December 28, 2010 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Fred Okrent (FO), Arthur Morse (AM), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Dan Schroth: I have a question regarding the update of the Emergency Management Plan. Did we do an update and expend the $2,000 in the budget for it? Chief Wharem: No, not yet. Part of it is the Emergency Mitigation grant for $5,000 which is due January 17, 2011 and at that point it will be rewritten. Dan Schroth: So in June that portion will be updated. Chief Wharem: The grants are based on training, etc. and it is not as simple as it sounds. Town should be eligible for grants.

Paul Richardson: I know you talked about abatements at the last meeting and in the Minutes it should note that I said the property owner’s name should be noted when doing abatements. The people have the right to know.

Also, I was at a housewarming and a citizen approached me as to why the old mobile home at 277 Clough Road is still in the front yard. It cannot just be left there. We should write him a letter to tear it apart. It is devaluating the other properties.

(FH) He was first approached six to eight months ago and then the BI came on board and met with him. He told him to take it down as quickly as he could. The owner is not in good health but is taking it down. Come spring we will get right on him to do something. By June or July, it will be done. Mr. Richardson: It has been about a year and a half and it is still sitting there. (FH) The BI is on it now. When he gets on something, he very politely tries to work with the people.

Paul Richardson: Also, Snedeker is parking cars on his mother’s property and it is not intended to be used as parking area. Also, there is a one and half ton truck on the property line.

Paul Richardson: The assessing service used by the Town, there seems to be a lot of abatements. I do not know what this Board thinks of them.


(FO) Request from BI for Declaration of Hazardous Property (Tax Map R27, Lot 15). (PS) This falls under the same statute as the Volpe and Aubertin properties. I can draft another order for the Board to act on and have it on the Agenda next week. (FH) This one is different. All we wanted on the other properties involved safety issues. This house burned. We can deal with it next meeting.

(FH) Reassessment values in Town are mostly decreased. I have gone through the list and have noted that some values have gone down considerably, which should be looked at. I would like to have the Board go through them. I have about a dozen that I have questions about. (DM) I am not qualified to do that. (FH) I would like to have the assessors come in.

(FH) Add Windows and Carpet at Town Hall; (EV) BCEP; (PS) Proposed 2011 Budget Spread Sheet Update, List of Encumbrances, Amendment to SRF Loan with DES, Klitz Tax Agreement, and Memorandum of Understanding/Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.


1. Police Department Canine Program

Chief Wharem: A couple of weeks we (Patrolman DiGeorge and Chief Wharem) were before the Board regarding the Canine Program. We have reviewed with Laura Spector, Town Attorney the employment contract and the job description and she notes that they are both complete. We are now back before the Board to proceed with this.

(FO) Motion to approve the Police Department Canine Program. (FH) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 3-0. (DM) and (EV) Abstain.

Discussion: (AM) Paul, you agree that everything looks okay? (PS) Yes, the documents have been “cleaned up.” Chief Wharem: I have also contacted LGC and there is no financial increase pertaining to insurance as a result of adding a K-9 Program. He noted that if approved he would post the position for approximately two weeks and explained how the individual would be hired, cruiser requirements, how scheduling would work and wear and tear on the cruiser. He noted that the cruiser would essentially have one driver which could extend the use of the car for a longer period of time. Board also discussed use of the canine by other Towns and how they would be charged and the Board’s authority in reference to the program. (Board signed the K-9 Officer Contract.)

22. Windows/ Carpet – Town Hall

(PS) Chief Wharem has responded regarding contacting Bob Gauthier concerning the replacement windows frames at the Town Hall and utilization of prisoners. Bob Gauthier noted that he would contact Town after the holidays. Chief Wharem: He noted that they are still doing minor repairs at the Police Department. He noted that he is trying to get economically smart with the Police Department building.

2. Potential 2011 Budget Revision-Highway Block Grant and Police
Department Health Insurance

Chief Wharem related that he had sent a request to (PS) for a change in insurance to a family plan for 2011budget. This has not been included in the budget and would result in approximately $7,000 difference. He noted he is getting married within the next two weeks. (DM) I would like to see it happen first. It was agreed that Chief Wharem would re-approach this once the event has occurred.

21. Memorandum of Understanding/Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

(EV) Motion to approve Memo of Understanding Town of Pittsfield and the CNHRPC for the 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. (FO) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: Chief Wharem explained that this is a matching grant. He noted that all time utilized to work on the update can be included as part of this including the work done on the update by Highway Department, WWTP, and Fire Department.

2. Highway Block Grant (Continued)

(PS) The Highway Block Grant would be increased by about $13,000 from what was budgeted.

(FH) Motion to approve increase in Highway Block Grant to be noted as $124,405.81. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0

(PS) Also the Budget Committee had not yet set a hearing date which will probably be on a Wednesday sometime early in January 2011.

3. LGC Health Insurance Renewal 2011

(PS) This is the renewal contract and Board needs to approve and authorize Chair to sign document.

(EV) Motion to approve the renewal contract for the Health Insurance Contract and authorize Chair to sign document. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Some of the rates are a little bit different; have the changes now been made in the budget? (PS) Yes.

4. LGC Property Liability Insurance and Workers Comp. Insurance

(PS) In the past we had discussed renewing the property liability trust and worker’s compensation contract for one year. I have written requesting what the rate would be for one year as opposed to multi-year contract. This would result in a 25% increase in the premium. The multi-year contract would only be 9% increase per year. It was noted that there is no penalty for breaking the three year agreement.

(FH) Motion to approve three year contract for Property Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) We can renew contract for three years but get other quotes as well and pursue other avenues.

5. Flexible Benefit Plan Amendment

(PS) Board needs to approve and authorize Chair to sign document.

(EV) Motion to approve the Flexible Benefit Plan Amendment and authorize Chair to sign document. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Designation of a Name for a Lane for 911 Purposes

(PS) This is for a resident of Clough Road whose property can only be accessed through Northwood. The name chosen by the resident is Zaphod Lane. All parties are comfortable with the designation of name.

(FO) Motion to approve name of lane as Zaphod Lane. (EV) Second.
Carried 5-0.

7. Settlement Agreement/Assessment Appear U4-19, U4-18, & U3-75

(PS) It is the recommendation of BTLA to modify the noted assessments on properties owned by RDK Properties, LLC. The agreement affects 2009 assessments on three properties. (FH) Are we giving them an abatement?
(PS) Yes, there will be an abatement. (DM) What is the difference? (PS) They are challenging the 2009 assessments. (FH) I recommend we table it to see the comparisons and the original application.

(DM) Motion to table the Settlement Agreement for RKD Properties, LLC until further information can be acquired. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

8. General Assessing Service Contract for 2011-Cross Country Appraisal

(PS) I would recommend Board table this to the next meeting. Cara, the DRA representative, Chuck Reese, and I have had a conversation as to how this one year agreement should be structured so as to include the items Cross Country should still address associated with the previous multi-year contract. Chuck Reese has written a letter to the Town advising as to what specific issues should be addressed and should be included in this contract.

(FO) Motion to table the Cross Country Appraisal general assessing service contract for 2011 until information received from DRA. (EV) Second.
Carried 5-0.

(DM) Can we go out to bid for subsequent years? (PS) Yes. (AM) According to the contract, we can terminate at any time.

9. Volunteer Appointment Application

(PS) We have received an appointment application from Albert Douglas who is interested in the Cable Advisory Committee. He has discussed this with Clayton Wood. (EV) I would like some input from the Committee. (FH) What did Clayton have to say about this? (PS) to check with Clayton Wood as to his comments regarding this appointment.

10. Welfare Lien Tax Map U02, Lot 10

(FH) Motion to approve Welfare Lien, Tax Map U02, Lot 10. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

11. Transfer to General Fund from Ambulance Replacement Special
Revenue Fund

(EV) Motion to approve transfer $99,318.15 from Ambulance Replacement Special Revenue Fund to General Fund. (FO) second. Carried 5-0.

12. Transfer to General Fund from Library Building Maintenance Trust

(FH) Motion to approve transfer $15,207 from Library Building Maintenance Trust Fund to General Fund. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

13. Transfer to General Fund from Economic Development Trust

(FO) Motion to approve transfer $563.40 from Economic Development Trust to General Fund. (AM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (DM) I thought this was to be supported by advertisers, do you not have enough subscribers? (EV) Yes, it was supposed to be supported by advertisers and we do not have enough subscribers. We are trying to implement a service that after so many minutes, you have to log on with a credit card. This was not intended for use by residents but for travelers. (AM) Are there any studies on improving it? If you improve the network, it might increase. (EV) explained how the system works and that they were working on implementing an improved system.

14. Transfer to General Fund from Planning Board Escrow

(EV) Motion to approve transfer $375. from Planning Board Escrow to General Fund. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

15. Encumbrances for Budget Year 2010

(PS) Police Chief had talked about the video security system but no dollar value was provided so it is not included. There is one list that includes the gazebo and one which does not. (FH) We should keep the one with the gazebo included. We are hoping to have this done in the spring.

(AM) Motion to approve 2010 encumbrances in the amount of $247,474.67.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) Any encumbrances not listed will not be encumbered but will be through the General Fund.

16. Board of Selectmen Membership Warrant Article

(AM) Motion to approve Warrant Article for three member Board of Selectmen. (EV) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-1 (FH).

Discussion: (FH) After discussing with (AM), I thought about it and originally thought it might be a good idea. It is difficult to get people to run for a five man Board. During the last vacancy, names were submitted, people interviewed and then re-interviewed. Many people were asked to sign up to help Town. How would this help? (AM) It would mean that we would not need two people to run every year, only one. It gives us a choice. The two top vote getters get in. The main reason is that it is hard for individuals to serve full terms for various reasons. (EV) I kind of agree with Art. People elected may be very interested but knowledge about the job is important. The time and expense of preparing these packets is an issue and getting qualified people is a difficult thing to do. People apply who have never been to a meeting and they shouldn’t try to just jump into the job. This job requires a great deal of time and effort.

(FH) It divides the work among five instead of three as representative on the various committees and boards. (DM) If you will remember we did not fill all these positions until a couple of weeks ago.

(AM) Fred is discussing an ideal world. It would divide the division of labor differently but look at the past. (DM) Next year, there will be three members needed. (FH) People out there expect to get someone to learn it the first year. (EV) Next election three positions are open and there will be a total remake of the Board. This Board is all going in the same direction with the same goals, but this could change.

(FH) Personally, I would like to go to a Town Manager and get someone knowledgeable. (FO) I have no problem with the Warrant Article. At the Town Meeting, it will give the people a chance to speak.

(PS) to draft Warrant Article.

17. Proposed 2011 Budget Spreadsheet Update

See above.

18. List of Encumbrances

See above.

19. Amendment to SRF Loan with DES

(PS) It is my understanding that there is a loan with DES that became due this December. I have asked for an extension for another year which has been agreed to and it is necessary to modify the Loan Agreement.

(EV) Motion to approve Modification No. 3 to original Loan Agreement, SRF Project No. CS-330124-02 with an extension to September 30, 2011.
(FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

20. Klitz Tax Agreement

(PS) You will find a copy of Tax Agreement by Darryl Klitz to make monthly payments of $500. (DM) By what authority is Darryl Klitz doing this? (PS) I questioned whether the property owner was aware of this and he responded “Yes.” There is no agreement until Brian Klitz signs the Special Payment Agreement and Board approves it. (FH) At $500 a month it will take him 30 months to pay this. (EV) I am okay with the agreement. I do not like to take properties.

(FO) Motion to approve Special Payment Agreement, Brian Klitz. (EV) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (AM) Would it be possible to add a number five and note that current taxes must be kept up in order for agreement to be kept valid? Board agreed that this probably could not be incorporated into the agreement.

(PS) reiterated that this agreement was discussed with Darryl Klitz and not Brian Klitz.

21. Memo of Understanding – Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

See above.

23. BCEP

(EV) noted that he had discussed this with (PS) and wanted the Board to be aware of his position. BCEP voted on their budget which I did not vote for because of the raises (4%). Barnstead Board of Selectmen are not happy with the vote and asked Pittsfield BOS to join with them in asking the BCEP to reconsider their budget.

(PS) James Bernard, Barnstead, asked if Board would agree to ask BCEP to reconsider their actions taken on budget development. (FH) What segment are they interested in? (EV) The raises; there were two “No” votes and they are still technically a part of Pittsfield until they are fully funded by themselves. Their rationale is that they have not gone up in the past twelve budgets. Last year there was a 2% pay raise and this year 5% was proposed but went down to a 4% pay raise. Within the BCEP budget, there is an incentive fund which on average is roughly under $10,000 a year. Why can’t they consider this as their pay raise? The facility is highly talked about and they have a good program and do a nice job. Visitors come to view the facility and talk dollars and cents regarding the operation. (FH) They are all well compensated. (EV) The BCEP has the best health plan of all the communities. I am all for asking them to reconsider their budget. Chichester and Pittsfield voted “NO” and Barnstead was going to vote no but did not.

(DM) I would be in favor of talking to them about lowering their budget. (AM) I am not in favor of this. They are working well the way they are. (DM) Go to other Boards and find out what they would like to do.

22. Windows/Carpets – Town Hall Continued

(FH) I would like to get the carpet replacement moving. (PS) noted that he had asked Dan Kramer to look at the carpet where (FH) had cut out a panel to reveal underlying material. Dan noted that there is fiberboard underneath the rug which is a leveling layer. Tile cannot be placed on the top of this fiberboard. So, do you want to remove the carpet, padding and fiberboard and replace with tile, or do you want to remove the carpet and padding and replace with new carpet. It is unknown what the floor looks like beneath the fiberboard.

Paul Richardson: He noted that it would cost too much to fix the floor beneath the fiberboard as it is “wavy” and contains a lot of screw holes as the desks originally located here were screwed into the floor. The fiberboard would accept carpet.

(PS) related that he would get Bob Gauthier to come in and look at it. I would recommend that the Town Clerk’s office be done first. (PS) to discuss with Bob Gauthier as to when and how it could be done.

24. Assessed Values of Re-Valuation

(FH) This Board should look at them. The last time we had a reval, we upped the elderly exemption. There are a lot of people paying a little bit of taxes.




1. Capital Improvement Program

This is now completed and has not been signed by all parties. It is almost ready to be put in book form for distribution.

2. Bids for Town Hall Window Frame Rehabilitation Pending


1. Timber Tax Levy Tax Map R49, Lot 17-8

(FH) Motion to table until Board can discuss with Forrester. Motion dies because of lack of Second.

(EV) Motion to approve Timber Tax Levy Map R49, Lot 17-9 in the amount of $82.13 assessed to the landowner. (FO) Second. Carried 4-1 (FH).

2. Elderly Exemption Tax Map U03, Lot 73

(PS) The applicant is over the income limit. Do you want to adhere to rules and regulations? (EV) She does not meet requirements. Board discussed what documentation was provided and who sets figures.

(EV) Motion to not approve Elderly Exemption Tax Map U03, Lot 73.
(FO) Second. Carried 4-0. (FH) Abstain.

3. Veteran Tax Credit Tax Map R50, Lot 7-6

(AM) Motion to approve Veteran Tax Credit for Gerri Casey, Tax Map R50,
Lot 7-6. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Veteran Tax Credit Tax Map R06, Lot 11

(AM) Motion to approve Veteran Tax Credit Tax Map R06, Lot 11.
(FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Veteran Tax Credit Tax Map R16, Lot 5-4

(AM) Motion to approve Veteran Tax Credit Tax Map R16, Lot 5-4.
(FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Elderly Exemption Tax Map R33, Lot 9

(FO) Motion to approve Elderly Exemption Tax Map R33, Lot 9. (FH) Second. Vote 2-3 (DM), (AM), (EV). Motion fails due to lack of majority vote.


(EV) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

(EV) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of December 7, 2010

(EV) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of December 7, 2010 with corrections. (FO) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.


(DM) Page 4, No. 13, last line should read: ………is an estimate and not a work order.
(DM) Page 8, No. 9, last line should read….School Representative for the SRTS and Ron Vien for the ARRA are at the Public Hearings.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of December 7, 2010

(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of December 7, 2010 with date change first line. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.


Maurice Wells: On December 7th, I asked some questions of the Board and received no answers. If I put these questions in writing, will Board be able to give me some answers? (DM) If you write down your questions, we will give you the answers we have. Mr. Wells: I will get them to you at the next meeting. (EV) If you get the questions to us before the meeting, we will have the answers for you. Sometimes, it takes some research to find the answers. Mr. Wells: If you refer back to the Minutes you will have my questions.

Maurice Wells: The winter sand down at the town shed, the sand should be covered by State law. They took some of it away and then replenished it. (EV) I believe it is salt and sand mixed together that should be under cover. Mr. Wells: George never put sand and salt together. Also down by Belcastro, there is a pile of sand uncovered. “Your Department Heads are running you. I have got to get out of here.” I understand you have a downed truck. (PS) We have two trucks that are down. (FH) The Sterling and the International. Mr. Wells questioned whether any of the Board had talked to Lenny Gilman? All Board members noted that they had not.

Paul Richardson: Fred’s comments about the reval assessments. The assessors should have given the Board a preliminary report. It is too late to make any changes now. I noticed that one house was assessed for $54,000 and has had a total rehab. This was not picked up. Any that are being renovated should be noted for future assessments. (DM) We have a way of determining that now with the BI new program. (PS) The BI is not able to make any changes on the card.

Paul Richardson: On the BCEP, they are lucky that they have a job. The word “on the street” is that they voted a 4 ½% increase. That is still quite an increase. There are a lot of people looking for jobs.

Close Public Input




(EV) Motion to adjourn. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

Approved: January 4, 2011

_______________________________ ____________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on December 28, 2010, transcribed and public posted on
December 29, 2010.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes