April 13, 2005 Minutes


April 13, 2005

Approved May 11, 2005

Place : Josiah Carpenter Library
Time: 6:45 P.M.

Date: April 13, 2005

Attendance: Joan Osborne, Bob Lemer, Mary Schelble, and Director Leslie Vogt

Acceptance of Minutes: Mary moved, Joan Seconded

Director’s Report:

PSNH miscalculations on software by subcontractor; we hope to meet PSNH in May

Ricky Davis has not called; Irving will be here anyway, they’ll do vents

Harry Pike is working well, computers are hooked up.

Bob to write up a letter of appreciation to former custodian; also a letter to go to Carole Richardson with a $50 gift certificate from Gateway

Similar quotes from Absolute ($669) and Dell ($778) for similar services. Discussion and decision to go with Dell, Moved by Bob, seconded by Mary

Bid Discussion –

Some corrections (e.g., ‘demolition’ removed), Historical Society might use old bookshelves We want an end date for repairs, replacement; might close library if everything came together, also might use basement while upstairs being fixed Director to get bids by May meeting

Treasurer’s Report:

We are on budget
Town meeting approved library budget


Joan as Chairperson, moved by Bob, seconded by Mary

Bob as Treasurer moved by Joan, seconded by Mary

Mary as Secretary moved by Joan, seconded by Bob


1. Remind Peter Tobin of the repairs to containers

2. Small grant with PYW, check coming in for $1700, public hearing required, will include other gifts and donations

3. Prison can do bookshelves for a good price, but it will take some time.

4. One year trustee goals – implement lighting, painting, carpets, bookcase…renovation, replacement, etc.

5. Next meeting: May 11

Adjournment: 7:50 P.M. – «

Respectfully submitted, Bob Lemer, Secretary