April 9, 2014 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
April 9, 2014

1. Meeting opened at 5:36.

2. Attendees: Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS), Paul Sherwood (PSh),
Susan Muenzinger (SM), Donna Ward (DW), and Ellen Barbasso (EB).

3. Minutes for March 14, 2014 were accepted and approved.

4. Rustic Crust
A. Have temporary site at the AMENICO building
B. Had a dry-run on Tuesday April 8.
C. They are waiting for 2 ovens

5. Lancor
A. They currently have two locations, in Tamworth and Manchester
B. They are looking to consolidate and are looking at several locations
C. TM sent them a packet of information about Pittsfield

A. They have a project list, the information did not get to the Selectmen’s list, so
Pittsfield did not make the deadline of April 15 to get added to it.
B. Some ideas include:
1. Forming a combined center for police, fire department and rescue
2. Upgrade the Community Center-upgrade fire suppression system and add a CO2 detector
3. NEMO-help with a welding school
4. Sewage Treatment plant does not have any projects yet, but may have something by our next

7. Pittsfield Agriculture
A. Conservation Commission was at a meeting in Laconia on organic farming
B. We have serveral people in Pittsfield and nearby towns who grow their own food
C. We may be able to set up some type of co-op for the area
D. Sage Wellness and other businesses may be interested in starting something
E. The EDC may be able to set up a forum to see how many people and businesses would be

8. All Board meeting will be in May
A. 3 possible dates: May 17, May 24 (Memorial Day weekend), May 31 or June 7
B. Focus will be on Vision for the town
C. It is in the Master Plan, but we need to make it known to the community

9. CCS (part of Pittsfield Listens) invited EDC to a meeting on Thursday April 17
A. We can tell the community what we are doing
B. Discuss how the community can help us
C. Ted M and Donna W said they would be able to go to the meeting.

10. Next EDC meeting will be April 23, 2014 at 5:30 P.M.

11. Meeting closed at 6:19 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ted Mitchell, Chairman
Minutes taken by: Ellen Barbasso, Secretary