August 7, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board

Town Hall, 85 Main Street

Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting
DATE: August 7, 2008

ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Rich Hunsberger, Chairman

ITEM 2. Roll Call

Members Present: Rich Hunsberger, (RH), Chairman, Gerard Leduc (GL), Vice-Chair, Larry Konopka (LK), Selectman Ex-Officio, Fred Hast (FH), Marilyn Roberts (MR), Daniel Greene (DG), Dan Schroth (DS), Alternate, Tom Hitchcock (TH), Alternate and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.

Members Absent:

Robert Elliott (RE).

ITEM 3. Public Hearing for Site Plan Review for new office building with accessory garage space located at 100 Barnstead Road, Pittsfield,

NH 03263 (Tax Map R-15, Lot 27.) The property is owned by Peter J. Osborne, P.O. Box 217, Pittsfield, NH 03263 and is located in the

LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL Zone. Survey and plans prepared by David R. Noyes, 148 Center Hill Road, Epsom, NH 03234.

(RH) It is my understanding that we do not have plans. Mr. Noyes noted that he had left four copies and he had additional copies with him.

Fred Hast recused himself and was seated in the audience.

Tom Hitchcock (TH), Alternate and Dan Schroth (DS), Alternate were seated on the Board.

Mr. Noyes advised Board that he had some additional materials including some drawings to indicate what the office units would look like.

(LK) Motion to approve and accept application. (DG) Second.


(LK) addressing Building Inspector, Michael McLaughlin (MM), “Are there any issues on this application?” (MM) noted that the Department Head sign-offs note they would like a more detailed view of the building and area. The Fire Chief was concerned about the parking area and the way around the building. We would need something that shows these in a more detailed view. (LK) There are Department Heads concerns here, and I would rather see the Motion withdrawn and have these concerns addressed first before we go forward with the application.

(RH) “I think we can hear what applicant has to say, continue meeting and then come back to address the parking issues, etc.” (LK) There is a problem with the plans. Plans do not include what Department Heads want. Mr. Osborne, “I do not have the Department Heads comments.” (Applicant was given copies of Department Heads comments.) (LK) I would not like to go forward without all Department Heads approval. I do not want to have to re-notify abutters. (RH) We can continue it to a date certain, say

August 21, 2008 at 7:00 P.M. (DS) questioned applicant as to whether he could satisfy what the Department Heads had commented on?

(LK) suggested Mr. Osborne contact the Building Inspector and the Fire Chief.

(RH) I know you appeared at the last meeting and this was the first meeting available so that adequate notice could be given to abutters. We can go through what you have and get an idea of what you are lacking. Signage should be on the plans, as well as lighting and any other improvements on the new plans that would be applicable.

(LK) Withdraw Motion to accept and approve application. (DG) Withdraw Second.

(LK) Motion to continue hearing to August 21, 2008 at 7:00 P.M.

(DS) Second. Carried 7-0.

(RH) noted that Board could hear this as a conceptual with explanation of plans to Board.

Mr. Noyes explained the contours of the existing and the future building, noting that there would be two phases. The first phase would be the building and later add an addition with a drive through garage and pad for parking. (RH) Would this be for tractors and trailers? Mr. Noyes indicated that trucks would not remain parked there but rather only parking for employees. (RH) Will the fire truck be able to go around the building? Mr. Noyes noted, “Yes.” (RH) Will the existing garage come down? Mr. Noyes, “Eventually.” (DG) “What about the mobile home?” Mr. Osborne indicated, “It will be staying.” (RH) What kind of heat? Mr. Osborne, “Radiant heat.”

Board and applicant discussed parking spaces necessary, which amounted to about 18 parking spaces. Mr. Noyes, “What is the sense of having parking spaces with a garage?” Board noted that this could be waived. (MM) “The vehicles will be tractor trailers? If so, how many would be on-site at one time?” Mr. Osborne indicated that there would be about five at one time. (LK) “You can request a waiver for the parking spaces.” (DS) “Come in with the plans the way you want it and the Board will take a look at them.”

(GL) “Will this all be paved?” Mr. Osborne related, “Hard pack.”

(RH) noted that parking lot portions require asphalt.” Mr. Osborne, “But not the rest of the yard?” (RH) “No.” Mr. Leduc explained the necessity of a key-box for fire purposes, which was agreeable with Mr. Osborne.

Mr. Osborne reiterated, “So you would like the plans to indicate Fire Department access, parking spaces, lighting and signage.” (RH) Yes.

Public Input

Mr. Buatti noted that he is on the other side of the highway and wanted to know if access would be via Route 28? Mr. Osborne indicated that it would not. Mr. Buatti, “How far in is the building going to be?” Mr. Osborne indicated it would be at the rear of the property. Mr. Buatti, “Two floors?” Mr. Osborne, “No, one floor.” (RH) The phases, are they going to be over the course of years? Mr. Osborne indicated that the current building located out front would remain for about two years. Mr. Buatti, “What is the nature of the business?” Mr. Noyes noted that the use of the land would remain the same – trucking. “We are just relocating the building. The current building will remain about two years.”

Close Public Input

Mr. Noyes noted, “The building plans will not change.”

Fred Hast returned and was seated on the Board.

ITEM 4. Approval of Minutes of July 3, 2008

(MR) Motion to approve Minutes of July 3, 2008. (GL) Second.

Carried 5-2 (DG) and (LK) Abstain.

ITEM 5. New Business


ITEM 6. Selectman’s Report

(LK) Right now we are advertising for a new Selectperson. We are getting ready to begin with budget. The Employee of the Month is John Weber for June. Leon Kennison has agreed to stay for the month of August.

(FH) “You are advertising for a new Selectman?” (LK) “Yes.”

ITEM 7. Building Inspector Report

(RH) You have them before you. Concerning Pittsfield Self Storage, (MM) noted that they have stopped what they are doing. “I will be meeting with them on Monday.” They took out a 20 ft. stonewall to get an excavator in. (RH) “Why did they go through the wall?” (MM) “It is the only way to get an excavator in there.” This was done without permission. The ten-foot buffer has been violated and they did that without permission. They cut down trees on State property. State has been notified.

(DS) requested a report on Building Permits. (MM) There is a lot of little stuff going on but no one is building houses.

(MM) noted that the 12 Broadway issue is still in Court.

(FH) “How many houses were affected by the tornado?” (MM) “About five.”

(LK) Why didn’t we have the Department Head sign-offs sooner? We are supposed to have them ten days prior to Planning Board meeting or at least five days before meeting. (MM) noted that he had just finished everything up today. I wouldn’t like to see them have to pay again to notify the abutters. (LK) Thank you for the information on Osborne. It made it easier to make a decision on that.

ITEM 8. Members Concerns

(DS) noted that he had attended the Master Plan meeting. “They were wondering if during a sub-division hearing if conservation is reviewed? (FH) noted, “When necessary.”

(DS) also noted that the Master Plan Committee is trying to protect the land on Upper City Road noting five acre plots for conservation to protect the farmland up there. (FH) “The Master Plan is only a suggestion.” (RH) If they did that, you would have to create a separate zone for that. They can suggest anything they want. (DS) “Ralph Odell is doing a good job.”

(RH) related that on Upper City Road now there are 40-50 acre parcels up there. (LK) Class VI roads are not in favor of five acre lots.

ITEM 9. Work Session

Work Session began at 7:50 P.M.

Board began noting Criteria for:

Campground: No development of area within twenty-five (25) feet of property line. This area is to be left “natural, undisturbed, and unused.” Lot size is to be no less than ten (10) acres.

(RH) This buffer is important for camping.

Cemetery: Certified plan required, when necessary. Buffer is ten (10) feet.

(RH) A sub-division requires a certified plan. It is within the Building Inspector’s power to require a certified plot plan. (MM) to review and come up with this (probably from Town attorneys.)

Church: Allowed in all zones. Parking mandated through Ordinances.

Flea Market: Parking can be unpaved, but adequate for event – grass parking is allowed. Buffer would be as setbacks as defined in zone.

Event: To be added to Table of Uses and definitions noting: Requires permission or licensing through Board of Selectman.

(REMINDER TO BOARD: When doing parking, consider more than asphalt. Consider such things as hard pack.)

Fuel Storage: As mandated by the State.

Funeral Home: No criteria necessary. Criteria notation to be deleted on Table of Uses.

Health Club/Indoor Sports Facility: Board discussed separating these into two separate definitions.

Board will consider question of exempting downtown parking requirements to encourage downtown activities.

Junk Yards: Size: Not less than ten (10) acres. Fencing: Eight (8) foot privacy fence. Natural buffer as mandated by Statutes on fence. Twenty-five (25) foot sideline and rear natural buffer, undisturbed and unused. Frontage: One hundred (100) feet from road. To be located in Zoning Board specified area. Board of Selectman issue license. The building itself to be within regular setback as indicated by zone. Must meet DES and all State requirements.

In-Law Apartments: All criteria to be deleted, not necessary.

ITEM 10. Public Input


ITEM 11. Adjournment

(GL) Motion to adjourn. (MR) Second. Carried 7-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

Approved: August 21, 2008

______________________________ _________________________

Rich Hunsberger, Chairman Date

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