April 6, 2014 Minutes

Pittsfield Beautification Committee
April 6, 2013

The Committee met at Town Hall.

Carole opened the meeting at 6:32 pm.

Members Present: Carole, Tina, Jason, Ted, Nancy, Carol, Nicole, and Gail

Members Absent: Dawn and Paula

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of September 2013 and October 2013 meetings were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Tina gave a review of our balance, recent receipts and expenditures. Nancy will again distribute and collect from the retail collection boxes.

New Business: There was a brief discussion concerning 2014 Earth Day. We are waiting to hear back from the school Coordinator to see if anything is needed from the Committee. As of now, we know the students will clean up the Aranosian and Washington House lots as part of the overall Town clean up.

There was a preliminary discussion about the Town Wide yard sale and whether or not we should move our booth to a Rte 28 location. Carol will check with Kathy Bleckmann to see if maps will be available this year and who we should speak to if we wanted to move our location.

Nicole will once again distribute the requests for donation for the sponsored gardens. She suggested that starting next year we utilize Google docs to make it easier on everyone. The Women of the Rotary has already made their contribution.

As soon as their available, which is expected to be in a couple of weeks, Nicole, Jason and Ted will plant pansies in the median gardens. Nicole has been authorized to purchase the plants.

Both Ted and Nicole gave wonderful presentations of their visions for the Aranosian Lot. Both had handouts for Committee members, who will review them and discuss more in depth at the May meeting. Nicole stated that Pittsfield Listens and PYW as well as other civic organizations are eager to find out more and contribute to the project. Carole will begin the preliminary discussions with the Aranosian family.

Next Meeting and Adjournment:

Our next meeting will be Monday, May 5th at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall.

The meeting adjourned at 8:26 pm.