August 5, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting


ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Bill Miskoe, Chairman.

ITEM 2. Roll Call

Members Present:

Bill Miskoe (BM), Chairman, Ted Mitchell (TM), Vice Chairman, Eric Nilsson, (EN), Selectman Ex Officio Alternate, Daniel Greene (DG), Rich Hunsberger (RH), Dan Schroth (DS), Pat Heffernan (PH), Clayton Wood (CW), Alternate, Hank Fitzgerald (HF), Alternate.

Members Absent:


ITEM 4. Public Hearing for application for a Site Plan Review filed by
Ralph Littlefield, Executive Director, Community Action Program, Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc., P.O. Box 1016, Concord, NH 03302 to convert an existing single-family residence into a Head Start Office. G. R. Spaulding Design Consultants LLC, 11 Hethlon Road, Canterbury, NH 03224 represents the Community Action Program as agent. The property is owned by James T. and Beulah E. Stockman and is located at 7 Fayette Street, Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map U04, Lot 23) in the RURAL Zone.

7:05 P.M.:

(PH) Motion to grant Waiver for submitting an application 21 days prior to meeting. (DG) Second. Carried 7-0.

(PH) Motion to approve application as complete. (TM) Second.
Carried 7-0.

(PH) Motion to approve proposal is not a development of regional impact. (EN) Second. Carried 7-0.

Gary Spaulding presented proposed plan to Board.

Public Input (7:15 P.M.)

Denise Morin questions including parking lot and ownership.
Susan Bleckman questioned the amount of office space, and parking area. Faith Whittier questioned whether their program would continue at Blueberry (Affirmative).

Board and audience discussed the amount of actual office space utilized.

Close Public Input (7:18)

(PH) Motion to grant Waiver request for one parking space be designated to allow maneuvering in the street. (DG) Second. Carried 7-0.

(RH) Motion to approve Site Plan Review contingent upon

1. Fire Department concerns are met.
2. Playground area be designed on map;
3. Only 800 sq. feet of building will be utilized for office space;
4. 500 sq. feet socialization area for parking requirement;
5. Landscaping barrier be constructed between abutter Tax Map U4, Lot 24
and Tax Map U04, Lot 23

(PH) Second. Carried 7-0.

ITEM 5. Public Hearing for application for a major subdivision to
create two residential lots on a parcel of land owned by Lawrence J. and Norma J. Konopka, 160 Shaw Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map R16, Lot 3). David W. Vincent, LLS, Land Surveying Service, 5 Powers Drive, Barrington, NH 03825 represents Lawrence and Norma Konopka. This property is located in the RURAL Zone.

Pat Heffernan (PH) recused himself and was seated in the audience. Clayton Wood (CW), Alternate was seated on the Board.

Waivers request:

1. Subdivision Checklist Item 30: Site Specific Soils Map
2. Subdivision Checklist Item 32: Plan Tied to USGS and State Plane
3. Subdivision Checklist Item 54: Lot Length Not to Exceed Four (4)
Times Lot Width

(EN) Motion proposal is not a development of regional impact.
(RH) Second. Carried 7-0.

(RH) Motion to approve Waivers as noted above. (EN) Second.
Carried 5-0.

(TM) Motion to approve application as complete.

Public Input (8:05 P.M.)

(EN) With this proposal, how many houses are possible? (BM) noted that it would be one house for every two acres but because of the wetlands, economically this would not be feasible.

(LK) explained the reasons he was applying for this subdivision.

Close Public Input

(RH) Motion to approve application for major subdivision Tax Map R16, Lot 3. (DG) Second.


Board agreed that three conditions for acceptance would be:

1. Wetland scientist stamp and signature be noted on plans.
2. Original certified stamp of surveyor be noted on plans and monument be

3. Original certified soil scientist stamp and signature be noted on plans.

(RH) Motion for approval of subdivision be amended as noted.
(DG) Second. Carried 7-0.

(BM) explained the thirty (30) day appeal process to applicant/agent and noted that the conditions of approval would be reviewed on August 19, 2010 for completion.

Break 8:15 P.M. Resume 8:20 P.M.

ITEM 6. Waiver for Site Plan Review to operate a gun shop business in an
existing garage located at 30 Watson Street, Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map U05, Lot 63). Property is owned by and request for Waiver filed by John (Pat) Heffernan. This property is located in the SUBURBAN Zone.

Pat Heffernan explained to Board that he had gone to Zoning Board for a Variance which was granted and was now requesting a Waiver from this Board.

(BM) I do not see any significant change in use. Mr. Heffernan: No, there actually will be no outside change.

(DG) Motion to grant Waiver to operate a gun shop business in garage (Tax Map U05, Lot 63.) (TM) Second. Carried 7-0.

Pat Heffernan returned and was seated on the Board. Clayton Wood (CW) seated in the audience.

ITEM 7. Building Inspector Report

Kyle reported that there is really nothing new. He related that Building Permit for Podmore is still in progress.

ITEM 3. Approval of Minutes of July 1, 2010

(RH) Motion to approve Minutes of July 1, 2010. (DG) Second.
Carried 4-0. (EN), (DG), and (PH) Abstain.

ITEM 8. Selectman’s Report – Selectman Ex Officio Eric Nilsson,

(EN) None at this time.

ITEM 9. New Business
a. Global Tower Assets – Cell Tower

No comments.

b. Next Meeting

Several Board members noted that they would not be available for the next Work Session on August 19, 2010. However, a sufficient number of members noted that they would be present and a quorum will be present. Work Session, August 19, 2010 will proceed as scheduled.

(HF) noted that several Public Hearings will be necessary to review the proposed changes and there is not a lot of time available. Board needs to get a lot done.

ITEM 10. Members Concerns

(DS) related that he was expecting to submit a Zoning Petition whereby no zoning would apply. He related that he had just investigated the legality of submitting such a petition.

(HF) related that this Board should demonstrate a united front concerning the proposed Zoning Ordinances changes and it is difficult to see that a member of this Board is drafting a petition for no zoning ordinances. (DS) noted that he would like to do both. (BM) The Planning Board is the Town body designated to write and enforce the Zoning Ordinances. It seems inappropriate to have a Planning Board member not believe in zoning. (DS) I do not think that zoning is appropriate. (BM) Then you shouldn’t be on the Planning Board. (DS) No, I should be so that I can learn about it.

(BM) Regarding the CIP Committee, Ralph Odell is currently running the CIP program and it has been noted that a member of that Board should be a Planning Board member.

(HF) I have a problem with you, Bill, being a member of the HSA as you have a lot to do as Planning Board Chairman. You should assign someone else to do HSA and I would then take the CIP position. I would rather see you spending more time on the Planning Board and someone else be assigned to HSA. This would allow you more time to oversee Planning Board procedures and then I would be willing to do the CIP.

Board agreed that (PH) would be the Planning Board representative to HSA and (HF) would be the CIP representative.

(BM) Board also needs a Budget Committee representative. It should be noted that two members of a single Board cannot sit on any other Board. He noted that he would like to continue on the Budget Committee.

ITEM 11. Public Input


ITEM 12. Adjournment

(DG) Motion to adjourn. (TM) Second. Carried 7-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:39 P.M.

Approved: August 19, 2010

______________________________ _____________________
J.W. Miskoe, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were “transcribed” and publicly posted on August 12, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary
I Tape