August 2, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting
AUGUST 2, 2007
ITEM 1. Call to Order AT 7:04 P.M. by Eric Bahr, Chairman.
ITEM 2. Roll Call
Members Present:
Eric Bahr (EB), Chairman, Bill Miskoe (BM), Vice-Chairman, Paul Metcalf,
Jr. (PM), Rich Hunsberger (RH), John Lenaerts (JL), Selectman Ex Officio,
and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
Members Absent:
Fred Hast (FH), Daniel Greene (DG), Peter Newell (PN), Alternate and
Chris Conlon (CC), Alternate.
ITEM 3. A non-binding Conceptual Hearing with regard to the Pittsfield
Youth Athletic Park, 171 Tilton Hill Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263
(Tax Map R-14, Lot 59). Larry Berkson, Pittsfield Youth Baseball
Association, Inc., P.O. Box 112, Pitts field, NH 03263 is representing the
Pittsfield Youth Athletic Park regarding this endeavor. Brown Engineering,
14 Leavitt Road, P. O. Box 34, Pittsfield, NH 03263 has submitted the plans
for these proposed changes.
(EB) This is a non-binding conceptual hearing and I do not usually
participate in hearings brought by Brown Engineering. Since there will be
no voting going on, I will remain seated on the Board tonight for this
Larry Berkson related that he is representing the Pittsfield Youth Baseball
Association. You are all familiar with the field on Tilton Hill Road. What
we would like to do is add a Babe Ruth size baseball field. Originally, it
was to just to build the new field, but after discussing with our contractor, it
was suggested that since a great deal of dirt would end being moved any
way, that we could also raise up the other two fields which are consistently
muddy whenever it rains and have washed out on previous occasions. There
would also be a soccer field for the younger kids, underground water and
electricity, new scoreboard, and concession stands. We are looking to
beautify the area with paved parking areas for cars as well as buses. There
will be more storage areas and an additional concession stand.
What we are attempting to do will take a tremendous effort by all involved
as well as the Zoning Board, Planning Board and Board of Selectman. So
far, we have had an extremely positive response. We have acquired letters
from all the abutters and they are all enthusiastic about the changes. The
entire project will be done through donations and other contributions and
would be a community-wide endeavor. It currently takes all the monies that
are raised at the field for maintenance and supplies. It will probably cost in
the vicinity of a half a million dollars and will be the biggest project in
Pittsfield since the swimming pool.
Eric Bahr recused himself at this point and was seated in the audience
(7:12 P.M.)
(BM) It seems you are taking an existing non-conforming parcel and
expanding on it to make it more non-conforming. (RH) noted that it is
located in the Suburban Zone and there is a pre-existing use for the field. It
is grand fathered. (BM) What is the age bracket that will be using this field?
A member of the committee noted that the age bracket would change in that
it would include 4 –12 years old, the current use by 13-16 years old and
adults as well. It would continue to include those that play for the high
school. (BM) questioned how many nights per week? It was noted that
there is some type of game going on six nights a week from May until fall
and then soccer season starts. Art Morse questioned what the expansion
would be? Mr. Berkson noted that for one thing, it would be bigger.
Mr. Berkson, Committee members and the Board discussed in detail the
proposed asphalt parking area, terrain expansion from street, other alteration
of terrain issues, wetlands, structure with setbacks, State permits, egress and
exit areas for kids including direction of traffic by Police Department should
this become necessary, Conservation Committee involvement, DES issues,
and timeframes for projected schedule.
Mr. Berkson noted that the present plan for the fall is to tear down the
existing building, timber cutting where necessary and destumping. Then in
September 2008, if everything is in line, go in, scrape off the fields, and start
rebuilding existing fields and adding a new one.
Mr. Elliott, a resident of the area involved, questioned what events wou ld
result in parking on Tilton Hill Road? It was noted that there will be
tournaments, but with the increased parking areas, there should be no
parking on the road. Mr. Elliott noted that in the past, there have been
events, which did result in parking on the road. A Committee member from
the Pittsfield Youth Athletic noted that the only time he knows of parking on
the street was when they had Catcher’s Night, which has been discontinued.
He noted that with the “new” parking areas, there would also be a parking
section for buses during the tournaments and the “kids” would be coming as
a group from other locales. Mr. Elliott questioned whether any of these
players would have licenses? No, was the reply. He then noted that there
are safety issues involving kids up/down the road walking/bicycling and
increased traffic with children being picked up and it is difficult now to get
unto and down the road. With increased “game traffic,” it will be even more
difficult and there will be safety issues. There should be some kind of
sidewalk or bicycle path on the side of the road.
He also noted that there might be some issues with a cemetery being in the
area of the parking area. He noted that he remembers as a child playing over
there and noted, he thought, an Indian cemetery located in that area. He also
commented that if they are going to be destumping in the fall, what about
controls for erosion. Mr. Berkson noted that all his comments have been
noted and will be considered should this project go forward.
(EB) suggested that a Site Walk by members of the Zoning Board, Planning
Board, Conservation Committee and Board of Selectman, if they choose to
participate, might be appropriate so that all can jointly view the property to
get an idea of what is attempting to be accomplished.
SITE PLAN WALK: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 at 6:30 P.M.
Short break at 8:06 P.M. Resume at 8:17 P.M.
(EB) resumed seat on Board as Chairman.
ITEM 4. Approval of Minutes of June 21, July 5, and July 26, 2007
Minutes of June 21, 2007
(PM) Motion to accept Minutes of June 21, 2007. (JL) Second. Carried 3 -2
(RH and BM abstained.)
Minutes of July 5,2007
Tabled until next Planning Board meeting.
Minutes of July 26, 2007
(BM) Motion to accept Minutes of July 26, 2007. (R H) Second.
Carried 4-1 (PM Abstain.)
(BM) noted that in the West Meadow subdivision, the culvert has been
completed but the peripheral work around the culvert has not. He believes
that the DES Permit will soon expire. He noted that they have run into large
boulders and because of the present housing market, things are not going as
planned. He noted that he would like to see this get done. He will check
with Liz Hast as to when the Wetland Permit actually expires.
(BM) Motion to Adjourn. (JL) Second. Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
APPROVED: September 20, 2007
________________________ _________________________
Eric Bahr, Chairman Date