April 15, 2014 Minutes

April 15, 2014

Present: Chair Dana Sansom, Treasurer Nancy Fogg, Secretary J.C. Allard, Library Director Beverly Pietlicki,
William Tahnk, Resident

Meeting Convened: at 7:30pm by Chair Dana Sansom

Acceptance of Minutes: March 18, 2014 minutes reviewed and accepted with changes. (Nancy/Dana)

Old Business: Motion made and seconded to recommend to the Select Board William Tahnk for a one year term as Alternate Trustee. (Nancy/Jim) Motion carried. Secretary will draft a letter to the Select Board.
Motion made and seconded “to change existing policies to permit compensating library staff for any enforced closure of the facility” such as snow storms or other emergency shutdowns. Staff to be compensated at their regular rate and hours. (Nancy/Jim) Motion carried.

Motion made and seconded to table further consideration of future conference fees and compensatory payments to staff for attending conferences until budget discussions in August. (Nancy/Dana) Motion carried.

Motion made and seconded to pay a $30 membership fee for NHLTA for the designated alternate upon approval by the Select Board. (Nancy/Dana) Motion carried. Further discussion assigned seminar groups for the attendees at the upcoming May 19th NHLTA conference in Concord.

Update relating to the building committee informed the Trustees that the town has moved out to bid previously discussed upgrades and improvements required for the lower library level.
The Chair noted that progress is being made and that the facility is now closer to resuming full operations.

Director’s & Treasurer’s Reports: The reports were accepted as presented.

New Business: Motion made and seconded to use any remaining grant funds from the “$1,500 Globe Grant” to purchase additional books and audio books. (Jim/Nancy) Motion carried.

Trustee Allard appointed as the liaison to the “Friends of the Library “group.

Discussion of Adult Reading Program deferred until the regular May meeting.

Miscellaneous: The Director informed those present that the AED device requires $38 worth of additional “pads” to keep the device current.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn made and seconded. (Nancy/Dana) Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:59:30.

Policy Subcommittee Meeting: No meeting was scheduled

Next Monthly Meeting: May 20, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Submitted by J.C. Allard, Secretary