December 8, 2011 Minutes

Trustees of the Trust Fund
December 8, 2011
Trustees Meeting

Those Present: Elsie Morse, Cara Marston, Bill Provencal, T. J. Shaughnessy, and David Pollard and Hank Stapleton of the Cemetery Association.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Minutes were accepted as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurers Report as of November 30, was accepted as written.
New Business:
1. T. J. Shaughnessy addressed the current economic market, the effect that housing has had, but more important the effect of the European market and two of the countries that are part of the Euro market, Greece and Italy
2. Dave Pollard and Hank Stapleton were present to discuss the funding of the Cemetery Association and their needs for additional funding. A financial proposal was presented by T. J. as to what the Association could possibly do to increase their possible income flow.
3. It was noted that a notice for the Sanderson Fund for funding request was posted this week in the Suncook Sun, which are due by December 31, 2011
Next meeting will be held on January 12, 2012 to receive request for funding from the Sanderson Fund.
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Provencal, Secretary