February 21, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Ed Vien, Chairman.


Ed Vien (EV), Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.





Close Public Input

Nancy Bates arrived at 6:02 P.M. and requested to address Board.

Open Public Input

Nancy Bates: I am requesting a vacation day on March 13, 2012. I am running for Town Clerk/Tax Collector and I would like to be available to hold sign out front. In the past, the clerk’s office has been closed. Most registrations are done at the end of the month. (EV) I understand that you would like to be outside. (PS) If approved, the Town Clerk’s office would be closed. (GL) In this instance since Liz has to be involved in the election, it would be okay.

(GL) Motion to approve granting a vacation day for Nancy Bates on
March 13, 2012. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

Ms. Bates was advised to let Liz Hast know and make sure it is posted appropriately.

Close Public Input


(GL) Planning Board Incorrect Minutes; (PS) Discussion of Complaint Filed Against Selectman Fred Hast, Discussion of Elizabeth Hast Severance, and Discussion of LGC Letter dated February 21, 2012 Re: GC Legal Advice Provided to the Planning Board. Added during course of meeting: (PR) Town Deeded Properties, Chestnut Street Property and (GL) Park Street.


1. Formal Action on 2012 Town Meeting Warrant

(PS) You have the latest copy of the Town Warrants which will require your signatures. We can do it later in the meeting after I make the necessary changes. It is fully and completely up-to-date and includes the actions of the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee. This is to be posted this week.

2. Town Clerk/Tax Collector: Discussion of Compensation and Benefits

(PS) You will find within your packet of information a spreadsheet prepared by Cara which denotes current salary, benefits and buy out for 2011 and 2012, reading left to right, (PS) explained the various calculations contained within the spreadsheet. As the Board has discussed, this will put definition to the position with no confusion.

(EV) The question brought up previously, should we set a minimum salary and if qualifications justify it, work up from there? (FH) I do not know how you would set a grade on this position. What we should discuss is at what salary we are going to start the new person. (PR) What is the Deputy Clerk’s salary? (FH) She makes about $13 per hour. (PR) The Town Clerk/Tax Collector position should be above that. (FH) We need to figure out a good starting wage. (EV) The question is how can you set a minimum? We should set a few step grades in case the individual is more qualified. (FH) I have talked to other town clerks in other towns and the consensus was the first step should be at about $15.

(PS) I guess the message I am getting is that you all agree there should be steps. We all know the candidates and in your mind, you have to decide what is appropriate as far as the minimum and maximum. (PR) The Town Clerk/Tax Collector has a lot more responsibilities. I think maybe $16 or $17 an hour over a year’s time and build up from there. (EV) Would you not find it more agreeable to set a minimum and then discuss qualifications? (FH) As I said, I have spoken to several town clerks and a new person coming in is a whole different thing.
(GL) $15 an hour is about $33,000 per year. That person will have to go through a lot of classes and I think maybe $33,000 ($15.86 per hour) is not a bad starting wage. (FH) It is a whole new ballgame. (PR) Will we be leaving it as a salary as well? (FH) If anyone on the Board feels I am in conflict on this, I will step down. (EV) Do we have the authority to set the hours of the Town Clerk’s office?
(PS) No. (EV) Then we should do a salary. (FH) I think (GL’s) suggestion is a good starting point. (GL) It is a good starting point and salary does not include benefits. (PR) That is just the base salary. (PS) noted that retirement has to be offered but life insurance, health insurance and buy out is the Board’s decision. If you all agree to $33,000 I will have Cara do a spreadsheet.

(GL) Motion to approve starting salary for Town Clerk/Tax Collector base salary of $33,000 plus health insurance, flex plan, life insurance and retirement if they so choose. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (PS) I will have Cara do a spreadsheet to incorporate benefits.
(GL) We can adjust this if qualifications justify it.


6:20 P.M. Public Hearing regarding Warrant Article 6:

To see if the Town will vote to rescind the action taken at the 2007 Town Meeting to elect Planning Board members and instead to return to a Planning Board consisting of one ex officio member and 4 or 6 other members (depending on the outcome of Article 30, seeking to increase the membership of the Planning Board from 5 to 7 members), all of whom are to be appointed by the Selectmen. (Submitted by the Board of Selectmen)

Open Public Hearing

Robert Lincoln: I have been in favor of a five-man Planning Board and as elected members, but after watching what is going on, I would like to go back to a seven-man Planning Board and as an appointed board.

Hank Fitzgerald: If ballot question loses, does Article 30 “go out the window?” Do we have to win with it as an appointed board first? Board confirmed this as necessary.

Susan Muenzinger: How did this warrant article come about?

(EV) There has been a lot of frustration noted by a lot of the people in Town regarding the current Planning Board. People have been complaining about the Planning Board. We have no control over this. We have requested that they come to a BOS meeting and talk to us but they have decided not to comply. We have talked to 20-30 people and thought it might be best for the citizens to look at this.

Susan Muenzinger: I have never been in favor of an elected Planning Board. There have, in the past, been several complaints about members appointing their “cronies.” I was considered as one of them, though I am unsure whose crony I actually was. My question is one of accountability. The Board should be a team and what they get into. Anyone can run for an office and get their friends to vote for them and get elected. People often do not vote with their heads but for people they know.

I would be in favor of going back to an appointed Planning Board. Now with five members there is a better chance of getting people to participate and do a good job. I recently discussed this with a friend and she felt we were going back to the “dark ages” until I explained the rationale and then she understood. Board should consider putting some information out there pro/con with the Warrant Article to convince people of this. When I was on the Board, there was some disruption but we were accountable for our actions.

In “my previous life” I was appalled that the BOS could not change Zoning Ordinances. In other locales there was the ability to change Zoning Ordinances
at any time.

Geraldine O’Brien: If Board gets approval, how soon would the Planning Board be appointed? (PS) As soon as possible; (EV) Yes, as soon as the new Board of Selectmen get settled.

Hank Fitzgerald: I agree very much with the comments previously made. The current Board is not answerable to anyone including Secretary of State. Because of that, you have ended up with a three-man crowd running the Board. This Board wanted to discuss procedures with them and they told you No. I think we should go back to an appointed Board because they would have to own up. The three amendments they have offered the Zoning Board has never seen.
Paul Richardson: After serving on Board of Selectmen, I was involved in appointing Board members. The reason the Board gets in trouble is that they attempt to make too many zoning changes. When Board of Selectmen appointed people they served a long time. I supported BOS going to a five-member board but I still support an elected Planning Board.

Geraldine O’Brien: Does anyone remember the vote?

(PR) Usually at Town Meeting it is a show of hands. People need to stop voting like their neighbors. (EV) From time to time, it is good to revisit issues. You all have not seen or heard the complaints about this board. It gives the community the opportunity to revisit the issues.

Robert Lincoln: If I remember correctly, it was on the ballot. (EV) Several previous members have noted that they did not want to go through the election process.

Larry Konopka: I support Article 6 and thank the Board for putting it together. When someone applied to the Planning Board, the Board of Selectmen was able to ask them questions. An appointed Board was/is better.

Hank Fitzgerald: Interestingly, after reading Town Ordinances, in 2007 it got changed back to an elected board. At this point in time, Planning Board appoints their own alternates. Though I am not against the alternates, when it was changed over to an elected board, they assumed that they could appoint alternates which is not so. You should consider looking at the Town Ordinances. Also, this Town never elected the ICC Building Codes and is still operating under BOCA, which is outdated.

Public Hearing Closed (6:48 P.M.)

(EV) Thank you all for coming and bringing the Public Hearing to our attention.

New Business – Action Items Continued:

3. Discussion to Seek Opinion from Town Attorney Re: Welfare Lien on Landlord Property

(PS) I have sent to the Board a series of E-Mails which began with Selectman Rogers asking questions dealing with the status of the former tenants of
28 Crescent Street and can a lien be put on the property for the Town to recoup monies for providing services to the occupants. Does the Board want to contact Town Attorney for an opinion on this? (PR) Can we not claim it on the owner’s home insurance? Board agreed that this was not feasible. (PS) The question is: Can you put a lien on the property which can be done for those seeking public assistance? (EV) It would be nice to know what the Town can be requested to do as opposed to what the landlord should do for the tenants. (PR) When the Red Cross comes in to help for a disaster, it is usually for two nights. Why do we have to put individuals up for two weeks? It is their bad fortune but why does the Town have to pick-up the whole bill? (EV) Does it become the Town’s problem?
(FH) Yes, we should inquire of Town Attorney; (GL) I think we need to ask. (EV) So it is the consensus of the Board to have (PS) ask these questions of Town Attorney? Board agreed.

4. Transfer Municipal Building Expendable Trust to General Fund in the amount of $3,050.

(PR) Motion to approve transfer of $3,050 from Municipal Building Expendable Trust to General Fund. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

5. Suncook River Nomination: Request to Meet with Board of Selectmen

(PS) You have E-Mail from Vanessa Goold, Central NH Regional Planning Commission asking to meet with the BOS. It would be my suggestion to meet with her but not on March 6th since there will be different faces at the table effective March 13th. There may also be a change to an appointed Planning Board and new people on that board. I would recommend meeting with her at a future date. Board agreed.

6. Welfare Lien Tax Map U2, Lot 15

(FH) Motion to approve Welfare Lien Tax Map U2, Lot 15. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

7. State Department of Health Inquiry: Appointment of Health Officer

(PS) You will note there is a series of E-Mails from Janice Southwick, Department of Health and Human Services regarding the appointment of a Health Officer. We were under the impression that since we have a Deputy Health Officer that this was satisfactory in the interim. She advises that technically the term of the Deputy expires upon expiration of Health Officer’s term which runs concurrently. We are, therefore, without an appointed Health Officer.

(PR) Since we have an individual who has a history as Deputy Health Officer, I suggest we appoint him (Larry Konopka). Mr. Konopka was asked and noted he would accept the position.

(PR) Motion to approve Larry Konopka as Town Health Officer. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

8. Hank Fitzgerald Request for Documents from the Planning Board

(PS) You will find in your packet of information, a letter penned to Mr. Fitzgerald on behalf of the Board of Selectmen. We also now have a letter which Ted Mitchell, Chairman of Planning Board, has given to Hank Fitzgerald. We also have as an added item on the Agenda, a response from LGC with their opinion. The letter is addressed to Jim Pritchard noting his questions and their response.

Hank Fitzgerald: I would like to make some comments on these issues. (GL) If the Planning Board is not willing to provide this information, it is a violation of RSA 91-A. I would suggest allowing Mr. Fitzgerald to address the Board.

Hank Fitzgerald: On January 30, 2012, I received a letter from the Planning Board written by Ted Mitchell, which states:

Because I have provided you with all of the sources used for compiling the minutes, I conclude that you are now requesting governmental records under RSA91-A:4, IV. This statute allows you to request “any governmental record reasonably described.”

They sent me a letter yesterday which states “And even if LGC e-mails were not confidential information, all of the LGC e-mails that we did not disclose are not governmental records (RSA 91-A:1-a,III) so you would not have the right to inspect them even if they were not confidential information.”

I have asked Planning Board for six weeks for this information. What I am stating is that one Board member met with the Town assessor and noted that there was no tax impact. Town assessors’ follow-up with written information, he was told editorial comments were okay, they say it is legal to hold Public Meetings when they choose and advertise before they even meet. They never went back to rescind their vote on Amendment 3 before they made the second motion. I have asked for Town of Epsom records, LGC reports and was given a report dated 2004, only one page of document, from the CNHRPC. These are all records Planning Board used to determine their amendments. All these records should be available at this office. They could possibly stop me from asking questions if I could see these records. Also, the Planning Board accused Board of Selectmen of “election fraud,” which is not in the Minutes of February 16th. You have a problem gentlemen, and you have two choices. One would be I could take this to Superior Court or two, Board of Selectmen can post Public Hearing for malfeasance for not having public records.

I am trying to avoid hurting the Town and I have squashed more than I have stated. The Board of Selectmen needs to make a decision. Going to the electorate will not solve the issue. You can go after that Board for malfeasance for not doing their job.

(PR) What is the timeframe for holding a public hearing? (PS) I would have to check the statutes. Hank Fitzgerald: I believe it is fourteen days. (EV) Board will address this later in the evening.

Planning Board Selectmen Ex Officio Gerard LeDuc:

(GL) We have E-Mails from Ted Mitchell on February 8th where he refused to appear before this Board. They accused the BOS of election fraud. It was stated that the Board of Selectmen has already won without having an election which is voter fraud. That was not what was said. Clayton Wood said BOS is performing election fraud. (EV) That was his opinion. (GL) This is not terminology that an elected official should use. Jim Pritchard intimidated Chairman to break procedural duties and acted like a child using foul language and chastising the Board. They did not vote to rescind the original vote on Amendment 3. It was put on the ballot first and then it was voted to rescind the original vote. The Planning Board is out of control and needs to be replaced.

9. Discussion of LGC Letter dated February 21, 2012: Re: LGC Legal Advice Provided to the Planning Board

(PS) I just received this letter after 5:00 P.M. and have made copies for the Board. I have scanned the information but have not read it in entirety. The letter is addressed to Jim Pritchard in response to his inquiries from the LGC legal staff. I would like to read Page 2:

Written legal advice sent to you by our attorneys, under these terms, is thus information given to you not in your individual capacity, but in your official capacity as a member of the Planning Board of Pittsfield. As such, we would share that advice with the rest of your Board and the Board of Selectmen, if those boards asked us to. If the Board of Selectmen acted through the Town Administrator to make such a request, we would respond similarly.

After reading that paragraph, if you would like me to request LGC for copies of any correspondence with Planning Board for a certain period of time, there may be some resolution of this issue.

(GL) We can at least get it from LGC to stop any possible lawsuits. (EV) LGC gives opinions on RSAs and points of law. They do not know the particular circumstances and if they did would recommend going to Town Counsel. LGC responds in generalities. (GL) Right now, we are just asking for information. (EV) People get lost in general opinion. Town should go to Town Counsel for specifics. (GL) LGC is merely a tool. (PS) Would you like me to ask for any communications between Planning Board and LGC and if so, for what dates?
(PR) At least six months. (FH) The Planning Board has been seated for a year. (PS) Since April 1, 2011? Board agreed. (GL) We are trying to avoid anyone ending up in Superior Court and if we can squelch this now, let us do so. All agreed.

(PS) Although this document is marked ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED INFORMATION, you can use your judgment as to what you would like to do with it.

10. Discussion of Complaint Filed Against Selectmen Fred Hast

(EV) The Town has received a complaint from Denise Morin against Fred Hast for continued harassment and his efforts to get into her property for tax abatement inquiry and regarding Building Permits.

(FH) As you already know, I have been involved in this for the past eight months. I have asked her about the renovations to her house. She has done plumbing, electrical and building and has kept denying this. I have checked with the assessor and they could not get in. I asked this Board for an Administrative Warrant and it was approved. I asked the State Building Inspector to accompany me and Officer Wiltshire as well. We did not get in because there was no one home. I would have to go back to Court to ask them to gain entry. Ironically, she filed this complaint the day after I did not gain entry. She is a taxpayer and should follow the rules and regulations when building. She changed the electrical, plumbing and building and she refuses to get the necessary permits.

In June, Jim Theodore, who resides with her stated he had finished the work and no one was going to inspect it. I am not interested in harassing her, but do want her to do what she is supposed to do. Is this harassment?

(EV) Were you acting as Deputy Building Inspector or as a Board of Selectmen member? (FH) Deputy Building Inspector. (EV) Did the Building Inspector go up there with you when you went up there? (FH) No. (EV) When was paperwork issued and where? (FH) At Court. (EV) Why have you not kept the BOS apprised of the situation? (FH) I am advising you now. (EV) Were any of the other Board members or other staff asked to go up there with you? (FH) No. (EV) This started out as Building Permit issue and appraisal problem. About 60% of the homes in Pittsfield were available for entry and about 40% were not. How many others have you gone after? (FH) I had no reason to go after others.
(EV) On what date was the action by the Court? (FH) February 1st. (EV) It is now February 21st and paperwork has not made it to the Board. (FH) I am presenting the paperwork now. (EV) How did Officer Wiltshire get involved in this? (FH) I guess through Chief Wharem.

(PR) My biggest issue with this is if you are going to go after one individual then go after all of them. (FH) There have been no other known problems with permits. Dan Kramer and I have driven around Town and stopped and questioned individuals. He explained how Dan and he would handle these problems. Dan did knock on several doors asking about building permits. When I was building my addition, I got the appropriate Permit and the Building Inspector came to see me.

(PR) You addressed others on building permits, but yet you did not hesitate to throw me under the bus about permits. You targeted Denise Morin and me. You stated you went to other people, then you should have done it for others. If you are trying to build up this Town and get revenue, you have to treat everyone fairly. You are not doing that. (FH) We are going to have to go further and it is going to cost the Town money.

(EV) Motion to terminate any further legal attempts to enter Denise Morin’s property. (PR) Second. After further Discussion: Carried 3-0. (FH) Abstain.

Discussion: (GL) I have a question I would like to ask. Do we allow anyone to build without permits? (EV) No. He did not keep this Board or Town Administrator apprised of anything he was doing from February 1st till now. I would like to back up and send new Building Inspector up there. He has no past history with this person and we could see if it can be done without a combative problem. Fred has a past history with Denise Morin and Jim Theodore. (FH) I am not harassing anyone. I asked her several times. (EV) I talked to the assessor and he said that the appraisal has been changed. (PR) You never made an appointment to come see me and talk to me about my building permit.

(GL) I would like some guarantees that she will follow-up and get the permits needed. (EV) That is something we cannot guarantee. The Administrative Order should have been before this Board right when it came in. I think Fred is way off board.

Robert Lincoln (from audience): What about Dan Schroth who runs four businesses on his property. (EV) We are not having any Public Input on this.

(FH) I will say you orchestrated this pretty good with the other person. (EV) There you go again, you go to the Budget Committee and say, “I did not vote for that.” You do not stand behind this Board.

Robert Lincoln (from audience): Is it fear of lawsuits? What about Dan Schroth and his four businesses?

(EV) When we had a Building Inspector that you liked, we could not pry you out of that office. Now we have a new one and you are never around.

(EV) Motion to remove Fred Hast as Deputy Building Inspector. (GL) Second. Carried 3-0. (FH) Abstain.

(EV) Paul will you send a letter of thank you to Fred. (FH) Do not bother, save the paper.

11. Discussion of Elizabeth Hast Severance

Selectman Hast recused himself and was seated in the audience. (7:40 P.M.)

(PS) The Chair has received this letter from Attorney Brandon Giuda who is representing Elizabeth Hast with regard to severance. You may want to discuss this in non-public or give this some consideration prior to acting upon it tonight. From reading this letter, it repeats what Liz has shared with this Board in regard to the value of her severance. Part of the dissention is the leave time accrual stoppage.

Any employee has an appeal process with State Department of Labor if aggrieved in some way. She can file a complaint with the State Department of Labor and a hearing will result and they will make a decision pertaining to the complainant’s request.

(PR) Do we know the exact figure? (PS) noted that he will get the exact figure as to how much we are talking about. Was she notified it was stopped? (PS) There is no formal evidence that the Board took action nor can Ms. Hast provide information to the Board that she was able to continue to accrue vacation time.

(EV) She gets a paystub each and every week which would show accumulation. If it were me looking at the paystub, I would notice it. (GL) We will need the figures for this. (PR) $5,000 is not a lot for someone who has served the Town for this amount of time.

Board agreed to table this matter until the next Board meeting and until figures can be determined.

Selectman Hast returned and was seated on the Board. (7:47 P.M.)




1. Selectmen Representative to Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition

This will be addressed by new Board.

2. Board of Selectmen to Discuss/Take Action on Service Contract for WWTF Generator

(PS) DES has approved the contract revision. Contract should be forthcoming soon.




(FH) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(GL) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Register. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of February 7, 2012

(PR) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of February 7, 2012.
(FH) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of February 7, 2012



Paul Richardson: I just wanted to comment on the Building Inspector. When I was Building Inspector, there were instances where people did not have a plumbing or electrical permit. I gave them the permits. Usually people do not get permits as they do not want their taxes to go up. You have the right to go out and knock on doors.

When you are a Selectman, and there is a reassessment, the first thing people look at is the assessment. You cannot get an abatement unless the assessor gets in to look at the property. If you think there is a mistake, you have to let the assessor in. A Selectman should know better.

Hank Fitzgerald: I have a question as to whether this Board is going to proceed with the Public Hearing regarding the Planning Board or what? The discussion was kind of dropped.

(EV) I will bring that back. (PR) That is why I asked how many days needed to post a Public Hearing. The new Board starts on March 20, 2012. (EV) I was hoping that by requesting the information from LGC it would alleviate some of these actions. (GL) Should we wait for a response from LGC? (EV) There are two issues here. One is the right-to-know issue which should be taken care of tonight by the request to LGC. The second issue is the removal of someone
from Planning Board.

Hank Fitzgerald: The paperwork from LGC, can I look at it? It may answer my questions. I am requesting it as soon as possible. I am just looking for procedures. Procedures win all the time.

Larry Konopka: Fred, you made a comment about your building permit for your addition. I was Deputy Building Inspector at that time and when I questioned you it was only that the Permit was not posted. I never questioned that you had a Permit. Yours was not the only one that I questioned at that time. I wanted to know what to inspect.

Paul Richardson: I would like the new Board to hire a recorder for the Planning Board as well as the Budget Committee. Different ones doing it at different times. There should be a non-biased person taking the Minutes.

(EV) It is difficult to get someone to do the Minutes, because of individuals on the Board; they “drive them away.”

Robert Lincoln: Getting back to Dan Schroth and the things I read in the paper. Dan came in and challenged you. This guy was on the Planning Board when he did that. I admit I do not like him one bit. I do not care if he does business there but everyone has to get permits. Someone here even bought a bench after the complaint was made. I just am confused about it. Why can’t we do something about this?

(EV) I am very disappointed with the loss of our last Building Inspector. It is hard to get a person to work a couple of days a week and with no benefits.

Robert Lincoln: You all try to do a good job and serve the Town. I would like to have the new Board look at this. It is embarrassing what is going on with Dan Schroth. If he went before the Zoning Board, he would probably get approved.

(PR) I would like to have Town Administrator work with the Building Inspector as to why this is happening and assistance in looking at these things.

Close Public Input

Break 8:06 P.M. Board resumed meeting at 8:14 P.M.


(PR) What is the status of the Town deeded properties? It was supposed to be in the paper. (PS) It still needs to be addressed. I need to make sure that the listings are done correctly. (PR) When will it be done? (PS) If you advertise, people will be coming in looking for information about it. (PR) Will it be within the next two weeks? (PS) I will try. (PR) I have no interest in the properties but Town people are going to be asking me about them.


(PR) Have you heard anything from Chief Wharem about the Chestnut Street property? (PS) This was discussed at the Department Head meeting. The Chief needs some additional information. I will E-Mail Dan Kramer about that.


(GL) Police need to keep a closer look at the building next the Masonic Lodge. I was in that area the other night and heard breaking glass and there were a lot of kids around that area.


(GL) Motion to adjourn. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.

Approved: March 6, 2012

___________________________ _______________________
Edward Vien, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on February 21, 2012, transcribed and publicly posted on February 23, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes
No Attachments