April 5, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting
ITEM 1. Call to Order
Planning Board meeting called to order at 7:02 P.M. on April 5, 2007 by
Eric Bahr, Chairman.
ITEM 2. Roll Call
Members Present: Eric Bahr (EB), Chairman, Bill Miskoe (BM) Vice-
Chairman, Rich Hunsberger (RH), Paul Metcalf, Jr. (PM), Dan Greene
(DG), Arthur Morse (AM), Alternate Selectman Ex Officio, and Delores
Fritz, Recording Secretary.
ITEM 3. A hearing with respect to an application for a Voluntary Lot
Merger filed by Heidi R. and Jeff S. Knight, 56 Tilton Hill Road, Pittsfield,
NH 03263 of property located at 56 Tilton Road (Tax Map U-1, Lot 19) and
Tilton Hill Road (Tax Map U1-Lot 18A), Pittsfield, NH 03263. These
properties are owned by Heidi R. and Jeff S. Knight, 56 Tilton Hill Road,
Pittsfield, NH 03263. These properties are located in the Suburban Zone.
(EB) recused himself and was seated in the audience.
Applicants were not present.
(RH) requested tax cards. (BM) related that Tax Map U-1, Lot 19 displayed
a residence on it and Tax Map U-1, 18A indicated one home site vacant .23
acres. (RH) I think we can approve the lot merger as it appears to be a
conforming rather than a non-conforming lot merger.
(RH) Motion to approve the lot merger. (DG) Second.
(AM) For what purpose would you approve this lot merger without applicant
telling you why and just by looking at the tax cards and application? (RH)
indicated applicant does not need reason why it should be done. The only
reason I would question is if it was non-conforming. I can withdraw my
Motion, but I don’t see any reason for it. (BM) felt it would set a bad
precedent to approve without applicant present. (RH) withdrew his Motion
to approve lot merger and (DG) withdrew his second.
(RH) Motion to continue hearing to date certain of April 19, 2007 when
applicant be present or a detailed letter is received as to why lot merger
needs to take place. (DG) Second. Carried 4-0.
(EB) returned and was seated on the Board.
ITEM 4. A hearing for a non-binding Conceptual Plan of a four-lot
frontage subdivision on North Road in Epsom, NH 03234 and Barton Road,
Pittsfield, NH 03263. The subdivision would be in Epsom, NH. Two of the
parcels will have access from Barton Road and are only accessible from
Barton Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263. This property is located in the Rural
(EB) related that though his is a hearing for a non-binding Conceptual Plan,
applicant is entitled to have a full Board. Do you wish to continue? Tom
True, True Engineering indicated he would like to continue.
Mr. True offered maps of the planned subdivision for review by Board. The
Board discussed easement, setting, berns, driveways, right of way, and road.
(BM) Pittsfield’s major concern would be if major subdivision should occur,
and then road would need upgrading. Mr. True related that he could not
speak for applicant, but presently the subdivision involved only two houses
via access from Barton Road. He related that it could be noted on plans that
if there was going to be more than two lots that applicant would have to
come back before Board. (BM) wanted to know, “How does road get
maintained?” Right now there is only one house in that area, Osborne
house. Mr. True was unsure how/who maintained road.
(EB) related that this hearing is only informational, and Board member
could contact Epsom and go to meeting. (AM) suggested George take a
look at plans first. (RH) related he had checked with Epsom and they were
unsure of how maintenance worked on that road. (AM) related that it was
probably a “gentleman’s agreement” Since there will be more traffic on the
road, at least George should be given a chance to make recommendations.
(BM) related that he would contact George tomorrow on this. (RH) related
his main concern was the upgrading of the road. We need to clarify who
maintains road. Mr. True related that if the road had to be upgraded, this
would only be a benefit to the Town.
(DG) Motion to send letter to Town of Epsom and True Engineering that
hearing on this matter could go forward once plans have been reviewed by
Pittsfield Highway Department. (BM) Second. It was noted that any
recommendations made by George should be included in this letter.
(EB) reiterated that this is not an approval to do anything. (AM) related if
George does not approve, letter should not be issued. Board agreed.
Carried 5-0
ITEM 5 Approval of Minutes of March 1 and March 15, 2007.
(DG) Motion to approve Minutes of March 1, 2007. (BM) Second. Carried
3-0. (AM) Abstain.
(BM) Motion to approve Minutes of March 15, 2007. (DG) Second.
Carried 3-0. (AM) Abstain.
ITEM 6. Selectman’s Report
(AM) related that John Lenaerts had been appointed as Selectman Ex Officio
and he was the alternate. I will be unable to attend all meetings and will not
be attending classes, but will do my best to keep up with what is going on.
ITEM 7. Old Business
(EB) related that the Electrical Permit has been issued on 12 Broadway
(Jensen) so the clock has been set for 60 more days.
(EB) related that Tony Puntin is available to be here on May 17th should it be
necessary to continue the hearing on April 19th. According to the Building
Inspector, it looks like the rest of the stuff from Stagecoach has been done.
(BM) related that Tony Puntin has two concerns with regard to AHG, which
we will take up at that time.
(EB) related that the Office of Energy and Planning Conference is coming
up should anyone be interested in attending.
ITEM 7 Old Business
(EB) mentioned that Planning Board needs four new members. Peter
Newell is not re-upping but has advised he will serve until a replacement is
found as will Dave Simpson, who is also currently an alternate. Board
discussed how future election would take place for Board members, whether
all members are replaced at once or staggered. (EB) related that he would
get some clarification on this. Board of Selectman will be dealing with this
on April 24th.
(BM) noted that since there is only one member in the audience, if he would
like to add anything to meeting.
Chris Conlen related that he potentially would like to serve as alternate to
the Board. He related that John Lenaerts had talked him into this and he was
wondering if there was any service or job description available that he could
(BM) related that there is no such thing. (DG) related that there are ongoing
education programs that he could participate in. (BM) explained how
attendance as an alternate worked, recusal and if seated, follow through,
days and times of meeting, and voting powers. (EB) explained that that
there was a fair amount of on-the-job training. He related that we have
contracts with outside firms and often have them make recommendations,
suggestions. He explained that Board members are not professional
Planners and they were just trying to do the best for Pittsfield.
ITEM 9. Adjournment
(BM) Motion to Adjourn. (DG) Second. Carried 4-0.
Approved:April 19, 2007
_______________________ ____________________
Eric Bahr, Chairman Date