February 7, 2011 Minutes


Present –Ch. Elkins, _P_, VCh. Ms. Hast, _P_, Mr. Bailey, _P_, Lt. Abell, _A_, Mr. Provencher, _P_, Planning Board( Mr. Heffernan) _ P_. Fred Okrent, _P_ HSA Administrator,
Meeting called to order at 7:15 PM at the Town Hall by Ch. Elkins

Public Present:
James & Elizabeth Darrah, Jesse Pacheco, Larry Konopka, Fred Hast, Paul Rogers

1) Appointments

2) Old Business
Rogers Inspection; The inspection at 32 Main was completed. Chairman Elkins accompanied the inspector, and the building owner, Mr. S. Radzik, represented the building management. A number of minor issues and one major one, (no powered vent in a “landlocked” bathroom), was found. The units failed.

3) New Business:
Upcoming: Inspector Recertification is due for inspector, continuing education is complete and the application will be submitted in the near future.
Attorney’s letter concerning 25 Crescent St: a letter was received by the chair from an attorney representing W. Jensen expressing concern over the need for inspection, but submitting with reservation.
New requirement for naming recipient of service: This is a state requirement stating that the landlords have to file a notice with the town clerk naming an agent for “receipt of service”.

4) Meeting Minutes;
Mr. Bailey made a motion that the minutes of the meeting of January 3rd, 2011 be accepted as presented; 2nd by Mr. Heffernan, Motion passed 5 to 0.

5) Public Input:
James Darrah spoke concerning electrical problems at 1 Bridge St. He had already moved out of the apartment but was concerned about the subsequent tenants and other tenants in the building. He complained about arcing in the breaker panel in his kitchen. The Fire Dept and myself had been called to the unit back in December. He noted that nothing had been found and that the FD had been called back later that evening after he had noticed an arc. The Fire Chief suggested that he call an electrician and he called Pat Heffernan. Mr. Heffernan examined the breaker box and found some burning and pitting and tightened the main breaker lugs. He then told Mr. Darrah that it would be OK for at least one night. When the landlord came in with his own electrician, nothing appeared to be amiss. A general discussion of events followed with Chairman Elkins accepting the written minutes of the proceedings as an official complaint. Consensus was reached to involve the State Electrical Inspector to resolve issues. Existing issues between the landlord and Mr. Darrah could only be resolved outside the HSA, either through court or mediation.

Paul Rogers appeared, requesting a variance on outside vent for ”landlocked” bathroom, citing prior granting of variances for the same issue and undue hardship in implementing a solution. After discussion, motion made by Mr. Heffernan to grant the variance, seconded by Mr. Bailey. Vote was 4-1 for, motion passed.

Jesse Pacheco inquired about inspection of closet lights and attendant safety hazards. Was informed that closets are being inspected and lights are required to have globes or cages and clearance to stored items (on shelves) must be maintained.

Larry Konopka inquired about removing a padlock from extra alternate egress path not required by code. Was told that there was no prohibition on removing padlocks but doing so might prove to impact personal security.

6) Motion to adjourn:
Mr. Heffernan, 2nd by Mr. Bailey, 4 in favor, 0 against, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:02 PM. Next meeting: 3/21/11.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred M. Okrent