February 1, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M., by Denise Morin, Chairman.


Denise Morin (DM), Chairman, Ed Vien (EV), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Fred Okrent (FO), Arthur Morse (AM), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Maurice Wells: Did you ever find out the number of households on the South Main Street Pumping Station? (PS) I checked with Ron Vien and he noted that it is a short stretch but he did not give me an exact number. I will ask him again and let you know.

Maurice Wells: We are plowing Bailey Drive. Did the Board vote on accepting that road? (DM) The Board has not officially accepted the road as it has not been brought before us yet, but we probably will be accepting it as a Town road. Maurice Wells: If we are plowing it, who is getting paid? (DM) George is plowing. (PS) George was at the meeting when the Planning Board accepted Bailey Drive and thought this Board was going to accept it, so he started plowing. (DM) It is not that this Board won’t formally accept it.

Close Public Input


(FH) Oak Street Parking; (PS) Petitioned Warrant Article Re: Establishment of a Sewer Commission, Cable Advisory Committee- Clayton Wood, Closing Town Hall – Snowstorm; (FO) Lead Paint Update, Town Roads.


6:05 P.M.: Douglas Mackie – Delinquent Taxes

(PS) This has been cancelled due to the weather and rescheduled for February 15th.

6:08 P.M.: Sarah Sadowski – Drug Free Communities Grant Offer

Sarah Sadowski: As a member of the Coalition, we are hoping to partner with this Board on the Drug Free Communities Support Program. (See Attachment A – Executive Summary).

The estimated award amount is up to $125,000 per year and will be available upon application in the subsequent five years. It is an Environment Strategies Grant. The Grant would cover operating expenses, part-time director and limited enforcement activities. It is a 100% matching grant. (AM) Who is responsible for directing the funds? Ms. Sadowski: In other towns, it has been the Town Administrator. Board further discussed who would be employed, volunteer hours, compensation per hour, grant cancellation, and physical location of office. If applied for, the grant should be applied for by February 21st. (PS) What would you like from this Board? Ms. Sadowski: A Memo of Understanding. (AM) Is the paperwork for application close to being completed? Ms. Sadowski: Yes.
(AM) noted that he would like to review the application for the Grant.
Ms. Sadowski noted she would provide a sample copy of the Memo of Understanding also.

Ms. Sadowski left at 6:32 P.M.


5. Cable Advisory Committee

Clayton Wood appeared to discuss the Cable Advisory Committee. He noted a lot has changed in the past years and the Website Committee is responsible for the cable and the expanding network. The Website Committee has declined being part of this proposed Cable Advisory Committee. The franchise with Metrocast and the Town expires in August 2011. “I am hoping to find people who are experienced with broadcasting and technical duties. The limitation now would be manpower.” This would be a 10-12 year commitment. I will be on this committee when it is formed, and we will meet with Metrocast. We would like to have a member of the BOS be on the committee also. (DM) suggested waiting until after the upcoming election before determining BOS representative. Clayton noted that to date Metrocast has been very acceptable in the provision of service. (AM) noted that he would be agreeable with the plan and would like to see Fred Okrent as Board representative.

(FH) Motion to approve Fred Okrent to Cable Advisory Committee.
(AM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Clayton Wood left meeting at 6:32 P.M.


6:10 P.M. – Acceptance of a Gift from Globe Manufacturing

Open Public Hearing

No comments from audience.

Close Public Hearing

(FH) Motion to approve acceptance of gift of copy machine from Globe Manufacturing to Fire Department. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

Chief Johnson noted he would write a letter of thank you to Globe Manufacturing.

ACTION ITEMS – Continued

1. Police Department Request for Training

(PS) This is an item that Chief Wharem discussed with Board at the last meeting. To summarize, Chief Wharem is requesting that two training sessions – $170. and $750 be financed through Warrant Article.

(DM) The first training session is Party Patrol and Controlled Party Dispersal Techniques and the other is Crime Prevention through Environment Design Training of Trainers Course. (AM) I originally had some questions regarding the environmental impact whether it be for drugs or alcohol. Ms. Sadowski used the term environmental and explained the rationale on this. (DM) I would like to make sure it is within the guidelines.

(AM) Motion to approve request that Police Department utilize money from Warrant Article for drug and alcohol education purposes for two training sessions at a cost of $170 and $750. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Review and Action on Warrant Articles

(PS) The Warrant Articles have been updated for presentation at the Town Meeting based on information from Matt Monahan, Planning Board as well as other verbiage from myself. (See Attachment B.)

Articles 2 through 8: These have been forwarded by Matt Monahan. I would
think that Article 5 should be deleted since it was NOT
RECOMMENDED by the Planning Board. I will rely on
Fred Hast on this as he was at the Public Hearing.
(FH) The Board decided to NOT RECOMMEND it.
(PS) I will delete Article 5 and renumber the Warrant

Articles 9 & 10: These are Petitioned Warrant Articles and are required
to be on the ballot.

Article 11: (PS) This is to replace the South Main Street Pump

(AM) Motion to RECOMMEND Article 11. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 12:

(AM) Motion to RECOMMEND Article 12. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 13: (PS) This can be eliminated since you have
recommended Article 12.

Article 14:

(AM) Motion to RECOMMEND Article 14. Alternative No. 2. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 15:

(FO) Motion to RECOMMEND Article 15. (AM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 16:

(EV) Motion to RECOMMEND Article 16. (DM) Second. After Discussion: Carried 3-2 (FH) and (AM).

Discussion: (AM) I was not in when this occurred and I do not like this. We took an old cruiser before and “renovated” it and it lasted several years. (DM) What is the status of the Fire Chief’s car? (FH) and (FO) noted it needs body work, three new tires, suspension work, alternator and has a hole in the floor. (FO) It does not work well as a command vehicle. It would be needed for emergency management purposes also. (AM) It is not supposed to be used as a command vehicle to control fire fighting.

Chief Wharem noted that the command vehicle has a working radio system and provides accountability. This can be very useful to us. The 2001 cruiser that was in use previously was “tired” then. (AM) I am not attempting to debate worthiness. (FH) How much are we going to use the command car and how long will it last? It is ten years old and has 100,000+ miles on it.

Article 17:

(FO) Motion to RECOMMEND Article 17. (AM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 18:

(FH) Motion to approve Article 18. (AM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 19:

(FH) Motion to approve Article 19. (EV) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 20:

(FH) Motion to approve Article 20. (AM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 21:

(FH) Motion to approve Article 21. (AM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 22:

(FH) Motion to approve Article 22. (AM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 23:

(FH) Motion to approve Article 23. (AM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 24:

(FH) Motion to approve Article 24. (AM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 25:

(FH) Motion to approve Article 25. (AM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 26:

(FH) Motion to approve Article 26. (Am) Second. Carried 5-0.


(FH) Motion to withdraw support of transfer of $11,000 to Capital Reserve for computer replacement. (AM) Second. Carried 5-0.

Article 27:

(AM) Is that the final figure? (PS) This one will have to be edited and the amount will change.

Article 28:

(PS) Town has never had an exemption for this previously.

Article 29:

Submitted by Petition

Article 30:

Submitted by Petition.

3. Transfer from Small DPW Truck Capital reserve to the General Fund

(FH) Motion to approve transfer of $64,813 from Small DPW Truck Capital Reserve to General Fund. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

6. Petitioned Warrant Article Re: Establishment of a Sewer Commission

(AM) Motion to accept Petition for establishment of a Sewer Commission.
(FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

(FH) Maurice, whatever happened to the other Sewer Committee?
Maurice Wells: The Board of Selectmen let it slide. It was an advisory committee and it is not what the Selectmen wanted. The Board did not appoint anybody to it.

7. Oak Street Parking

(FH) Town owns the parking lot on Oak Street. Vehicles pay $175 a year and two have paid and registered their car and plates with Cara and have decals. There are four others who have paid but do not have decals. Cara noted there is no ordinance to cover this. When we originally set it up, the cost was $300 a year. Taxpayers originally paid $4,000 to pave it and it is able to accommodate 9 vehicles. It can eventually hold 16 vehicles. I recommend that we have the Police Department ticket those cars without decals. This should be enforced. It would be revenue for us if they were ticketed. There are about nine available spaces up there. The Chief said he would look into an ordinance.

Chief Wharem: If there is no ordinance, then cannot write tickets. I think the problem is that is no policy. I will work on that and see Mr. Metcalf. The PD has no information on who has authority to park there. (AM) Is there any signage there? (FO) I am pretty sure it is still there. (EV) The problem is that there is only one sticker for each spot and families may have more than one vehicle. Board noted that the decal would be applicable for a single vehicle. (FH) We need to draw up a policy. (DM) It was rented out without guidelines. Chief will talk to Mr. Metcalf and clear up the matter about decals. This is Town property and we are liable for it.


1. Police Department February 2011 Shift Schedule
2. Fire/Ambulance Department February 2011 Shift Schedule
3. Notice of Violation from Fire Chief Re: Union Block
4. Welfare Department December 2010 Report
5. Letter (January 31, 2011) from City & Town Clerk Association
Re: Proposed Legislation


1. Bids for Town Hall Window Frame Rehabilitation Pending
2. Settlement Agreement/Assessment Appeal
U4-18 & 19, U3-75 Pending
3. General Assessing Service Contract for 2011 –
Cross Country Appraisal Group Pending


1. Sewer Warrant 4th Quarter 2010

(FH) Motion to approve Sewer Warrant 4th Quarter 2010 – $73,454.66.
(FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

(AM) This does not include information on the increase? (PS) This information was contained with the bills.


(FO) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest. (FH) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

(FO) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (FH) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.


1. Public Session Minutes of January 18, 2011

(FH) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of January 18, 2011.
(EV) Second. Carried 4-0. (EV) Abstain.

2. Public Session Minutes of January 25, 2011

(FH) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of January 25, 2011.
(EV) Second. Carried 5-0.


Page 9, Next to last line should read: in The Sun regarding the repeal of the…..
Page 10, Second Line should read: The Sun regarding the repeal of the ……

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of January 25, 2011

(EV) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of January 25, 2011.
(AM) Second. Carried 5-0.


1. Lead Paint

(FO) I have gone to a couple of classes on the new lead paint laws and most require that testing be done by a certified individual. Once accomplished, the responsibility and liability falls on the Town.

Federal Law requires that the landlord be aware of any lead content in the building and inform tenants or proposed tenants and have them sign a form to that effect which has to be retained for three years. Clearly, the liability is on the landlord.

A third party has to certify. We should not be doing it. The Feds would have us do their jobs, but we do not have to. Regular paint is not sufficient to encapsulate lead paint. (EV) You can request it be done, but it is not required that you must do it.


Maurice Wells: The Pump Station on South Main, are you not going to use the sewer fund to fund that? (DM) The sewer fund and the general fund. Maurice Wells: So you have changed your way of thinking? (DM) The ratepayer will be paying 50% and the General Fund will be paying 50%. Mr. Wells: In the Town Report of 1987, Page 40, it states that is what the sewer fund is for and I can’t believe that you are not using it. (DM) It is in the Warrant that way and you can vote yes or no. (PS) explained to Mr. Wells how the funding would be utilized. (DM) Was there a book when the WWTP was established? Mr. Wells: Just the Town Report of 1987. (DM) noted she would try to find that particular Town Report. Mr. Wells: It mentioned the treatment plant and everything else. There should be no capital outlay.

OTHER – Continued

2. Closing Town Hall – Snowstorm

(PS) Because of the pending snowstorm, I have E-Mailed Board members to determine their thoughts on closing the Town Hall tomorrow. Art and Fred O. are okay with that and (DM) was concerned that we would be setting a precedent. The alternative is to close the Town Hall and anyone able to come in can work and those that cannot can utilize a vacation day.

(AM) In the recent past, the Chairman took it upon himself to close the Town Hall. It is not worth it to get someone injured. I do not see why we would make someone come in under these circumstances. (DM) If we close the Town Hall, what is our obligation to pay employees and can we require that they use a vacation day? (AM) This would be cutting back in good will. It may seem far off, but accidents can happen. (DM) We should stick to how it has been done in the past. It would not be mandatory that they come in. (PS) So the building will be open if any employee shows up.

3. Town Roads

(FO) Last week, I was in Concord for a doctor’s appointment and I was appalled at the condition of the roads there. Pittsfield’s roads were well plowed and I compliment George and his crew for doing an excellent job.




(EV) Motion to adjourn. (FO) Second. Carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.

Approved: February 15, 2011

______________________________ _______________________
Denise Morin, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded on February 1, 2011, transcribed and publicly posted on
February 10, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes