December 1, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Budget.

Meeting Minutes
Thursday, December 01, 2010
The regular meeting of the Pittsfield Budget Committee was called to order at 7:05 pm on December 01, 2010 in Town Hall large meeting room by Louis Houle.
Louis Houle, Bill Abbott, Dick Munn, Mark Riel, Stan Bailey, David Menard, Lee Adams, Joan Osborne, Fred Hast, Helen Schiff, Helen Schoppmeyer, Paul Skowron Town Administrator.
A. Approval of Minutes
None at this time.
B. Open Issues
C. New Business
4290 Emergency Mgmt – Forestry: Discussion.
4550 Library Discussion: Selectmen’s request same as town request.
4312 & 4316 Highways & Streets: Discussion. Line 273 high based on expense. Due to lack of snow last year most snow removal was done in house.
4324-4339 Solid Waste disposal: Discussion. How come we don’t see decreases in fees with decrease in population? Hydrant & Dam Fees: Discussion; Line 279, why did we get the increase? We got overcharged and then got a refund from them.
4414 Animal Control: Discussion;
4441-4444 Welfare – Discussion: Increase relates to additional weeks pay. We can’t legally not pay these amounts.
4520-4583 Parks and Recreation – Discussion: Dustin park gazebo has not been repaired yet, what’s up? Library – Increase in wages again. Patriotic purposes – Discussion
4611-4651 Conservation/Economic development: EDC works on improving the town, helps get grants.
Debt – Borrowing as a result of slower tax receipts. This loan was required because of a longer repayment term.
4901-4903 Capital Outlay – Discussion about command vehicle. Should take police cruiser.
4912-4916 Capital reserves –
WWTP – Discussion: Unbudgeted & Encumbered Expenses – Discussion. Line 4 Overtime: Do they still need overtime with only 3 employees.

What about our grant? Currently approved by all parties.

How are union negotiations going?

Public Input:
Was there only six windows replaced on the library. No, we don’t think so.
Police cruiser was turned down because of an alternator and three bald tires.
Sewer fees are not offsetting fees for use.

D. Agenda for Next Meeting
Meeting was adjourned at 9:07 pm by Louis Houle. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on December 15, 2010 in Town Hall meeting room.
Minutes submitted by: David M. Menard
Approved by: