December 5, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Budget.

2012 Budget Committee Meeting


Members Present: Louie Houle Chairman, Mark Riel Vice Chair, Larry Willams Jr. Secretary, Stan Bailey,  Helen Schiff, Helen Schoppmeyer, Paul Rogers Selectman Rep., Paul Skowron Town Admin.


Meeting called to order: 7:05                                 Date: 12/5/12


Reading of 11/28/12 Minutes: Motion to approve By Stan B. 2nd By Helen Schiff


First to speak Police Chief Wharrem. He did a brief walk through of his budget. No major questions on that.


He also reviewed Animal Control. No comments or questions,


The police Department is also asking for a new Cruiser, replacing an older one that is over due. Cost $41,958.00 includes all new radio equipment.


Also mentioned was a Repeater for better radio reception and ability to reach out in more areas. ( they will still not have reception in all locations in town) The Repeater will be installed in one Cruiser and will enhance the reception of the hand held radios each Officer carries.( while in range of the repeater)


Ron Vien did a brief walk through of his budget. No question or comments.


George Batchelder was available for questions about his budget. No questions


George did state that the 1998 Sterling was in bad need of replacement and needed some consideration for replacement.


The Special Detail Revenue Fund was brought up and many questions raised to its actual purpose, is there one and is it worth actually worth setting up.


Open for Public Input:

Ray Ramsey commented that, at the Town Meeting, if someone was to step forward and explain that the Special Detail line in the budget is funded with  $50,000.00 but the revenues expended will actually be reimbursed , this means that there is no impact on the budget.


Revised Warrant Articles were handed out and appear to be in order.( there was a decrease of $20,000.00 on the cost of the Ambulance, by the Fire Chief)


One question raised on the Fire Chief’s budget. He is asking for $4,000.00 to inspect Multi-family housing units. We already have Housing Standards doing inspections of these places. DO we need two agencies doing the same job? Question for Town Meeting, Should we review this before spending monies twice on the same thing.


Motion to adjourn Stan B. 2nd Paul R.  8:55



                                                Submitted by: Larry Williams Jr.