August 16, 2011 Minutes (w/attachments)

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:00 P.M.,


Ed Vien (EV), Chairman, Denise Morin (DM), Vice-Chairman, (Arrival at
5:32 P.M.) Fred Hast (FH), Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.

(EV) Ms. Morin will be a little late tonight.




(FH) Assessment.


1. 5:05 P.M.: George Sansoucy

(FH) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (d). (GL) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 5:02 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 6:08 P.M.

(FH) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of August 16, 2011.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.
Break at 6:10 P.M. Board Resumed at 6:14 P.M.


Dan Schroth: I have been talking to Ed Vien recently about my concerns about the budget for 2012 and he suggested that I put this into a letter which I am going to read into the Minutes tonight. (See Attachment.) I would like the Board’s comments afterwards because I have submitted this letter to the paper and I intend to write a second letter. (Mr. Schroth read the letter into the Minutes.)

(EV) I suggested Dan put this in writing. I feel to put an actual percentage on the budget cuts, that I can’t really do that. Last year we cut everywhere we could.
Mr. Schroth: What are you going to be telling the Department Heads? (EV) I would tell them to come in at the lowest they can. The lines have been cut as deep as possible and now the only thing left is cutbacks. (FH) We have cut everything we can. The Department Heads are cutting back. If we can cut the budget, that’s good but cutting staff is not really necessary. (GL) Until I get to look at the budget, I don’t know where we can cut. Mr. Schroth: We are going to have to cut into jobs with the insurance and benefits. Where is it going to end?

Jim Theodore: In the real world, I got a raise this year. These people do a fine job and if we do not recognize them and their efforts, then we will lose them. They are valuable to me.

Paul Richardson: I have a couple of questions. The Building Inspector Department purchased a $622 code book and is sharing it with another town. Where are the code books now? (FH) They are here in the Town Hall and also on the computer. Mr. Richardson: The Town Hall sign is missing. (FH) It is in the Building Inspector’s office. It has to be re-glued and needs some screws to secure it. (EV) It will be back up soon.

Maurice Wells: He explained that when he was involved in the Sewer Committee that Scott Aubertin had cut off various pieces of a pipe for a resident that was having sewer issues and asked if the Town could pick up some of the sewer costs for this individual. Also, the Pittsfield Players hooked up to the old sewer, did Town pay to hook them up? (EV) noted that they would look into it.
Mr. Wells: At a cost of $4,000, Town should pick up half.

Close Public Input (6:25 P.M.)


(PS) The 6:30 P.M. appointment with John Lenaerts has been cancelled by Mr. Lenaerts.


1. Letter from Ethics Committee Chairman

Merrill Vaughan: I have sent three letters to the Town Administrator, but addressing the letter dated August 8, 2011. Under No. 4, first bullet, I would like to eliminate that altogether. At the time the letter was written, we only had three members and now we have five members plus a secretary. We want the Ethics Committee to continue as is. We are going to work on “tweaking” the application and also the procedures. We would like to “press forward” as is. (EV) So you do not want to suspend the Ethics Committee but continue as is. We as a Board do not have the authority to suspend the Ethics Committee. (FH) You have a full Board now? Mr. Vaughan: Yes, there is myself, Patrick Holland, Larry Konopka, Dan Schroth, potentially Tom Hitchcock who will probably be approved and Hank Fitzgerald as a non-voting secretary.

Larry Konopka: We are going to review and revise the policies and procedures using the LGC a lot to work on it and then eventually present to Town Counsel when it is done. (FH) So there will be no more “goof ups?” Dan Schroth: We did not goof up. (FH) As long as you know what you are doing. Dan Schroth: We are getting beat up about this and I do not like it. People have been taking it out on the Chairman because they do not like it and I do not like that.

Ethics Training: Mr. Vaughan: Ed, you got my letter regarding training? (EV) Yes. Mr. Vaughan: I need your help regarding this. (EV) Yes, we will schedule the training. Mr. Vaughan: I would like to have one training session for newly elected and newly appointed officials. (EV) We will do that.

(DM) I would like to state for the record, how the code is written is important. The Ethics Committee is a powerful board in regard to people’s reputations. I would not like to see people treated unfairly. I wrote a letter to The Sun because I was upset about the Ethics Committee and how they held their past meetings. For a Public Hearing, advance notice is important so that people know what it is for and when and it is important that the Ethics Committee does that.

(DM) The second issue is that you were surprised to see me at the Public Meeting. Why? Mr. Vaughan: I erred at that meeting and made a mistake. You mentioned protecting people’s reputation – what the Ethics Committee hears stops with us. There was one person who is no longer with the Ethics Committee who “leaked information” and that person has resigned. (DM) You think that it may have damaged someone’s reputation? Mr. Vaughan: That is not my job. My job is to research the information and determine if it goes forward and then find the results.
(DM) If you will recall, I recommended that I leave, but you invited me into the Non-Public Session. Mr. Vaughan: That was my fault. (DM) I would like to thank you for admitting that; “it takes a good person to do that.”

(GL) Regarding the training, how does that work? Mr. Vaughan explained how the process worked in reference to the Code of Ethics. (EV) noted that this information can be found on the Website.

2. Transfer from Various Retirement Accounts to Highway Department
Paving and Reconstruction

(PS) As the Board may recall, the Board transferred funds from the Highway Department Paving and Reconstruction account to various retirement accounts. The Retirement Board has again changed and adopted new employee rates which are less than those adopted prior to July 1st. The transfer no longer has purpose and we need to reverse that transaction and put it back into the Highway Department Paving and Reconstruction account.

(FH) Motion to transfer $11,493 from the various retirement accounts to the Highway Department Paving and Reconstruction account. (GL) Second.
Carried 5-0.

3. Transfer from Highway Department Paving & Reconstruction to Ambulance Health Insurance

(PS) The Board previously reduced the Ambulance Budget rather than positions and there is a shortage of $10,000 for health insurance. He explained that he had delineated this in a previous Memo noting that the $50,000 was earmarked for use in other parts of the budget and also postponed the purchase of a police cruiser till the end of the year if the funds were needed elsewhere. (FH) I thought the $50,000 was in reserve for the Highway Department for the end of the year. He related that he would like to see the Memo again.

(DM) Motion to transfer $10,000 from the Highway Department Paving and Reconstruction line to Ambulance Health Insurance. (EV) Second.

Discussion: (PS) If we do not move these funds, the Ambulance Department will be over extended by $10,000. Board can consider reducing workforce. (EV) We discussed this in great detail a few months ago and we are doing exactly what we said we would do. (PS) The first obligation of the Board of Selectmen is to not over extend the budget. (FH) That is why we did what we did. (GL) I would like to table this till next meeting. (PR) agreed.

(DM) Withdraw motion. (EV) Withdraw Second.

(PR) Motion to table transfer from Highway Department Paving and Reconstruction line to Ambulance Health Insurance ($10,000) till next meeting. (GL) Second. Carried 3-2 (DM) & (EV).

4. Transfer from Drug Awareness Expendable Trust to General Fund

(GL) What was the training for? (PS) Training was for Crime Prevention through Environmental Design for Trainers.

(FH) Motion to approve transfer from Drug Awareness expendable Trust to General Fund ($990.) (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Transfer from General Fund to Conservation Fund

(FH) Motion to approve transfer of $9.00 from General Fund to Conservation Fund. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Microphone Addition for Meeting Room

Recording Secretary noted that this microphone would assist in the clarity of auditory responses by individuals in the audience.

(FH) Motion to approve $125 for purchase of additional microphone for meeting room. (GL) Second. Carried 3-2 (DM) & (EV).

7. Tilton Hill Property/Retention by the Town.(Requested by Fred Hast)

(FH) We need to get that property cleaned up. We could request State Prisoners to come here, rent a dumpster, clean it up and sort it out. We could recycle the metal. (PS) This is tax deeded property acquired this year. The Town could retain this property as recommended by George Bachelder because it allows access to the baseball fields with the kids not having to walk in the street. (FH) We need to first clean it up to determine what the property looks like and do it before the snow flies. (PS) The occupants had until the end of July to remove personal items but the property is now occupied by someone other than the owner which may require intervention by Town counsel. (EV) We first need full access to the property with no one residing on the property.

(GL) Motion to authorize Town Administrator to contact Town Counsel to assist in removing occupant from property. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

8. Welfare Lien Tax Map R53, Lot 11

(FH) Motion to approve Welfare Lien Tax Map R53, Lot 11. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

9. MS-1 Extension Request Form

(PS) The MS-1 is a summary of inventory of value in Town which is to be submitted by September 1st. We are currently waiting information from the DRA which we require prior to submission and therefore, the need for extension.

(DM) Motion to approve MS-1 Extension request. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

10. MS-4 Authorization to Sign

(PS) The MS-4 form is estimated revenues which has been reviewed by Cara and myself and are accurate. One item I changed was Line 3220 from $450,000 to $430,000 because I believe people are not purchasing new cars as much as previously.

(DM) Motion to approve MS-4 and authorize Paul Skowron to sign.
PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

11. Gravel Pit – Firearm Discharge

(PS) This is on the Agenda after attendance by several Board members site walk on Sunday, August 7th around the gravel pit. Two Board members attended (EV) and (PR) as well as Chief Wharem and several abutters.

(EV) The main concerns by abutters were the safety issues and the amount of shooting that occurs. It was noted that a backstop could be made (PR – hopefully out of old, unused telephone poles as discarded by Public Service), control who uses the gravel pit and whether it should be posted as to times of use, authorized use and “No Hunting.” (EV) “I would not like to see it posted. (PR) Maybe we can come up with a happy medium regarding posting. (GL) What about police usage? I would like to have Chief Wharem come and discuss with us. (EV) I have a problem with posting as NO HUNTING on Town land. (GL) I would not like to restrict hunting there either. (EV) Why don’t we slowly initiate some of these steps and see what helps. (FH) As far as allowing other towns use of the gravel pit, many surrounding towns offer mutual aid and I do not think we should limit it. Those towns that supply us with mutual aid should be able to use it.
(EV) There are really only two abutters. I think we should ask the Police Chief to come next time and discuss. (PS) will request Chief Wharem be present at next Board meeting.

12. Parade Permit/PMHS Booster Club

(PR) Motion to approve Parade Permit for PMHS Booster Club. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

13. Status of Building Inspector Search

(PS) There are four to six applications available for your review and if you would like to review them we could then discuss and decide which individuals you would like to schedule for interviews.

(PS) I have had an inquiry from Selectman Rogers regarding Fred Okrent participating in the Building Inspector process as far as certifications. In the past Fred Okrent has been asked and complied with making simple inspections for permits. (PR) I am wondering if he is “qualified” since he has no certification and I had wanted to discuss with the Board to use or not use him in this capacity.
(PS) Kyle Parker is now here through September 9th with the exception of a few days and is available by phone if necessary. Information can be relayed to him by phone, if necessary, and he will respond accordingly. He will be physically here on August 29th and 31st, 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. and perhaps a few days in September.

(PR) HSA is really not a part of the Town and BOS is not part of the HSA but in the meantime we will be utilizing Kyle and I know that the Fire Chief is also qualified as well for some inspections. (FH) Fred Okrent is qualified.
(PR) Fred, you are the Deputy Building Inspector and the only person that should step in. (PS) I have discussed this with Fred and he may be available to do several but is not available on a regular basis. (PR) We now have Kyle, Paul Richardson could be involved as well as Paul Colby but we should stay away from Fred Okrent. (FH) I asked Kyle to do a simple inspection and Kyle did not get to it. (EV) As long as we have these people, we do not need to utilize Fred Okrent, maybe just helping with the computer input.

Board agreed they would review submitted applications and determine interviews.

14. Suncook River Appointments Requested for River Nomination

(PS) The CNHRPC has requested representatives be selected from Towns adjacent to the Suncook River for designation under the NH Rivers Management and Protection Program. The suggested request is for two representatives – Board member and one other (Planning, Conservation or other Town Board member.)

(DM) Motion to appoint Ted Mitchell to the Suncook River Nomination Committee. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(FH) Motion to appoint Ed Vien to the Suncook River Nomination Committee. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0. (EV) Abstain.

15. Welfare Policy/Emergency Housing (Requested by Gerard LeDuc)

(GL) noted that there had been a recent case involving a homeless mother and her 15 year old daughter being housed at a Plymouth rehab center but was advised upon arrival that would be separated for sleep accommodations which was unacceptable to the parent and she left the facility. Though requested, individual was not offered alternate accommodations because Town had met its obligation for temporary housing.

(EV) related that everyone does have a story but Town met its legal obligation and it is not proper that individual have another preference. (GL) I do agree with you that the Town did meet its obligation but I am always worried about children. Would you do the same if it was an infant? (DM) There is a “facility rule” and our obligation stops there. (FH) Should have been placed closed than Plymouth. (PR) Are there any agreements we have with local hotels? (EV) The hotels around here do not agree with our payment plan. (PR) I would be glad to check different places for future reference.

Eric Nilsson: I had called a few Board members regarding this. A 15 year old should not have been left there. The Town has sent individuals to other establishments. A rehab center with open bedding and open showers does not seem appropriate. It seemed like the Town was shuffling her around. I know I would not allow my daughter or son to stay at a place like that. My sister took this woman and her daughter in and they are currently staying with her. I know another couple was recently put up at the Red Roof Hotel. (FH) It is not what you know but who you know. (PR) I would question this. Why was she sent to Plymouth and not somewhere around here? (EV) Paul, please look into this for Board.

16. Forest Fire Warden Compensation (Requested by Fred Hast)

(FH) Again on the payroll there are four hours for Forest Warden meeting as training. As I said in the past, this is not training but just a meeting. (FH explained what usually occurs at these meetings.) What I am saying is that when he goes to these meetings he represents the Town as a Forest Warden and not as Deputy Fire Chief. (EV) Isn’t this the same subject we discussed two weeks ago? By majority rule, this was taken care of then. (FH) It is not a training session; it is a meeting. Why should we have to pay him for training when it is not recognized as training? He should be representing the Town as Forest Fire Warden and not as the Deputy Fire Chief.

Fire Chief Johnson: He was representing me at those meetings. Here I am again at a Board of Selectmen meeting when I should be in Epsom at another meeting. I asked him to represent me at these meetings and told him I will pay you to represent me. I have no problem with it; the Board has no problem with it. If we do not pay him, he will resign as Forest Fire Warden. We had a mechanic that resigned for exactly the same reason. It is going to cost the Town in the long run. He does it religiously and he tells me what is going on in the area. That is one less meeting that I have to attend. How much are you going to ask people to do for free? He explained several grants that have been submitted that the Deputy Chief had assisted in acquiring noting that “This is your Fire Department at work.”

(EV) What would the Board like to do with this? The Board made a decision. I am tired of going backwards. “When I lose at something, I do not go back about it.” (FH) I do not think it is right.

Chief Johnson: You have to think what is best for the Town of Pittsfield. I am struggling to keep the department operating as it is.

(EV) I think this is a dead issue, does the rest of the Board agree. (GL), (PR), (DM) and (EV) agree. (FH) He is “milking this Town.”

Fire Chief Johnson left meeting at 7:47 P.M.

17. Assessing

(FH) The assessing company came in and did some pick-ups. Can we get copies of the pick-ups? (PS) to do.

(EV) I noticed a bill that was received for $200 for the Town Attorney pertaining to assessing information. (DM) Fred, if you contacted Town legal counsel about assessing, shouldn’t the Board be advised of what it was for and the results. Did you get Board’s permission to do this? I would like to know what conversation you had with the Town Attorney. Why don’t you fill us in? (FH) It was in reference to administrative search warrants. (DM) What did he say? (FH) He said he would look into it. I can call him on my nickel. (FH) offered to pay for this himself. (DM) Has Board authorized Fred to do this? I would like to know why you continue on this. It has not been done with anyone else in Town.
(FH) You had a lot of renovation done at your house – sheet rocking, electrical and plumbing. (DM) I have spoken with the assessing company, and it is all in order. (FH) I would like to see what they did with the appraisal. (DM) They are working on the card. We should ask the Board if they are in favor of this.
(FH) The assessor says that they contacted you several times and got no response. (DM) I spoke to the assessing company; they visited the house and are adjusting it accordingly.

(DM) We need to hear from the other two members about this. (PR) When we started this, I thought we were just doing several. Have you pursued others? (FH) Yes, there was about eight and about five went to deed. (PR) Have you continued with any others besides Denise’s? Which other properties? How many more do we have that the assessor did not get into? I had requested that information previously. (DM) I would request all information from the Town Attorney and responses of conversations as to what Town Attorney advised and what they were asked to do be shared with the Board. No one gave you the authority to contact the Town Attorney. (FH) I have no response from Town Attorney.




1. Town Attorney Review of Planning Board Position Re: 14 Depot St.

(FH) I thought we were going to wait on this until we have a Building Inspector on board. (EV) We will wait until then.

1. Veteran’s Credit, Tax Map R41, Lot 9

(PR) Motion to approve Veteran’s Credit, Tax Map R41, Lot 9. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Parks & Recreation

(FH) Motion to approve Gary Mullen to Parks & Recreation Committee.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.


(PR) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0 (DM) Abstain.

(PR) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest. (GL) Second.
Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

**: (PR) Motion Check No. 14096 be held and possibly reissued for the cost of the doors ONLY as opposed to the entire amount. (GL) Second.
Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of August 2, 2011

(GL) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of August 2, 2011.
(DM) Second. After Corrections: Carried 5-0.


Page 8, Paragraph 3: The original phrasing is again being corrected from the Minutes of August 2, 2011, Page 1, Last Sentence and should read:

“Non-Public Session which would normally not be a non-public issue relating to a Board member, but because the person initiating the threat was not a Selectperson.

Page 6, Paragraph 4, Line 2 should read:

detailed in letter out of Building Maintenance Expendable Trust line.

** Board discussed an Accounts Payable item, see above.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of August 2, 2011

(DM) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of August 2, 2011.
(PR) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.


Ted Mitchell: I have a comment regarding the gravel pit. I am an abutter and I have witnessed an employee of the Town go in and go shooting with his son. That is part of the problem too, and I wonder why he is there. This happened fairly regularly.

Paul Richardson: The non-public session should not be referenced as
RSA 91-A:3II (d) – this is Homeland Security. (EV checked and (d) is real estate.) If it is real estate (FH) is against it. Also, on the Agenda, Nos. 2-5 transferring funds. I do not think you can do that. The Budget Committee and the Town voted on it and that should be it. You should check on that. (PS) “I will double check, Paul.” This is done by all municipalities and is perfectly legal. The reason it is being done to this extent is because the Board wanted to assure that the Budget Committee understands that additional funds are needed in certain accounts such as hydrants. Mr. Richardson: I think this should be done at the end of the year.
(PS) This can all be done by Board and it is not necessary to want until the end of the year.

Mr. Richardson: Regarding the shooting at the gravel pit, I am concerned about the shooting that goes on down there. There is a lot of different kinds of shooting targets and does not prepare you for the real thing. All the training in the world would not help. Did anyone check what they did before Town owned the sandpit? The Board should be concerned about that. The Board should be careful.

Maurice Wells: Who applied for the Building Inspector position when Kyle Parker got the job? Bill Provencher’s son – did he apply for it? (PS) We are prohibited by law to divulge the names of those who applied.

Mr. Wells: The Highway Garage door – the quote – who sent out the specs. There are no specs on this. (PS) I am not aware of any. Mr. Wells: The specs should be there. He noted that the Minutes depict it as a bid, did you get two other bids. Board noted that this was a quote and not a bid and the Minutes will be changed accordingly. Mr. Wells: Also, there are two apartments that HSA is not inspecting: 910 Catamount Road and 616 Tilton Hill Road. They are living above the garage.

Mr. Wells: The property assessments – are we at five year intervals and now going back to ten years? (PS) The Town is on a cycle. (EV) We were within six months of having it completed and DRA made us do it sooner because the ratio was incorrect.

Mr. Wells: Money was put into the sewer fund – $63,000 for hook-up fees, and then money was withdrawn. How do you do this without going to the voters? What about 25 River Road, they had quite a bit of sewer fees. (PS) explained the breakdown of the funds. Maurice, it is a journal internal transfer within the general fund. Mr. Wells: Where is this on the Town Report? (PS) It is not in the Town Report. If you would like to see each individual transfer and when it was credited, you are welcome to come in and we will explain.

Mr. Wells: What about Bailey Road? The Planning Board accepted Bailey Road, they cannot do that. (PS) The Planning Board suggested approval and the Board of Selectmen approved Bailey Road.

James Theodore: Let me make very clear this Ethics Committee thing. The person they brought before the Board and the information was very inaccurate. There is no evidence. I need to say I think that there was collaboration on the part of Hank Fitzgerald, Larry Konopka and Merrill Vaughan and the reason the complaint was filed was because I filed a complaint against Hank Fitzgerald working at Larry Konopka’s home and they are investigating Mr. Konopka. This is a vengeance against me and they put someone on the Ethics Committee to get me back. They are very corrupt and these people should not be involved. Fred Hast you are related to Hank Fitzgerald. (Mr. Hast denied that he was related to Hank Fitzgerald). This is a vengeance against Denise Morin via a close friend of Hank Fitzgerald’s. I want to make it clear, this should not be allowed. They should not be in front of committees. If it had been me, I would have sued the Town.

I do not think that Hank Fitzgerald should have anything to do with the Building Inspector or our Town unless he is an officer or elected. He is not worthy. Hank Fitzgerald works for Merrill Vaughan and Larry Konopka and I reported it. I want to make sure that the truth comes out and they should not be on any board – Larry Konopka, Hank Fitzgerald and Merrill Vaughan. They should have no say in this Town. Hank Fitzgerald goes to work with Larry Konopka every day and is collecting disability.

I found out which people are good and bad and would like to expose them because they are hurting the Town. Our attorney fees are high because someone has a vengeance against someone. Denise is the most honest person and the reason she got there was because of what I just said. Merrill should not be sitting on the Board making judgment when Hank is building a deck on his “hour.”

I am mad about this and sorry for Denise because I turned Hank Fitzgerald in for stealing from the people.

Eric Nilsson: I have been sitting through this meeting and both Denise Morin and Fred Hast are unprofessional.

Denise, did you pull permits for what you did at your house? (DM) related that she had already explained this. Mr. Nilsson: I ask again, did you pull permits?
(DM) I spoke to the Town Assessor and it is 65% completed. I contacted the appraisal company and my attorney. I am waiting for the card to be adjusted. The renovation was on what was already existing – sheetrock, floor; everything was existing. There is nothing new. We taped and mudded. The appraiser was in about a year and a half ago.

Mr. Nilsson: If you two have issues, you should keep it off the Board.

Paul Richardson: I would suggest comments and questions should be directed to the Board members.


(GL) Motion to adjourn. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.

Approved: September 6, 2011

___________________________ ________________________
Edward Vien, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on August 16, 2011, transcribed and public posted on August 22, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary
II Tapes/daf