February 10, 2011 Minutes




Pittsfield School Board Meeting
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Pittsfield Middle High School


Members Present: Mary Paradise, Chairperson
Michael Wolfe, Vice Chairperson
Elizabeth Adams
Kathy Corliss
Clayton Wood

Others Present: John Freeman, Superintendent
Tobi Gray Chassie, Director of Student Services
Bob Bickford, Principal, PMHS
Lois Stevens, Coordinator of Student Services
Doug Kilmister, Principal, PES
Derek Hamilton, Teacher, PMHS
Members of the Public and PMHS Students:
G. Small Bryce Paradise
Bobbie-Jean Small Brian Ward
Robert Small Brendon Norton
Krystal Small Jen Kearns
Kelsey Wrye Christianna Thompson
Katelynn McLennan Cassidy Kearns
Sabrina Smith Tony Scopa
Chris Smith Julie Rollins
Meghan Mulcahy Stephanie Kallechey
Katie Piasczney Emalie Koulouras
Crystal Lively

Chairperson Paradise called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.


Ms. Paradise suggested the visitors be allowed to present and then business proceed until 7:00, at which time the meeting would adjourn, due to a Budget Committee meeting at the Town Hall. The remaining members of the Board were in consensus.

The following items were deleted from the agenda:
• Warrant Articles (Dr. Freeman)

The following items were added to the agenda:
• Power School (Mr. Bickford)

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the amended agenda.

III. A motion was made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood to approve the minutes of the January 27, 2011, meeting. In paragraph 1 on page 4, Ms. Paradise suggested changing a sentence to, “Currently PMHS does not offer advanced placement courses, but they are available on line.”


Ms. Jennifer Kearns requested the Board add approximately $10,000 back into the FY12 budget to reinstate the PMHS volleyball program for next year. The volleyball team includes approximately twenty-five students, or 10% of the student population. She explained that most of the girls who play volleyball do not play other sports. Many of the girls on the teams left the soccer team to play volleyball and if they tried to rejoin the soccer team will likely “sit on the bench.” If the teams had understood that the sport was being eliminated, they would have conducted fundraising to fund the teams. Ms. Kearns stated that it was her understanding that funds raised through fundraising efforts are placed in a general fund, rather than in a specific sport. She stated her concern over negative comments that were made to players when they indicated to the Athletic Director that they were interested in playing volleyball.

Mr. Chris Smith stated that he had received no official information stating that volleyball had, in fact, been eliminated. He further stated that fundraising efforts could be accomplished to make up the budget deficit. Mr. Smith stated his displeasure over the fact that volleyball had been cut.

Mr. Robert Small suggested allowing the current members of the team to continue on the team. He further suggested that if the cut is necessary, it be done after a designated time so it would not affect the students currently on the team.

Ms. Kelsey Wrye stated that the majority of the team is present tonight, demonstrating their support of maintaining the volleyball team.

Ms. Kearns asked what happens to the money in the Booster Club’s fund. Ms. Paradise stated that the funds are available to any coach of any sport who might make a reasonable request. Discussion ensued regarding the selling of food at sporting events.

Ms. Paradise stated that volleyball was not cut because the Board has issues with the sport of volleyball. Cuts were made due to financial constraints. She further explained that the discussion regarding proposed budget cuts occur at School Board meetings, for which an agenda is posted in advance of the meeting.

Ms. Kearns asked if there was another fund that could be accessed for the purpose of funding volleyball. Ms. Paradise stated that there is not a fund of that nature. Adding a warrant article to use fund balance funds was discussed, although the deadline has passed for submitting articles that would be printed on the warrant.

Ms. Julie Rollins asked if there is usually a fund balance. Ms. Paradise stated that any money that is not spent by the end of the year is returned to the Town to offset taxes. She asked how many students are sent to out of district placements and what the cost would be for that. Ms. Chassie stated that there are approximately ten students currently placed, either by the district or the court. Ms. Paradise explained the funding issues for out of district placements.



Mr. Derek Hamilton, accompanied by seven students (Brendon Norton, Brian Ward, Bryce Paradise, Meghan Mulcahy, Katie Piasczney, Emalie Koulouras, and Crystal Lively) explained that the senior class is proposing a trip to New York City from Friday, May 13, to Sunday, May 15, 2011. Students reviewed details such funding arrangements and transportation. Questions regarding the liability for drivers of rental vans were raised. Mr. Hamilton stated that three, possibly four, chaperones would be available.

On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously to approve the proposed trip, pending further information regarding liability insurance. Dr. Freeman will research the insurance question and report to Mr. Bickford and Mr. Hamilton.


Mr. Bickford summarized NECAP assessment results for PMHS. Although we have much work to do to achieve our goal of 85% proficient, the students’ scores are heading in the right direction. Gains were particularly noted in math scores, which exceed the state average in some instances.


Mr. Bickford included a calendar of events for the month of February.

D. PowerSchool

Mr. Bickford reported that there have been 2,101 hits by parents and 4,553 hits by students on PowerSchool since September. Seventy-six percent of all accounts have been accessed by students and/or parents. Mr. Bickford stated that there is still an issue with the timeliness of grades being posted, but that work is being done to make improvements in that area.

Ms. Corliss asked if work is being done to track NECAP scores in science. Mr.
Bickford stated that this work is being done. The reason that the science scores are not reported at the same time as math and reading is due to the
timing of the test.



Mr. Kilmister provided the Board with a summary of the NECAP scores for PES. During the next few weeks, PES teams will analyze grade-level data to identify weak areas on tested standards.


Mr. Kilmister reported that the Pittsfield Project Home team met to begin mapping out ideas for schoolyard enhancement.


Mr. Kilmister provided information on upcoming events




Dr. Freeman stated that arrangements were made for Chief Robert Wharem to attend tonight’s meeting. Although the Chief was not present, Dr. Freeman indicated that he had not seen his electronic mail to see if he had been notified of his cancellation.


Discussion ensued regarding the Warrant Articles. Dr. Freeman stated that the article regarding the School Lunch Program was recommended by the Department of Revenue Administration and the school’s attorney, although it does not represent expenditure of funds.

A School Board meeting will be scheduled for the Board to approve the Warrant Articles. The meeting will occur on Tuesday, February 15, 2011, at 5:30 p.m., in the PMHS Media Center.



Ms. Paradise stated that the Board will meet on March 10, 2011, at 6:00 p.m., prior to the Annual School District Meeting. The school’s attorney and the meeting moderator will be invited to attend by Dr. Freeman.


Discussion ensued regarding the concept of having a police officer present during the school day. The Chief of Police, Robert Wharem, will be invited to attend the next meeting to discuss the proposal.


Ms. Paradise directed Mr. Bickford to gather information relative to the questions raised by the public during the input on volleyball. Questions included the areas of fund raising.


A. Drake Field – None

B. Budget Committee

Electronic mail was forwarded to Board members and the district office by Elizabeth Adams, School Board Budget Representative, from John Kidder, Budget Committee Chairperson. It reads:

Here are some questions that the Budget Committee members would like answered before the vote tonight. I will bring them for answers to tonight’s meeting before I excuse myself at 7 p.m. to attend the Budget vote. I have not received an answer to the question regarding the two different base salary discrepancies in the separate reports.
Thank you for your help and input.

1. Questioning after school program(s). Is there an after school program anywhere in the district outside of the YMCA offered program? The persons feel they know the answer to be “yes.” If so, what is the cost for the entire program and how many students are involved?

2. Are there raises included in the Budget for 2011/2012 for specific individuals being the Athletic Director and Ms. Freeman where the raise is higher than what other positions dictate? Specifically, did Ms. Freeman accept a new position or is she in the same position to have a $5.00 per hour raise? Did the Athletic Director request a raise higher than what would normally be awarded within his salary scale for a 1 year advancement?

3. An outstanding question – Is the Director of the Drake Field Summer Program receiving salary and benefits at full time employee rates? What is the total cost for this position at Drake Field? Are there any other persons being compensated for the Drake Field Summer program? If so, please provide the number of staff and their costs. Dr. Freeman shared at the public hearing this past Saturday that sources have come forward to fund this program at last year levels of programs. Did this money get added back into the proposed budget?

4. The school district was responsible for the mowing and trimming of grass at the sports fields on Tilton Hill Rd. Obviously this stopped with the construction being done on the fields. Will the school district be resuming this function when the fields are opened? Have funds been budgeted for this function? The school was utilizing some of the fields and in exchange were providing the mowing and trimming of all of the fields.

5. A number of people were sent to a “Responsive Classrooms” training program last summer for a week. Were all or some of the folks attending compensated for their time while attending the training?

Dr. Freeman provided the Board with the answers to the questions asked by the
Budget Committee.

C. Negotiating Team – None

D. Capital Improvement Program – None

E. Select Board Liaison – None


The next School Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 15, 2011, at 5:30 in the PMHS Media Center. The agenda will include the senior class trip and the warrant articles. The following meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 24, 2011, at 5:30 p.m. in the PMHS Media Center.

XII. PUBLIC INPUT (Second Session)


Ms. Paradise paraphrased an email sent by a parent to Ms. Paradise, due to the parent’s inability to attend the meeting. The message was that she was in disagreement with the cutting of a nurse position, due to her son’s medical issues. Further concerns were stated regarding the training of coaches and the accommodations that would need to be made if her son participated in sports.


On a motion made by Mr. Wolfe and seconded by Mr. Wood, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tobi Gray Chassie
Recording Secretary