August 2, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M.,


Ed Vien (EV), Chairman, Denise Morin (DM), Vice-Chairman, Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard Leduc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Fred Hast (FH).


Ted Mitchell: I have just a comment to make; I would like to get together with George to move the lilac out front a few feet. I am also looking at doing something next year at the Police Department with their pots if they are interested.

Close Public Input


(PS) Site Visit Gravel Pit – Shooting Range, Sunday, August 7th at 1:00 P.M.; Additional Estimates for the Highway Garage Pedestrian Doors; Central Garage Door Estimate for Door Maintenance, Electronic Delivery of Tax Rate Authorization; Appointment Nick Abell at 6:15 P.M. Re: Gazebo, and Non-Public Session – Personnel.


1. Town Attorney Review of Planning Board Position Re: 14 Depot Street

(PS) Board had requested I submit letter from Planning Board regarding 14 Depot Street to Town Attorney. The response notes that the Town Attorney agrees with the Planning Board in this particular case that it is the BOS’s responsibility to make any decisions on 14 Depot Street to continue the non-conforming use.

(GL) I would still like the property owner to come in to discuss his plans.
(PR) He is past the jurisdiction of time; he had only so much time to build.
(DM) He has been in before concerning safety issues. (PR) He needs to discuss what and when he plans to do. (EV) So, the Board agrees that the timeframe has lapsed? (GL) & (PR) Yes. (PS) Generally, it is the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer that would handle this, but since we do not have one on staff at the current time, I suggest tabling this to a time when a permanent Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer is present. (GL) I would like to see a quick resolution. (PR) I am okay with waiting to get everything in place.

(GL) Motion to table this matter until a Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer is on staff. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. PSNH Petition for Pole License

(PS) This is for a pole license on Catamount Road in the vicinity of the Fire Department. It has been approved by George.

(DM) Motion to approve Pole License 41-0330. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(GL) Please make sure when George approves these that they are in writing.

3. Allenstown Proposal for Cooperative Building Inspector Services

(PS) The Board requested I inquire of Allenstown as to whether they would consider participating in sharing a Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer. I spoke with the Town Administrator of Allenstown who addressed this with the Board and they are interested. They sent me an example copy of an Intermunicipal Agreement for Assessing Services which I think is a little too complex for what we are attempting. The agreement denotes one town as the hiring authority and the second town contracts with them. I would think that we could do something less complicated. Is this or is it not something Board would like to enter into? I do not know if they have alternatives to this but I think we should proceed and advertise for a part-time Building Inspector and see what happens.

(GL) The Agreement is too much for what we are looking for. We need to advertise and fill the position soon. (PR) I agree. Do we have the applications for those who applied last time? Someone who applied before has great potential and possibilities. We need to get someone in as soon as possible. (DM) We can start advertising and he can re-apply. (PS) I would suggest that everyone interested fill out a new application. (EV) So the Agreement is “out the door?” Board agreed.

(GL) Motion Town does not enter into an agreement with Allenstown at this time for a “part-time” Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.


6:10 P.M.: Clayton Wood – Cable Advisory Committee

Clayton Wood: I have two items that I would like to bring up to the Board.
1. Consent Resolution Extending the Term of the Current Franchise Agreement. There is no down side or up side to doing this and standard services will continue. I have to get back to Metrocast by August 31st so if the Board would vote on this as soon as possible, I will need a signed letter to that effect.

(GL) How long would it be extended for? Mr. Wood: It would be open ended. This is pretty standard. We had a Public Hearing but no one showed up.

(DM) Motion to approve Consent Resolution Extending the Term of the Current Franchise Agreement and authorize Chair to sign. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Mr. Wood: The second item is the interest in joining the Lakes Region Cable Television Consortium (LRCT). (This is an Intermunicipal Agreement with neighboring towns to more effectively negotiate the cable franchise agreement.) RSA 53A authorizes towns to form a consortium to establish contracts. I believe Metrocast is aware of this. The towns are already voting on this, but Board has time to decide as to whether they would like to join or not. Board does not have to make a decision tonight but can discuss to decide. There is a timeframe by which you can come to some agreement. He noted that they have someone with the expertise to accomplish this. The cost would be approximately $9,000 to join the consortium which would be divided by all the towns ($700-$900 per town.) It would be money well-spent. There are a lot of details involved and a lot of technical information available and could also integrate a future wish list. The Agreement notes that towns will work together and share financial commitments. The Town Attorney has reviewed this previously for another town and they are familiar with it. The various boards are voting this month. Does the Town want to pursue?

(GL) There is no franchise fee. A lot of towns have a 3% franchise fee to cover their fees and pay for some equipment. (EV) I would like to get a feel of how the subscribers feel about this. Mr. Wood: I will come back with some recommendations. (DM) I would like to see the consensus of the town.
(PS) Clayton can bring back the additional information with some firm estimates. Mr. Wood: The biggest concern is the resource of who will do it. $900 is not a bad amount to get master agreement done. Board will consider and review.

Clayton Wood left meeting at 6:35 P.M.

6:15 P.M.: Nick Abell, Parks & Recreation

I joined Parks and Recreation about three years ago and was after the gazebo repair purchase. I have finally got a proposal for the gazebo. A proposal of $1,000 has been received from Creative Carpentry. Board discussed the various repair items that were noted and funding for this project. (EV) noted that he would like to see Town resell the columns we have in-house that were purchased but cannot be used. Mr. Abell: I can try and sell them. (EV) Should we set a dollar limit? Mr. Abell: We paid around $2,500 for the materials. (DM) I would be happy with $1,000. (EV) If you can sell them for $1,000, let them go. If you have an offer for less, please contact the Board for approval. (GL) There are a couple items not covered and if we sell the previous materials, then these would be covered.

(DM) Motion to approve repair of gazebo by Creative Carpentry not to exceed $1,000. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Mr. Abell: Hopefully this will be accomplished in time for Harvest Fest.

3. Allenstown Proposal for Cooperative BI Services – Continued

(DM) Motion to approve advertising for Building Inspector until position is filled. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (EV) We could E-Mail Kyle Parker to come in and help until we find a Building Inspector. He has offered to help us and it is not a bad idea to use him on an on-call basis. (PR) There are several property owners waiting to proceed with their projects and waiting for Building Inspector approval. (DM) Is Kyle Parker available? (PS) I believe he is back in Dunbarton as Building Inspector. It would be a good idea to define the time when he can be here so we can advise people of this. (PR) It would be a good idea to have him here at a specific time and day. (GL) It should be two days, not one. (PR) Could we find out his availability? (PS) to do.

(GL) Motion to approve requesting Kyle Parker to cover Building Inspector position two days a week till Town is able to fill position. (DM) Second.
Carried 4-0.

4. Invoice for Asbestos Survey

(PS) This was placed on the Agenda as it was agreed upon by Dan Kramer who is no longer here. The survey was done by the company with the understanding that the Town would pay for this. It is here for your approval. (PR) I did not think there would be a cost involved. There is no contract. (DM) What option do we have? (PS) In good faith, we should pay them. I did send an E-Mail to Dan about this but have received no reply. (EV) Could we send this company a letter or e-mail requesting payment of a lesser amount since Town was unaware of the cost for this. (GL) The survey has already been done.

(GL) Motion to approve payment to Jay-More Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $625 for asbestos survey. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

5. Site Visit Gravel Pit/Shooting Range: Sunday, August 7th at 1:00 P.M.

(PS) Tentative arrangements have been made with the abutters at the shooting range. As I understand it, (EV), Chief Wharem and abutters have agreed to Sunday at 1:00 P.M. If three or more Board members show up, it will be considered as a Board of Selectmen meeting and should be posted. Should I post it as a meeting? (GL) I had a chance to look at the subdivision plans. It is an odd shaped lot and wraps around at about fifteen (15) acres. (DM) I will not be there. (PR) It depends on what is going on. (PS) It was agreed that it should be posted as a meeting.

6. Additional Estimates for the Highway Garage Pedestrian Doors

(PS) Board requested that George acquire two more estimates for the pedestrian doors at the Highway Garage. He has two additional quotes – one from J. R. Carpentry – $1,887 and one from Kevin Schurman – $2,275. (PR) One includes painting and one does not. (DM) We need to make sure the individual has insurance and Worker’s Compensation insurance. Has George seen these quotes and does he have any recommendations? (PS) I think he would be inclined to use the lowest quote. The majority of the expense is the cost of the doors with installation being the minor amount. (PR) George’s crew can paint it. Board discussed the funding for this project and agreed it would be paid through the Building Maintenance Expendable Trust.

(PR) Motion to approve quote for Highway Garage pedestrian doors with
J.R. Carpentry not to exceed $1,887. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

7. Central Garage Door Estimate for Door Maintenance

(PS) The Central Garage Door Company suggests general service to the four commercial garage doors, adjustment so that all door open to full height, install handles, rope and inside locks to be used when power is out and adjustment on down limits on openers. It does not include chain fall attachment to automatic doors as it complicates the door opener. (EV) There will be an attachment whereby they can disconnect the automatic door open when power is out and they will redo the springs so that the door lifts easier. (PR) This should all be in writing. (GL) It is necessary to take safety into consideration.

(DM) Motion to approve Central Garage Door Company – $300 – for services as detailed in letter out of Building Maintenance Expendable Trust fund.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

8. Electronic Delivery of Tax Rate Authorization

(PS) This is authorization form from the DRA and I would recommend using Cara Marston as authorized agent to receive the tax rate.

(DM) Motion to approve the 2011 Electronic Tax Rate Authorization and authorize Cara Marston to be the receiving agent. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.




1. Draft Agreement for Kiosk Participation by Businesses

(EV) I think we should take this off the Agenda for now until finalized form can be accomplished. Some research is required.

2. Award of Oil Bid

(PS) There have been some thoughts about accessing other bids for several other oil companies which has not been successful. I would recommend that Board accept the bid from Fred Fuller.

(DM) Motion to approve bid of Fred Fuller Oil & Propane Co., Inc. of $3.2750 per gallon for 2011 – 2012. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(DM) Paul, could you contact them to make sure the bid is still in effect?
(PS) to do.

3. Proposal for the Replacement of Pedestrian Doors at Highway Garage

See No. 6 above.


1. Second Quarter Sewer Warrant

(DM) Motion to approve Second Quarter Sewer Warrant ($75,293.11).
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (DM) Does the $43,307.03 include just the last billing? (PS) No, it includes more than just the last billing.


(GL) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (DM) Second. Carried 4-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of July 19, 2011

(DM) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of July 19, 2011. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


Page 1, Last Sentence should be added to note “Non-Public Session which would normally not be a non-public issue relating to a Board member, but because of the person initiating the threat to another resident.

Page 9, Third Paragraph should read: (EV)….., I did some Welfare work last week.

Page 10, Second Paragraph should read: (PR) Second.

2. Non-Public Session (1st) of July 19, 2011

(DM) Motion to approve Non-Public Session (1st) of July 19, 2011. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

3. Non-Public Session (2nd) of July 19, 2011

(DM) Motion to approve Non-Public Session (2nd) of July 19, 2011.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


Ted Mitchell: I would like to see you folks do a better job of addressing matters in Public Session and not going into Non-Public without compromising the subject. There is talk in Town that Board goes into Non-Public too frequently. If you can find a way not to do it so often it would be better.

Maurice Wells: The asbestos estimate, what is the cost and what is it for? (EV) It is for $625 for building at 42 Chestnut Street. Board asked for an estimate to take the building down and we were not clear enough that we just wanted an estimate but at no cost. Mr. Wells: Does the Town own the building? Years ago her daughter said she was selling it? (EV) She tried to sell it but it did not go through. (PR) The sale fell through and it currently would not bring in the cost of what back taxes would be. Mr. Wells: What did you have planned for the building? (EV) We were hoping to sell it. Mr. Wells: Is the Town now in the real estate business? Board explained to Mr. Wells that there were thoughts of selling the building and/or land but ultimately the property is to be taken by tax lien.

Mr. Wells: The house down on River Road, we did not get much money for that one. (EV) We did make out on that one. (PS) To the best of my knowledge, all costs were paid. Mr. Wells: Can you get the information for me as to what it sold for because a lot of back sewer bills were owed on that property. (EV) We will look into it for you.

Mr. Wells: The side doors on the garage, we should put an overhang over them. The clapboards are vinyl and are rusting out from the water running down them. (PS) noted that a quote will be requested for that.

Mr. Wells: The public bids, no one is opening these at the Board meetings.
(PS) explained the process by which the oil bid was acquired through the school requesting the bid. (EV) We did not like the original bid price and we requested additional bids but did not receive any. (PR) We talked to Rhymes and they never got back to us. Mr. Wells: What about the door opener bids, I didn’t see you open any at the meeting. (EV) We had three quotes on this. Mr. Wells: What about the oil bid; is the propane going out to bid. (PS) I believe the propane is part of the oil bid but I will have to check with school.

Paul Richardson: The oil bid, it is not a pre-buy? (EV) No, it is a locked in rate.

Close Public Input


(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (c).
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled
and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:22 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 7:25 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Session of August 2, 2011. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


(DM) Motion to adjourn. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 P.M.

Approved: August 16, 2011

___________________________ ________________________
Edward Vien, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on August 1, 2011, transcribed and publicly posted on August 4, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes