December 2, 2014 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 5:00 P.M. by Eric Nilsson, Vice-Chairman


Eric Nilsson (EN), Vice-Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Gerard LeDuc (GL),
Albert Douglas (AD) – arrival at 5:13 P.M., Michael Williams (MW), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman.




(AD) Parking – K2 Market.


2. Police Department – Chief Cain

Police Chief Cain was present.

Police Chief Cain: He re-emphasized that 2015 is a 53 week pay period and there is an increase of about $10,000 additional in the budget for this extra pay period. He noted that there were also some one-time expenses such as uniforms which they are seeking to change for economical/comfort reasons. The proposed uniforms would cost about 50-60% of what the current uniforms cost. Chief Cain also explained that they will be in the process of hiring a new officer as well as a part-time officer and they would be included in this process. (GL) related that this is something that should be discussed with the Budget Committee so they understand your rationale for the change. Chief Cain: The switching costs would eventually pay for itself.

Chief Cain explained the Federal grants in relation to the revenue offsets. He also noted that Dispatch would be switching to the tablet, which is not required right now but eventually Dispatch will be accomplishing this which will reduce Dispatch fees and free up their time. (GL) Towns are going to tablets and getting rid of the laptops. Chief Cain: At night as well as other times, the officer on duty relies on surrounding towns and the tablet will allow him to monitor what other officers/towns are doing.

(AD) arrived at 5:13 P.M.

(EN) What about Line 198 (Software Maintenance Services)? Chief Cain explained that this covers the database for the PD. It is a one-time fee which includes the download fee and then will revert back to the regular fee. “We have purchased two tablets this year and as we replace vehicles, the tablet will be replaced in the vehicles. I would like to have the last four by next year. The tablet will serve to save Dispatch air time.

(LS) What is the dollar figure for the 53rd week? Chief Cain: About $10,000. (LS) There is about a 6-8% increase in your budget with few areas of offset. I would like to see if we could save on some of the “smaller line items.” All departments will have the 53rd week and it is hard to accept this increase.

Chief Cain: We need to replace three of the bulletproof vests right now – two are in service and one for the new hire. (LS) You also indicate using part-timers for overtime. Health insurance has decreased. I understand the tablets and the uniforms increases as a one-time fee. I would like to support what you are proposing. Have we not been replacing the cruisers? Why is there an increase in repairs? Chief Cain explained the reasons for the repairs – snow tires, accidents, and general repairs. (LS) Overtime line sticks out. Chief Cain explained that the overtime line includes coverage for vacations, holidays, and court time.

(AD) I am sensing that some of your requests are those that should have been requested in increments – something that has not been asked for in the past.
Chief Cain: Probably. (AD) What about Line 205 (Station Repairs & Maintenance) and Line 211 (Department Supplies). (EN) I would not suggest dropping those lines because PD still has some repairs that need to be done to their downstairs ceiling. (LS) Shouldn’t these repairs be coming out of the Expendable Trust for Municipal Buildings? Shouldn’t all repairs be coming out of that fund? Chief Cain: I am not aware of that. PD had some significant repairs that needed to be done this year that came out of the budget. (MW) If we have staff that can accomplish these “minor repairs” that will cover this. (MW) will check on this.

Chief Cain: Line 211 (Department Supplies) – this is something we should be keeping up on which includes ammo and Tasers (11) which are ten to eleven years old and should be on rotation for replacements. The Taser model we currently have may or may not be able to be repaired since they are being phased out.
(LS) Tasers are not supplies; maybe you could start another line for that.
Chief Cain: Also our portable breathalyzers need to be replaced along with the digital cameras. (GL) How old are the Tasers? Chief Cain: About 10-11 years.

(EN) Perhaps you can take another look at the budget and do a little bit of “tweaking.” I would like to support a lot of your line items – uniforms, tablets. (LS) And so would I but if you would look at a few other areas where we could save. Chief Cain: There are a lot of one time and done items.

Chief Cain left meeting at 5:40 P.M.


(GL) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (e) – Consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation which has been threatened in writing or filed against the Town or any subdivision thereof, or against any member thereof because of his membership in such body, until the claim or litigation has been fully adjudicated or otherwise settled. (AD) Second. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 5:40 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 6:22 P.M.

NOTE: RSA 91-A (III) – Minutes of proceeding in non-public session shall be
kept and the record of all actions shall be promptly made available for public inspection, except as provided in this section. Minutes and decision reached in non-public session shall be publicly disclosed within seventy-two (72) hours of the meeting, unless, by recorded vote of 2/3 of the members present, it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than the members of the Board, or render the proposed action ineffective. In the event of such circumstances, information may be withheld until, in the opinion of a majority of members, the aforesaid circumstances no longer apply.

Shall the Minutes be publicly disclosed? No.

Motion made by (GL) and Seconded by (LS) to not publicly disclose the Minutes because it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of the Board and render the proposed action ineffective. Carried 4-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.


1. Fire Department – Chief Martin

Fire Chief Martin was present. He noted that he was attempting to keep the department budget level-funded.

(AD) Page 13, Line 238 (Dues & Subscriptions), why is there an increase.
Chief Martin: There was a double payment made for a subscription and that line can be reduced to $2,700.

(AD) Motion to approve Line 238 to $2,700. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) This presumably will not happen again? Chief Martin: No. (LS) Line 288 (Station Repairs & Maintenance) – Mike, could you check to see if that can also go into Building Maintenance Fund?

(LS) Motion to approve Fire Department Budget as proposed for $723,364.
(GL) Second.

(LS) Motion to approve Line 288 (Station Repairs & Maintenance) to $500.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to amend approval of Fire Department Budget to $722,364.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Review Encumbrances

(MW) There is the encumbrance for the Library upgrade which is for repair of the exterior of the Library and to construct second egress for life safety. The Library Trustees have indicated that they have about $16,000 to spend since the egress did not have to be accomplished and they have a list of items they would like to spend it on. (EN) The outside of the Library building still needs to be sealed at a cost of about $20,000. This is the third time that it is leaking into the basement because the building has not been sealed. (MW) The only project on their list that needs attention would be the repair of one of the front steps. (LS) We should let it get finished and do what they need to do and then let it lapse. (MW) to check.

(LS) Motion to approve Lines 2, 3, and 4 as proposed.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Lines 11, 12, and 13 as proposed.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


3. Credit Card Policy

(MW) This is something that Cara has been working on for a while and feels it should be adopted.

(LS) Motion to approve Credit Card Policy as proposed.
(AD) Second. Carried 4-0.


4. PCDC Abatement Request

Cedric Dustin was present.

Mr. Dustin: There is really not a whole lot new. Our plan is to fund what we can and so far this year we are okay, and except for the property taxes, we are “in the black.” This will probably never be self-supporting. Avitar had recommended that PCDC get the tax exemption. We are living up to our obligations according to the Charter – the day care is in place and the only one in Town. We are eligible for the exemption and that is why we asked for it. We would like to have an answer.

(EN) The Board has requested some paperwork for a future financial plan. We are trying to assist you in your endeavors. Mr. Dustin: It depends on the grants we get which is not something we would like to reveal publicly.

(LS) We would like the PCDC to show us how they would get out of financial debt – show the Board the income that you can project over a period of time.
Mr. Dustin: The income varies and is dependent upon grants. (LS) That is not
a financial plan. So, you do not have one? Mr. Dustin: The building does not generate any funds and we cannot come up with a financial plan. We have no investments because we do not make money. You cannot have a financial plan when you have no funds.

(EN) It would be okay to help the PCDC but you need to present itemized lines similar to our budget to project for the future. Mr. Dustin: We present a copy of our tax return every year, which is required by Town, and that is all in it. (LS) The tax return indicates past performance and that does not fulfill the financial plan purpose. Mr. Dustin: The financial plan is what the group has been doing for years – rental apartments and grants – this is what we have and will continue to do. If you want a blueprint of where we are going, and what we are going to do, I do not know how much more we can give you. (EN) When we do the Town Budget, we have various items to show us where the money goes. Mr. Dustin: We gave you what utilities costs and other expenses per year. (EN) If you could get all this paperwork to Mike and the Board to review, that will give us the numbers. (LS) The financial plan should show us how you are going to get out of this hole.
Mr. Dustin: We have showed you the income and the expenses. (LS) How are you going to get out of debt if the Board of Selectmen helps you? Look at it logically. We would be willing to help for a year but five years from now will you be financially stable – you have no revenue. How will you be out of the “red” in the future? Mr. Dustin: The property taxes are putting us in the “red.” You people do not feel you want to support us.

(AD) I respect Avitar’s recommendation and have stated that in the past. I agree that we have read your Charter, talked about abatements and exemptions, but ultimately this is the taxpayer’s money and they should have the final say if Town should help you no matter what. The bottom line is it is the taxpayer’s money. Mr. Dustin: How can we give you a plan then tell you this is what we are attempting to do.

(LS) The PCDC originally asked for an exemption and the Board decided “No.” The Board then discussed abatement for two years. If the Board does this, what is the difference going to be in the years to come? What would be different?
Mr. Dustin: I cannot tell you that. Do you think the Community Center and the Day Care is beneficial to the Town? (LS) We should let the taxpayers decide. This was originally taken over by an outside organization; why should the taxpayer be supplementing this? Mr. Dustin: A Warrant Article may be the option.

Cedric Dustin left meeting at 7:10 P.M.


1. K-2 Market Parking

(AD) I have discussed this with my sister-in-law regarding the church using the parking spaces in front of K-2 Market. They are wondering if two spaces could be saved on Sunday mornings strictly for store patrons use. After thinking about it, other businesses would probably want the same privileges.

(EN) The PD has removed several signs that say “Parking for K-2 Market” in the past. These are public parking spaces. (AD) I expect there is no nice way to handle this and I am not sure what can and should be done.

(MW) I had a call about this. The Police were asked to take the signs down. Elm Grove has also complained about the parking. They have expressed complaints in the past. They are potentially going to be renting three apartments and would like rental parking. If the Town allowed parking overnight, this would be good for the renters. Perhaps, parking meters or leasing parking places would be an option but might result in more of a problem. What we do for one we would have to do for all – parking at a cost. (EN) Maybe building a parking lot and charge. (MW) In Manchester, they lease general spaces in the parking lot. (GL) This has been an ongoing problem forever. (AD) I have heard that the former pastor of the church had informed his parishioners to leave spaces for business use.


6. Sewer Abatement Request – Cousins Properties, LLC

(MW) There have been three bills where they have been billed for eight units where there are only two.

(LS) Motion to approve sewer abatement Tax Map U01, Lot 11, Cousins Properties, LLC in the amount of $144. (AD) Second. Carried 4-0.

7. LUCT Abatement Request – Weldon Realty Partnership

(MW) This property sold which was below the ten acre threshold and the LUCT tax was imposed. The owner purchasing the smaller parcel advised us of the $4,000 refund.

(LS) Motion to approve the LUCT abatement ($4,000) for Tax Map R31,
Lots 1 & 2 and R31, Lot 11. (AD) Second. Carried 4-0.

8. Intent to Cut – Ed & Laurie Vien

(MW) This is all in order.

(LS) Motion to approve Intent to Cut, Ed & Laurie Vien, Tax Map R38, Lot 3,
3-2, 3-1, 8, 9-1 and 9-2. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of November 18, 2014

(GL) Motion to table approval of Public Session Minutes of November 18, 2014. (AD) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of November 18, 2014

(GL) Motion to table approval of Non-Public Session Minutes of
November 18, 2014. (AD) Second. Carried 4-0.


(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


Financial Administration, Page 3: Board discussed Line 56 (Auditing Services) and noted that it should be sent out to bid. (EN) indicated the computer services also.

Revaluation of Property, Legal Expenses, & Personnel Administration, Page 5: Board noted Line 83 (Retiree Medicomp) should be $2,918. (MW) I have not had the opportunity yet to follow-up on what was discussed at the last meeting regarding NHRS Settlement ($24,711).

(LS) Motion to approve Line 83 (Retiree Medicomp), Line 84 (Background Checks) and Line 86 (Drug & Alcohol Testing) as proposed. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(AD) Motion to approve Line 85 (NHRS Settlement). (GL) Second. Vote to Approve (EN) and (GL); opposed (LS) and (AD). Motion fails. Unfunded Line.

Planning & Zoning (Page 6): Effective January 1, 2015, Planning and Zoning different services will be itemized in Budget such as postage, copies, etc. to get a more accurate count of use. This will be done for all departments. Board had several questions pertaining to budget and Clayton Wood and Carole Dodge will be requested to attend the next Board meeting (December 16th).

General Government Buildings, Page 7: (MW) Should we budget for a new Website? Board decided “No.” (GL) Will you put that out to bid? (MW) No, I think proposals instead.

(LS) Motion to approve General Government Building proposed Budget for $84,561 which excludes Line 132 (Tax Deeded Property Maintenance).
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Cemeteries & Regional Association, Page 9:

(MW) A Warrant Article will be proposed to adopt Floral Park as Town cemetery.

(LS) Motion to approve Cemeteries proposed Budget for $500.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(LS) Motion to approve Total Regional Association proposed Budget for $7,289. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Sidewalks: (LS) Did Highway incorporate funds for engineering for the sidewalks? (MW) It is not in the budget. (LS) Funds for researching for past plans and engineering were going to be put into the Budget. George was going to take a look at that. (MW) to check with George and his research on this.

Board noted there are several other Budgets that they would like to review. They will be requested to attend the next BOS meeting:

Carole Dodge, Zoning Board
Clayton Wood, Planning Board
HSA – Bill Elkins
Jesse Pacheco, Building Inspector
Rob Freese – Emergency Management
Ted Mitchell, Economic Development

Forest Fire Suppression, Page 17:

(LS) Motion to approve Forest Fire Suppression proposed Budget ($1,598).
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Hydrant and Dam Fees, Page 21:

(LS) Motion to approve Hydrant and Dam proposed Budget ($170,918).
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Animal Control, Page 22:

(MW) This is the revised Budget which depicts Anne Taylor’s request for a raise. She indicates she has not had a raise in ten years.

(AD) Motion to approve Animal Control proposed Budget ($8,915).
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

Welfare, Page 23:

(LS) Motion to approve Welfare proposed Budget ($93,697).
(AD) Second. Carried 4-0.

Parks & Recreation, Page 24:

(LS) Motion to approve Parks & Recreation proposed Budget ($26,002).
(AD) Second. Carried 4-0.

Library, Page 24:

Library representative will be requested to present proposed Budget at next Board meeting.

Patriotic Purposes, Page 24:

(LS) Motion to approve Patriotic Purposes proposed Budget ($3,500).
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Conservation, Page 25:

(LS) Motion to approve Conservation proposed Budget ($650).
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Long Term Bond Principal & Interest, Page 26:

(LS) Motion to approve Long Term Bond Principal & Interest proposed Budget ($30,156). (AD) Second. Carried 4-0.

Tax Anticipation Note Interest, Page 26:

(LS) Motion to approve Tax Anticipation Note Interest proposed Budget ($10,000). (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.


Jesse Pacheco: I agree with Linda about the PCDC financial plan.

Jesse Pacheco: Parking is a big problem in the downtown area. Town does own property (33 Main Street) and maybe we could tear it down and make it into a parking lot. (MW) That property is in foreclosure. Jesse Pacheco: Businesses in that area have problems with parking for their patrons and when there are church services. The church does have a parking area in the back of the church which I do not know if they are using, but it would open up the K2 Market area and other businesses. There are businesses moving in on Main Street.

Tom Davidson: I was waiting to see if the Board had any answers on Shaw Road. What about the Motion for the $45,000? (LS) explained that this had been withdrawn by the Board. Mr. Davidson: This project effects my property the
most with taking of the property for the monuments which the government does and now the Town. (EN) It is not our intention to take anyone’s property and that is why we did the survey. Mr. Davidson: A lot of people agree that the road was better than it was. The person that caused this issue is a renter and can move any time he wants. Has anyone from the Board been out there since the last meeting? (AD) Yes, I have. I can’t really evaluate it since I have not been on all roads in Pittsfield. (MW) When a decision is forthcoming, we will let you know.

Tom Davidson: I note that the tax rate is down and that is a great.

Close Public Input


(GL) Motion to adjourn. (AD) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:12 P.M.

Approved: December 16, 2014

_______________________________ ____________________
Eric Nilsson, Vice-Chairman Date

No Attachments
Olympus: 2:27:31

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on December 2, 2014, transcribed and publicly posted on
December 4, 2014.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary