December 17, 2013 Minutes


December 17, 2013

Present: Mary Schelble, Chair; Dana Sansom, Treasurer, Beverly Pietlicki, Director; Nancy Fogg, Secretary, William Tahnk, Resident

Meeting Convened: at 3:40 PM by Mary Schelble, Chair. Time of meeting changed due to snow.

Acceptance of Minutes: November 19, 2013, minutes were accepted as written. (Dana/Nancy)

Old Business:
Circulation Assistant Posting; The Trustees appointed Shayla Locke as circulation assistant
and page upon the recommendation of the Director. The position is for 6 hours per week at $8
per hour.
Sanderson Grant 2013: Approval was received for using the $600 balance to replace the director’s desk which is broken beyond repair. A motion passed to contribute $99 from the Trustee account for purchase of the desk. (Dana/Nancy) Josiah Friends of the Library will purchase a coordinating credenza for the director’s office.
Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports: The reports were accepted as presented

New Business:
Globe Manufacturing Donation: The $1500 donation from Globe Manufacturing will be
dedicated to supporting the N. H. Downloadable audio books subscription. Any balance will
be applied toward library automation expenses.
Anonymous Donation: $50 was donated anonymously to help pay for the new router.
Staircase Committee: A meeting is scheduled for Dec. 19, 2013, at 6:00 pm at the Town Hall.
Committee members are: Eric Nilsson, Selectperson; Dana Sansom, Trustee; Beverly Pietlicki,
Library Director; Harry Vogt, Bill Provencal, and Dan Schroth, citizens.

Adjournment: 4:30 pm (Nancy/Dana)

Policy Subcommittee Meeting: No meeting was scheduled.

Next Monthly Meeting: January 21, 2014, at 7:00 pm. Closed session scheduled for 6:45 pm for personnel review.

Submitted by Nancy Fogg, Secretary