August 19, 2014 Minutes

August 19, 2014

Present: Chair, Dana Sansom, Treasurer, Nancy Fogg, Trustee, Secretary J.C. Allard, Library Director, Beverly Pietlicki, Mr. William Tahnk, Alternate Trustee, Mr. J. Pritchard, citizen of Pittsfield.

Meeting Convened: The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m.

Acceptance of Minutes: Minutes of the June meeting reviewed and accepted with corrections.

Old Business: The Director noted for everyone that the carpets have now been cleaned and the appearance of the library much improved.

The Chair, Dana Sansom discussed her meeting with the Town Administrator concerning the on-going project to make repairs and return the Children’s Room to full service.
The Town Administrator feels that the Library Trustees should contact potential contractors and move the projects along without a further need for a bid process. The Administrator believes that the remaining funds authorized by the town meeting are available to be used at the Trustees’ discretion.

A motion made and seconded (Jim/Nancy) to approve Capital Alarm as the vendor to complete work on the fire and security alarm upgrades in accordance with their estimate. Motion carried.

The Chair further reported on her meeting with Mr. Scott Atherton to examine the site work regarding the present drainage problem along the east side of the library. Mr. Atherton is reviewing several options for the work and will prepare an estimate of repair costs.

The Trustees appointed the Secretary to investigate the present situation with the rose window over the main entrance. If possible repairs to the window and frame would be rolled into the package of other repairs. The Secretary will report his findings at the next meeting. The Board further directed the Secretary to explore a cost estimate for repairs to the roof.

The Trustees are considering holding a special meeting devoted to the needed repairs and upgrades in order to facilitate getting the library back to full operations at the earliest possible moment. Appropriate notice will be given if a special meeting is called.

A motion was made and seconded (Jim/Nancy) to approve spending $45 as a conference fee to send both Eleanor and Beverly to the upcoming READ Conference. Motion carried.

A motion was made and seconded (Nancy/Jim) to approve the town’s payment for the annual inspection of the handicap lift. Motion carried.

Director’s & Treasurer’s Reports: Both the Director’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report reviewed and accepted as presented.

New Business: Motion to formally accept future donations of money and property moved and seconded (Nancy/Jim). Motion carried

Discussed budget preparation, needs of the library in the upcoming year and reviewed a draft budget prepared by the Director. Will discuss further at the next regular meeting.

Discussed in principle the raising of salaries after several years of no increases. No decisions taken.

The Chair directed the Board to review the personnel performance review form and to have it filled out for discussions at the closed session on September 16th.

Miscellaneous: The Director reported that a “question of ownership” has arisen regarding three paintings on display in the library. A person identifying himself as the artist asked to take possession of the items. The Director deferred to the Trustees as documents in the library indicate the paintings are owned by a third person and are on loan to the library. Further investigation and discussion is needed to determine the actual status of the paintings. For now the paintings will remain on display.

Policy Subcommittee Meeting: Nothing to report.

Next Monthly Meeting: September 16, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. An executive session closed to the public will convene at 5:30 p.m. to discuss annual personnel performance review.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn moved and seconded (Nancy/Jim). Motion carried. Adjourned at 9:34 p.m.

Submitted by JC Allard, Secretary