Thursday, May 7, 2009 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise
Leslie Vogt
Ross Morse
Michael Wolfe
Kathy Corliss

Others Present: Dr. John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Rick Gremlitz, Principal, PMHS
Jeff DeLois, Assistant Principal, PMHS
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.


There were no changes made to the agenda.


A motion was made by Mr. Morse and seconded by Ms. Corliss to approve the minutes of April 2, 2009. Mr. Kilmister asked to have “Mr. Turner” on page 3, changed to “Mr. Taylor.” The motion passed with Ms. Vogt, Ms. Paradise, and Mr. Morse voting in the affirmative and Ms. Corliss and Mr. Wolfe abstaining from the vote.

On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of April 13, 2009.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of April 16, 2009 with Ms. Paradise, Mr. Morse, Mr. Wolfe, and Ms. Vogt voting in the affirmative and Ms. Corliss abstaining from the vote.



A. Presentation

Ms. Susan Bradley, our out-of-district coordinator, provided the School Board with a summary of the services that are being provided to the students who are placed outside the district. She explained that the placements are made by teams who engage in a very thoughtful process. Ms. Bradley explained that students can be placed in three ways including, 1) the Court, due to the removal of children from homes by the Division of Children, Youth, and Families; 2) the Court, due to delinquency matters; and 3) the district, due to the inability of the district to provide a free, appropriate, public education within the district. She continued by explaining the concepts of “least restrictive environment” and a required “continuum of services.” The basis of the placement decision is always the best interest of the individual student.

Ms. Bradley reported further about her personal experiences while case managing students placed out of district. She reported that the money that is being spent for students in out of district placements is well spent. Appropriate educational experiences are being provided and close supervision by district personnel is being provided.

Ms. Chassie explained the funding sources for out of district placements, including Chapter 402 for court ordered placements and Catastrophic Aid for district placements.

Dr. Freeman commended Ms. Bradley for her work in managing the programs for the students placed out of district.


A. Residency

Mr. Kilmister presented a letter from a parent requesting a waiver of the residency requirement for her daughter through the end of the school year. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board unanimously approved to waive the residency requirement through the end of the current school year.

B. Title I Morning Kindergarten

Mr. Kilmister explained that he is exploring the possibility of providing a full-day Kindergarten program for ten qualified incoming five-year olds. He is working with Chris Teague, the Title I project manager, to look further at this option. Discussion ensued regarding the advantages and disadvantages of a full-day Kindergarten program. Space for the program was discussed with consideration of the preschool program.

Mr. Kilmister reported that on May 21, 2009, Chris Teague and Mike Curtin will attend a three-hour Department of Education session for new schools that have been deemed in need of improvement as a result of student performance on the fall 2008 NECAP tests.


A. Department of Education On-Site Visitation

Mr. Gremlitz reported that on April 29, 2009, five Department of Education officials visited PMHS for the purpose of assessing the school’s adherence to the state standards for public school approval. The visitation was successful, in the opinion of Mr. Gremlitz. A report will follow in approximately three weeks.

Dr. Freeman stated that this visit was indicative of a change in the process for school approval. The Department of Education has modified the process to include random on-site visits to schools seeking renewal of approval status at this time and the eventual approval occurring every three years with on-site visits to all schools.

B. Scheduling

Mr. Gremlitz explained that the scheduling of middle high school classes for next year is underway. Kiza Armour and Leslie Bergevin attended a four-day session on building the master schedule with the new software, PowerSchool. Mr. Gremlitz explained some of the minor changes that were implemented in order to accommodate the scheduling process.

Discussion ensued regarding the assignment of teachers to Advisories, modifications to the meeting of teams (i.e. 9th grade core team and middle school team), sharing of teachers between middle and high school, and a change from a block schedule in some middle school subject areas.

C. Mr. Mitchell on Chronicle

Mr. Gremlitz reported that PMHS Art Teacher Bill Mitchell is appearing on tonight’s edition of the television program Chronicle in an interview featuring his artwork and studio.

D. Graduation

Mr. Gremlitz explained that plans are underway to have the graduation ceremony take place outdoors. Also, this year’s graduation will feature a new tradition of having the faculty and staff of PMHS and PES marching in academic gowns.


A. 2009 Special Education Teacher of Year

Ms. Chassie reported that Sheila Ward, high school special education teacher, has been named the 2009 Special Education Teacher of the Year award by the Council for Exceptional Children. She will be recognized at the NH Excellence in Education Awards Ceremony on June 13, 2009.

B. IDEA Part B and Preschool Grant

Ms. Chassie explained that there is a difference in the amounts of money being granted to the district through the federal special education grant program. There will be an approximate $5,000 increase in the Part B allocation and an approximate $3,000 decrease in the preschool allocation. Reasons for the change have yet to be determined.

C. Summer School Information Night

An information night was offered on May 6, 2009, for parents of students attending the summer school program. No parents participated. It is the feeling of the administration that the program has become familiar to parents, and they are provided an opportunity for questions to be answered at the spring parent-teacher conferences.


A. PES Walkway Paving

Dr. Freeman presented bids from six bidders for this project. Funds for this project – $25,000 – are encumbered in our current budget. A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse to award the bid for paving the PES walkways to Clairmont Paving. Dr. Freeman stated that Tom Merrill, the head custodian at PES, would oversee the work. The motion was approved unanimously.

B. Policies, Second Reading

Dr. Freeman brought forward two draft proposals for the second reading: Policy ILBA, Assessment of Educational Programs and Policy JLDBA, Behavior Management and Intervention. On a motion made by Ms. Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, the Board unanimously adopted proposed Policy ILBA, Assessment of Educational Programs, and Policy JLDBA, Behavior Management and Intervention.

C. Policies, First Reading

Dr. Freeman brought forward several policies for the first reading that included both proposed revisions and proposed new policies: Policy AC, Non-Discrimination; Policy CA, Administrative Goals; Policy CB, School Superintendent; Policy CFB, Building Principals’ Evaluation; Policy CLA, Treatment of Outside Reports; Policy GBAA, Sexual Harassment and Violence; Employees, Policy GBEBD, Employee Use of Social Networking Websites; Policy JBAA, Sexual Harassment and Violence – Students; Policy JIC, Student Conduct; Policy JICD, Student Conduct, Discipline, and Due Process; Policy JICD-R, Memorandum of Understanding; Policy JICDD, Student Discipline; Policy JICK, Student Safety and Violence Prevention; Policy JIH, Searchers of Students and Their Property; Policy JIH-R – Searches of Students; Policy JIHB, Searches of Student Automobiles on School Property; Policy JIHB-R, Searches of Student Automobiles on School Property (form), and Policy KF, Use of School Buildings and Facilities.

A motion was made by Ms.Vogt and seconded by Mr. Wolfe, to approve the above listed policies for the first reading. Suggestions were made to Dr. Freeman for further consideration before the second reading and finalization. The motion carried unanimously.

D. Superintendent Performance Review

Dr. Freeman provided the Board with a proposed performance evaluation. He asked the Board to consider the format and make any changes that they viewed as appropriate. Discussion ensued regarding the rating scale and the time of year that the evaluation is completed. Dr. Freeman was asked to revise the evaluation using a five-point scoring system and altering the calendar of events.

E. Substitute Nurse Compensation

Dr. Freeman explained that the current per diem rate for substitutes is $60. A survey of local nurse staffing surveys revealed an hourly rate of $40-45 for LPNs and RNs. He recommended no change to the rate due to the cooperation of the current school nurses in the event of absence and the proximity of the two schools. The Board took no action.

F. Health Insurance Options

Per an agreement between the School Board and the EAP, information is being presented regarding alternatives for health care insurance. Representatives from Primex recently presented information on health insurance options. Representatives from SchoolCare will be presenting on Tuesday, May 12, 2009. Dr. Freeman distributed the information provided by Primex. Teachers have been invited to these presentations.

G. Facilities Projects

Dr. Freeman will provide the Board with information regarding current facilities projects, current balances, and estimates of available facilities funds in our FY10 budget at the next meeting.

H. SAU Office Relocation

Dr. Freeman distributed floor plans representing two possible proposals for the SAU office relocating to the bottom floor of the Industrial Arts building. He asked for the Board’s authorization to continue conversations with the architect, which they provided.

I. Non-Public Sessions

Clarification was provided on the reasons the Board would likely go into a non-public session.

J. Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition

Dr. Freeman stated that the semi-monthly meeting of the PDAC met with Chairperson Dan Ward, Select person Denise Morin, Chief Robert Wharem, PYW Director Zach Powers, and Superintendent John Freeman.

K. Staff Meeting with School Board

Dr. Freeman explained that EAP President Kiza Armour asked about resuming a past practice of having School Board members meet with faculty and staff. He suggested considering a regular schedule for next year.

The administrators are planning a pot luck lunch on Friday, June 19, 2009. School Board members are cordially invited to join the lunch and mingle with staff.

L. Breaking Ranks

Dr. Freeman distributed a copy to each Board member of Breaking Ranks II: Strategies for Leading High School Reform. He explained that the book will be used for a book study with the District Leadership Team this summer.

M. PES School Approval

Dr. Freeman announced that the Commissioner has approved the Board’s proposal for alternative compliance of state standards for PES school approval.

N. Negotiations

Ms. Vogt asked Dr. Freeman to schedule meetings to begin the process of negotiating the next contract with the EAP.

O. Investigation

Dr. Freeman reported on the status of a recent investigation of a student complaint.


A. Drake Field & Facilities

Mr. Wolfe expressed concern about the field between the two schools. It is being used extensively due to the closing of the Tilton Hill field.

B. Budget Representation

The Budget Committee has been asked to change their July meeting date to accommodate the Board meeting and to facilitate the transmittal of the quarterly expenditure report.

C. Negotiating Team

Dr. Freeman will make the arrangements for negotiating training for Board members with the New Hampshire School Boards Association.


The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 21, 2009 at 5:30 at the Pittsfield Middle High School. Agenda items will include policy readings, SAU relocation plans, facility improvement plan, and an update on teacher evaluations.

XII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session) – None


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Morse, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary