December 9, 2010 Minutes

Josiah Carpenter Library Trustee Meeting
December 9, 2010 6:34 pm

Present: Sylvia Wallace, Chairman, Dana Sansom, Treasurer, Roza Benoit, Director, Mary Schelble, Secretary

Acceptance of Minutes: Moved and seconded with corrections (Dana /Sylvia) to accept the minutes for the November 18, 2010 meeting.

Old Business:
• Regarding the Sanderson Fund grant money, Dana and Roza said that they will make a decision on the purchase of a projector for the Library which will be needed in the 2011 year for events that are planned.
• The use of the library for tax preparation that Leslie Vogt had requested is still pending a decision by the tax preparers and Leslie.
• A review was made of the NH Library Trustee Association recommendations on relationships and decision making for trustees/director/staff as noted in the NHTLA Manual.
• The director briefly explained some future library goals and the discussion will be continued at the next meeting.

Director’s and Treasurer’s Reports: Reviewed and accepted as written with discussions held regarding the end of year status, the budget and line items that the director explained.

New Business:
• The trustees and director were very pleased by the generous donation of $1000 made by the Globe for the coming year.
• Dana reviewed the extensive soil sample test results with the director and trustees and discussion was held regarding responsibility for the wall next to the handicapped entranceway. Due to the very poor soil there, it will not be a simple process to plant bushes there and a report will be made to the Town since there are safety considerations to be made not only with the soil but also with the wall.
• Discussion was held regarding quotation presented by Dave Provencal for shelving. It was approved if monies were available at year end and would be regarded as an allocation if so.

Adjournment: It was moved and seconded to adjourn at 8:15 pm. (Mary/Sylvia)

Next Meeting: January 20, 2011 6:30 pm. This is a change so posting will be made of the change.

Submitted by: Mary Schelble, Secretary