the Library. This was discussed briefly.
The high priority repair projects decided by the Board for 2009 are 1) insulation, 2) take care of the bat problem, and 3) new windows ( should this not be done under capital improvement).

Nomination of a custodian: Leslie nominated Rick Anthony for the custodian position and suggested a starting wage of $10.00 per hour. He would work a seven hour week. Bill made the motion we hire Rick Anthony at $10.00 per hour. It was seconded by Sylvia and approved.
The question was brought up on whether we need a security check done. Rick has had two done already in recent years. The Board agreed it wasn’t necessary. Rick will begin immediately.
Leslie brought up the possibility of having a back up person on the payroll to fill in for Rick in a pinch. This was discussed and the Board had no problem with it.

Miscellaneous: Budget Committee meeting will be Oct. 22 at 7:00. The Selectmen budget review is Sept. 30 at 6:05.

The next meeting will be on October 14, 2008 at 6:30 p.m.
Tentatively there will be no meeting in November due to a holiday and personal conflicts.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Sylvia Wallace, Secretary