February 4, 2015 School Budget Public Hearing

These minutes were posted by the Budget.

Town of Pittsfield, NH
Budget Committee
Public Hearing
2015-2016 School Budget
Meeting called to order at: 7:05pm in the PMHS Lecture Hall
Members Present: Chairman Louie Houle, Vice Chairman Robert Schiferle,
! Secretary Faith Whittier, School Board rep. Ray Ramsey, Selectmen rep. !
! Gerard LeDuc, Helen Schiff, Jo Anne Ward, Mary Thorpe, Fred Hast, !!
! Mark Riel, Cedric Dustin, Jacob Kitson, Josh Roman
Guests/Presenters: Superintendent of SAU 51 Dr. John Freeman
! ! ! School Personnel
! ! ! Members of the Public
School Budget: Superintendent of SAU 51, Dr. John Freeman, went over the
draft Warrant Articles to be acted upon at the School District Meeting on March
12, 2015 at 7:00pm, at the Pittsfield Elementary School. He elaborated, in detail,
on Article II which addresses the proposed Biomass Heating System.
Comment by Dan Schroth: Complimented John on how well the school is doing
at keeping our tax rate down last year. Dan recommended the school board go
for the 3 year bond on the Biomass Heating System (Article II).
Superintendent Freeman then went over the Proposed 2015-2016 School District
Budget Summary and highlighted the bottom line and the five increases of
Question by Kevin Foss: On the staffing increases, is that the new second
grade position?
Answer/Discussion: Superintendent Freeman said that it was.
Question by Maurice Wells: What about insurance for superintendent, does
that include dental insurance? Do you have it and no one else?
Answer/Discussion: Superintendent Freeman said that it does include dental
insurance for the superintendent and now includes dental insurance for teachers
who are part of the new three year teacher contract agreement. Under the
new contract teachers get 90% of one person dental in year one, 85% of one
person dental in year two, and 80% of one person dental in year three. (10
months $15,000.00)
Question by Dan Schroth: $15,000.00 for dental coverage doesn?t sound like a
lot of coverage?
Answer/Discussion: Superintendent Freeman said that it isn?t a lot.
Superintendent Freeman went over the handout Pittsfield Revenue Summary
2015-2016. He highlighted the Unreserved Fund Balance, School Building Aid,
and the Health Trust Surplus Return. The total budget increase is $612,655.00
and a tax increase of $2.30 not including Warrant Articles. The school board is
not proposing any articles to add to the reserve funds this year. The Special
Needs Reserve Fund has not had to be used for several years and there is
$200,000.00 in the Maintenance Fund. Dr. Freeman is not estimating a fund
balance this year, but the school is in good shape to finish the year.
If anyone thinks of other questions please email Dr. Freeman and he will be
happy to get the answers for you.
School Budget Public Hearing Adjourned at: 7:30pm
Respectfully submitted,
Faith Whittier, secretary