December 6, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Ed Vien, Chairman.


Ed Vien (EV), Chairman, Denise Morin (DM), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Maurice Wells: What happened to the truck that went from the Police Station to the Highway Department? (PS) It was sold at auction. Maurice Wells: What did we get for it? (EV) Not a lot, but I will get the information for you.

Ted Mitchell: The Board has received my letter from the Planning Board about the Master Plan survey? (Board noted that the letter has been received.) Ted Mitchell: Ralph Odell will be here about 7:00 P.M. and I will defer to him on that. He did bring up something via E-Mail that he has been talking to other Towns about getting the survey done through a grant. Maybe we should delay funding for this for a time.

Close Public Input (6:03 P.M.)


(EV) Louis Houle has requested a brief meeting with Board; (PS) Emergency Fuel Oil Dispensing Policy, Ted Mitchell/Master Plan Committee Request for Funds, Parks and Recreation Swing Set Purchase and Non-Public regarding Personnel and Union Negotiations.


1. Elizabeth Sweeny, CRDC – CDBG Grant Request (6:05 P.M.)

Ms. Sweeney after introductions noted that the CRDC is a non-profit organization which assists in providing and overseeing lending services in Merrimack County in partnership with banks for small businesses. (See attached.) This is always accomplished in conjunction with a bank. CDBG Grant sounds like a grant, but it is actually a loan through Federal funds. It comes to the CDBG as a sub-grant and we make the loan.

A business in Pittsfield, Rustic Crust, has requested we assist them and we have begun doing this at a preliminary level. Their business is growing and sales have improved. She explained their product and their distribution area. They would like to purchase new equipment, namely a conveyor belt and a wood fired pizza oven for approximately $800,000. This program requires that the municipality is the applicant and the CDBG is the sub-applicant. It was noted that this will create approximately twenty jobs and will be a $400,000 loan.

If the Town chooses to honor this request, this needs to be put on the agenda for a Public Hearing. This process has been done in Pittsfield once before but unfortunately the business was unable to get a bank committal, so it was withdrawn.

(EV) What is the liability to the Town? Ms. Sweeney: We use funds to make the loan and the business pays it back. Collateral is required, in this case it would be the machinery. If the business fails to repay the loan or create the jobs, loan is defaulted and they would need to repay funds in cash or collateral would be taken. The town designates CDBC as agent and we are responsible. The Town is not liable and does not have to tap into the revenues of the Town. Town can determine the administration work that was required and attorney fees which can be paid out of the grant. Town administers the grant and the CDBG administers the loan. This type of grant can also be utilized by public utilities within town, housing and economic development.

(FH) You are offering the business two to three years to fill the positions. Why? Ms. Sweeney: Feasibly, once the business receives the machinery they will be hiring individuals to operate, etc. and will probably be fulfilling that part of the grant much sooner than later but they are offered the two to three years to fulfill that part of the grant. (GL) I would like to see the workforce for a project such as this be individuals in Pittsfield. Board and Ms. Sweeney discussed the financial records pertaining to this and the preferred confidential nature of some of the information.

(GL) Motion to approve a Public Hearing with CRDC and Rustic Crust for Community Development Block Grant on December 20, 2011. (DM) Second. Carried 5-0.

It was noted that Ms. Sweeney will take care of doing all the necessary posting for the public hearing and forward a copy of the article to (PS) for posting in the The Suncook Valley Sun for informational purposes only.

2. Louis Houle – Chairman of the Budget Committee (6:27 P.M.)

Mr. Houle: I wanted to come and talk to the Board regarding the Budget Committee. The Committee started too aggressively asking for things way ahead of schedule. I would like to apologize to the Board for this and realize that we were expecting too much. Our role is of a checks and balances nature by reviewing your budget which can be accomplished by us because we have more time to review the budget than the Board of Selectmen. We can work together on this. Currently, Don Kidder has resigned as Chair but remains on the committee.

(EV) I agree with you that we got off to a rocky start. Originally, Paul and I had discussed with Don having a training program conducted locally which would be offered by LGC but the Chair was not initially interested in this.

Mr. Houle: It is our job to review and recommend and try to see things from the taxpayer’s point of view. It has been difficult getting information from the Fire Department but other departments have cooperated with us fully. As far as the committee that was attempted to be started in reference to the Ambulance Department staffing, I believe that this should be the Fire Chief’s duty as part of his community function. Board and Mr. Houle discussed the need for full-time paramedics and the inability to acquire requested information from the Fire Department. He noted that he had read previous Minutes of the Board and noted that they had also requested information. Did you ever receive the information you requested? Board noted that it had not. (EV) The more communication we have the better it is.

Mr. Houle left meeting at 6:37 P.M.


1. Status of Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Recruitment

Board agreed that this is something that needs to proceed quickly. (PS) Board may want to address this in Non-Public Session. Board agreed.

2. Contract Proposal for Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Services

Not applicable at the present time.

(PS) It is noted that an offer was received from John Turner Consulting, Inc. for services of building inspector which would be about $65. (PS) will write a letter of thank you for their interest, but Town will not be utilizing this service.

3. Acceptance of Medical Coverage and Rates from LGC for 2012

(PS) The medical coverage and rates from LGC for 2012 have been received for your approval and authorizing Chair to sign is necessary.

(DM) Motion to approve Medical Coverage and Rates from LGC for 2012 and authorize Chair to sign. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Action on Proposed Settlement of Assessment Tax Map U03, Lot 37-1

(PS) Cross Country Appraisal has recommended the appeal be granted for Rolling Greens relative to the assessment and appeal.

(FH) After reviewing, I question the source of many of the figures as noted in the letter of November 21, 2011. Board reviewed documents and assessment file.

(PR) Motion to approve the settlement as noted by Cross Country Appraisers for 67 Main Street from $1,714,563 to $1,569,732 for tax year 2010. (DM) Second. Carried 3-2 (FH) & (GL).

Discussion: (FH) I am not comfortable with these telephone decisions which there seems to be a lot of lately. (GL) noted that he agreed with (FH) and noted that “this phone work has got to stop.”

5. Selectmen Representative to Pittsfield Drug & Alcohol Coalition Resignation

(PR) Motion to accept resignation of Denise Morin from the Pittsfield Drug & Alcohol Coalition. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

It is noted that the Coalition meets the second Monday of the month. Board members will check their schedules and a new representative will be assigned at the next meeting.

6. Review of Status of 2011 Budget

(PS) Attached to your packet of information is expenditure report as of
December 2nd. There are several things Board needs to decide on.

New Police Cruiser – the Police Department is running pretty slim but is still in the plus column – $34,200. I have requested that the Police Chief get some quotes on vehicles such as a leftover 2011 vehicle or a car that was ordered but not accepted. Chief Wharem has advised it is really the Explorer which needs to be replaced and I have requested he get quotes on that also. In a couple of weeks we will get a better understanding of the status of things. It will be close, but they will probably end the year in the black.

Please look through these again and we can put it on the Agenda for the next meeting as encumbrances will have to be acted upon as well as some additional information that will be forthcoming.

(FH) It notes that the Fire Department has a storage rental for $926. I thought that was finished in 2009. (PS) As I understand it the rental for 2011 was not budgeted and it is all paid for now. (EV) and (FH) both noted that they thought this had been accomplished last year. (PS) to check.

(DM) So, $369,972 remains which is what is left before reserves. There will be some items that will still be coming in through January.

7. Emergency Fuel Oil Dispensing Policy

(PS) This policy has been reviewed once and minor changes were made and it is now before Board for adoption.

(GL) This is for anyone who runs out of fuel? (FH) Yes, and will save the surcharge for delivery. (EV) There are a lot of houses in Town with outside fuel storage; wouldn’t it be better to have mixed diesel and kerosene? (FH) I have discussed that fact many times. (PS) Board can adopt this now to get things moving.

(FH) Motion to approve the Emergency Fuel Oil Dispensing Policy as presented. (GL) Second.

Discussion: (FH) Wouldn’t it be better to dispense ten gallons minimum at a time? Ten gallons should be the minimum. (PS) Board can adopt policy with change.

(FH) Motion to revise approval of the Emergency Fuel Oil Dispensing Policy with change of Paragraph II that “…maintain at least 10 gallons of Emergency Fuel (diesel)….” (GL) Revise Second to include 10 gallon minimum. Carried 5-0.

8. Parks & Recreation Swing Set Purchase

(PS) We have received a memo from Nick Abell which notes he would like to purchase a swing set for the pool area and is also asking to have a Warrant Article to withdraw $2,000 from the Capital Reserve for dredging the swimming pool. There is money within the Parks and Rec to pay for this out of the 2011 budget. (PR) What does Winsumvale have to do with the dam insurance in conjunction with the water supply to the pool? (FH) This is overflow water; (EV) and there is a natural spring that feeds it. (PS) He has not bought it yet. (EV) I have an issue spending $1,800 for a swing set when the money can be used for the dredging. (GL) Right now, I am not willing to spend any money. (PS) As an alternate, they can purchase it out of the Capital Reserve if the Board supports that. (FH) There is very little for kids to do in Town now. (EV) Looking back at Octoberfest, a lot of money was spent for a three-hour event. Dredging would make the pool more useful. We can let the taxpayers decide about the $1,800 swing set.

(PR) Motion to approve the funds for dredging in the near future and the $1,800 be on a Warrant Article for the swing set. (DM) Second. Carried 4-1 (FH).

(PR) This is the opposite of what Nick Abell requested.

9. Ted Mitchell/Master Plan Committee Request for Funds

(EV) Since Mr. Odell has not appeared, we will address this at the next meeting.




1. Disposition of Building Inspector Car

(PR) I have spoken to Tom Cher and it would cost about $800 to repair the car and he does not recommend it at this time. (FH) Is it inspected? (PR) Yes. (FH) Use it and then send it to the auction in May.

2. Status of Tilton Hill Road Property Eviction

(PS) All the necessary paperwork has been filed by the attorneys and the Town and we are on the last leg of the procedure where the Sheriff can evict tenant.

3. Animal Hospital

(PR) Have we ever checked to use other animal hospitals that will give us a break? Can I discuss with Anne Taylor about that? Board agreed.


1. Sewer Warrant Third Quarter

(PR) Motion to approve Sewer Warrant Third Quarter – $86,582.35.
(DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0

Discussion: (DM) There is usually a tally of the values, which she was provided.


8. Parks & Rec Swing Set Purchase

(FH) There is $4,257 left over in the Parks & Rec Budget, maybe they can do both. (PS) to check with Nick Abell if those funds are slated for other purposes and if both things could be done.


2. Reconsideration of Elderly Exemption and Veteran’s Tax Credit
Tax Map U03, Lot 35

(PS) Board needs to reconsider approval since applicant does not qualify for either. It needs to be recanted because of residency.

(DM) Motion to recant approval of Veterans Tax Credit for Tax Map U03, Lot 35 as applicant does not qualify because of residency. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to recant approval of Elderly Exemption for Tax Map U03, Lot 35, Anthony and Kathleen Perry because of residency. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

3. Veteran’s Tax Credit Tax Map R17, Lot 2-2

(DM) Motion to approve Veteran’s Tax Credit (300) Tax Map R17, Lot 2-2.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Elderly Exemption Tax Map U01, Lot 50

(PR) Motion to approve Elderly Exemption Tax Map U01, Lot 50. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.


(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Direct Deposit. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Public Session Minutes November 15, 2011

(PR) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of November 15, 2011.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of November 15, 2011

(PR) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of November 15, 2011. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

(EV) On behalf of Board and Town, our thoughts and prayers are with Sparky and his family for the loss of his wife.

(EV) On behalf of Board and Town, our thoughts and prayers are with Larry Federhen and his family for the loss of his wife.


Maurice Wells: We had six graders that were sold. What did we get for those? (PS) noted he would check and advise him. Maurice Wells: Doesn’t this information come back to you? Why don’t you know? (EV) Yes, it does.
(DM) It was quite a while ago.

Jim Theodore: I feel we really need the police officers and paramedics and other fire people. We should support them. It has been a tough year. You should take into consideration the $3.5 million budget and the $11 million school budget and where the tax rate is. When I get old I know I want the paramedics to come help me. We need to support these people. Town should watch budget due to the economy and especially school which does a lot of spending which shows raises and everything is done to the fullest. They do not save any of the money. Support the police, fire and sewer departments. They take care of us.

Maurice Wells: The dredging you were talking about at the pool, is that for the diving board area? (EV) Yes.


(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (a) and (e). (PR) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:47 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:45 P.M.

(DM) Motion to seal Non-Public Session of December 6, 2011. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Letter from Liz Hast – Re: Vacation Summary

(PS) A letter from Liz Hast has been received after she was provided with a spreadsheet of vacation summary. (See attached.) Accordingly, about $10,000 is due her at the current rate when she retires in March. Ms. Hast has asked me what occurred during that time that the vacation accrual was stopped. The vacation accrual was stopped because the personnel policy for employee vacation carryover was eighty (80) hours. (EV) The accrued hours are noted on each weekly payroll printout. There has been no inquiry as to why till now. Nothing stopped her from taking vacation time during the year. So there is four years (2008/9/10/11) where she did not accrue hours. (PS) Yes, about 640 hours. (PS) will check the Non-Public Session Minutes to determine what was decided.

2. Housing Standards Authority

(PR) As you may know, I have issues with Fred Okrent, HSA. I received a letter that there will be an inspection next week. Every year I request that someone else do the inspection. I noted this at the recent meeting of the HSA and again I was attacked by Bill Elkins and no one steps forward to comment differently. It was noted that I would have to pay for this myself and that Fred would have to be present. I just wanted everyone to be aware that I am seeking legal counsel and will move forward accordingly. I have had problems with him for the past four or five years. He has commented on my lifestyle in the past and we are not in agreement.


(PR) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (b).
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled
and all agreed.

Board went into Non-Public Session at 8:56 P.M.

Board returned to Public Session at 9:15 P.M.

(GL) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of December 6, 2011.
(PR) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Status of Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Recruitment

(FH) Motion to offer the position of Building Inspector/Code Enforcement to Richard Moreau for four months with evaluation after three months.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.


(DM) Motion to adjourn. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M.

Approved: December 20, 2011

_____________________________ __________________
Edward Vien, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on December 6, 2011, transcribed and publicly posted on December 8, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes