February 7, 2012 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Ed Vien, Chairman.


Ed Vien (EV), Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Denise Morin (DM), Vice-Chairman


Dan Schroth: Paul, I have a question for you and I am not sure you will have the figure off the top of your head, but how much would we have to remove from the budget in order to have no tax rate increase? (PS) I do not know what the figure would be, but I will get you that information.

Dan Schroth: I asked the Board to watch from “Here to Infinity.” Have any of you had the opportunity to view this? All Board members indicated that they had not had the chance to watch the video. Dan Schroth: If you had seen the documentary you would see how fragile earth really is. Earth is very fragile. Water and air are not threatened. Our food supply is very threatened. What is killing the bee and bat population is herbicides and about 90% of their population is going to die. Gary Hershberger tried to have foods labeled. Our food is poisoning us and changing out genes. We are all eating it. As a Town, we can help Gary Hershberger; our food prices are going to go up. Watch the documentary if you get a chance. We are being threatened from within.

Paul Richardson: Selectman Morin has resigned; what are you going to do about that? (EV) She resigned last week and we will be accepting her resignation tonight. (PR) Are we going to fill the position? (EV) We did not have the time to post the position in order to get it before the voters. The new Board will appoint someone to that position. Paul Richardson: Also the new salary rates for Tax Collector/Town Clerk. It is not on the Agenda. Are you going to address that tonight? (EV) No, that is also something new Board will address and it would depend on who gets elected. It is hard to set a rate if you do not know who will fill the position. (PR) It was supposed to be on the Agenda tonight. (EV) How can you discuss it if you do not know who is going to be in that position? (PR) You still need a base. (PS) noted he would prepare some figures for the next Board meeting to enumerate salary/benefits and you can “fill in the blanks.” (FH) We have step grades for new employees and that would be the same idea. (GL) It has to be discussed and we can set a base.

Close Public Input (6:09 P.M.)


(PS) E-Mail from Ted Mitchell Re: Meeting with Selectmen, Revised Town Warrant, Documentation of Donation from Pittsfield Police Association, Contract for 2011 Audit and Sewer Warrant.


1. 6:05 P.M.: Acceptance of Gift from the Town of Chichester

(EV) read into the Minutes the Public Hearing Notice. (See attached.) This is a gift of cash from the Town of Chichester when Liz and Nancy assisted in doing registrations because of the fire in the Chichester Town Hall.

Open Public Hearing (6:10 P.M.)

No comments

Close Public Hearing (6:11 P.M.)

(PR) Motion to approve acceptance of gift from the Town of Chichester in the amount of $640.50. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

2. 6:10 P.M.: Acceptance of Gift from Pittsfield Police Association

(EV) read into the Minutes the Public Hearing Notice regarding the gift of a police vehicle from the Pittsfield Police Association. (See attached.)

Open Public Hearing (6:12 P.M.)

(PS) To let everyone know, among the added items on the Agenda tonight, is documentation from Jay Darrah, Pittsfield Police Association, that the vehicle is valued at $49,550. (See attached.)

Close Public Hearing

(FH) Motion to approve acceptance of gift of Police Vehicle from the Pittsfield Police Association valued at $49,500. (PR) Second. After Discussion:
Carried 3-1 (GL).

Discussion: (GL) With the amount of traveling with the vehicle since the officer lives so far away, it is not going to last five years. I am thankful for the gift, but…. (FH) If the vehicle is taken care of, then it should last. Thank you to the Police Association. (PS) to send letter.

3. 6:15 P.M.: Acceptance of Gift from Carol and Daniel McGuire

(EV) read into the Minutes the Public Hearing Notice regarding the gift of cash in the amount of $1,000 to the Welfare Department. (See attached.)

Open Public Hearing (6:16 P.M.)

No comments.

Close Public Hearing (6:17 P.M.)

(PR) Motion to approve acceptance of gift from Carol and Daniel McGuire in the amount of $1,000. (GL) Second.

Discussion: (EV) this was donated to the Welfare Department with the suggestion by the Welfare Director to be used for Christmas gift. The Fire Department does an excellent job in collecting and distributing gifts for the kids at Christmastime. (GL) I would rather see it used for other things like fuel assistance. Keeping warm is more important than toys. (EV) Secret Santa does a great job. (FH) It should go where it was donated. (EV) It was just donated to the Welfare Department to use as we see fit. It was the Welfare Director who suggested the Christmas gift idea. (FH) Why can’t we direct $500 for fuel assistance and $500 for the Christmas toys?

(PR) Withdraw Motion. (GL) Withdraw Second.

(PR) We should stick with the original direction of the donor and give to the Welfare Department and they can recommend what it is to be used for. My recommendation is give it to the Welfare Department.

(PR) Motion to approve acceptance of gift of $1,000 to the Welfare Department. (GL) Second. Carried 3-1 (FH).


1. Acceptance of Resignation from Denise Morin

(PR) Motion to accept resignation of Denise Morin from Board of Selectmen. (GL) Second. Carried 3-0. (FH) Abstain.

(PS) to send letter of thank you.

(GL) Question – are we going to elect a Vice Chairman tonight in case (EV) gets sick? (EV) Board can designate any member to run meeting. (PS) You could elect a Vice-Chairman or designate a Chairman Pro Tem if necessary.




1. Selectmen Representative to Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition

(PR) As discussed during our last meeting, we were going to wait until the new Board comes on. I have no problem taking this on but they changed the meeting time from 7:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. which makes it difficult for me time wise.

2. Board of Selectmen to Discuss/Take Action on Service Contract for WWTF Generator

(PS) I have reminded Ron Vien that I have not received an updated contract from Turner Group. They are working on it though. Ron will contact them.

PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) 6:25 P.M.

4. 6:25 P.M.: Hazard Mitigation Plan

(EV) read into Minutes Public Hearing Notice regarding pending adoption of the Town of Pittsfield Hazardous Mitigation Plan. (See attached.)

Open Public Hearing (6:26 P.M.)

No comments.

Close Public Hearing 6:27 P.M.

(PS) The Certificate of Adoption will need to be signed by all members (3 copies.)

(EV) read into the Minutes the Certificate of Adoption. (See attached.)

(FH) Motion to approve adoption of the Town of Pittsfield Hazardous Mitigation Plan. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

Document signed by all members of the Board. (6:29 P.M.)

5. 6:30 P.M.: Acceptance of Gift from Concord Hospital (6:30 P.M.)

(EV) read into the Minutes Public Hearing Notice concerning the acceptance of a gift of a LUCAS 2, CPR device valued at $13,589 from the Concord Hospital Trust (see attached.)

Open Public Hearing (6:31 P.M.)

Chief Johnson: This is a device that can be used to perform CPR. It has been field tested and great results have been achieved. It increases the chance of survivability. The department is waiting for Board approval prior to receipt of the device. Jen Tedcastle offered a brief description of the device. It was noted that the Manchester Union had a recent write-up on the device. (FH) noted that he would like to see a demonstration of the device once received.

Close Public Hearing (6:33 P.M.)

(PR) Motion to approve acceptance of gift of a LUCAS 2, CPR device valued at $13,589 from the Concord Hospital Trust. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

6. E-Mail from Ted Mitchell Re: Meeting with Selectmen

(PS) addressed a response from Ted Mitchell requesting he appear at Board meeting regarding Planning Board activities. (Note: This E-Mail was read into the Minutes during the Public Input portion of meeting.)

(PR) We need to address several matters pertaining to Planning Board. A lot of people have come forward with concerns and what can be done. There are not one or two questions but multiple complaints in regard to that Board. (GL) As was observed at the last Planning Board meeting, they do not like to listen to the public and there has been no input from the BOS. (EV) Ted is not refusing to come in, but probably feels he is looking down a “loaded barrel.” I would recommend getting back to Ted to have him come in and talk to us. People always feel better if they are prepared. (GL) We would just like a general discussion with no real prepared questions. If he would not like to appear for this general discussion that would be his prerogative, but I would be disappointed. (EV) I would just like him to come in and talk to us. If he still refuses, we cannot make him.

(FH) Part of the Town Administrator duties is to oversee the different boards and committees. (PS) It is not my responsibility but the voter’s responsibility.
(EV) An elected board should be running itself. (FH) We have been getting all these complaints, we should ask them why. (EV) The Board would like to convey that invitation to him.

7. Sewer Warrant

(FH) Motion to approve Sewer User Fees Warrant for $80,478.49. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

8. Contract for 2011 Audit

(PS) This is an added item for approval of contract with Plodzik & Sanderson for fiscal year ended December 31, 2011 for the audit (19,000 – $21,000). Another audit will have to be conducted when Tax Collector/Town Clerk leaves office which is not included in this amount.

(FH) Motion to approve audit contract with Plodzik & Sanderson. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

(FH) Motion to have Chairman sign contract for audit. (PR) Second.
Carried 4-0.

9. Revised Town Warrant

(PS) This is in reference to Safe Routes to School Program grant which has a supplemental appropriation ($15,269).

(PR) Motion to approve and RECOMMEND Warrant Article 10. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (PS) This is the only addition. The Warrant is almost prepared for final action. The Budget Committee needs to take action on the “money articles.”



(EV) Have there been any applications for Intent to Cut for Silverman?
(PS) to check.


(FH) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

(FH) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Check Register. (GL) Second.
Carried 4-0.


1. Public Session Minutes of January 31, 2012

(FH) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of January 31, 2012.
(GL) Second. After Discussion: Carried 4-0.

Discussion: (PR) I have a question about the name used and noted in Minutes regarding the Welfare lien. (PR) I have contacted LGC and they have responded and I am summarizing – the name of the person who owns the property is public information. We are not obliged to give the name of the individual when taking action; however, if someone requests the name, we are obliged to give them the name of the individual.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of January 31, 2012

(GL) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of January 31, 2012.
(FH) Second. Carried 4-0.


(GL) I have gotten a text from Merrill Vaughan and should anyone need to contact him, his number in Florida rehab is 1-470-599-6055, Ext. 26571.


Hank Fitzgerald: I realize that this Board has limited control over elected boards. If you will note the letter in The Sun by Ted Mitchell, he indicates – I am the Chair and I can call a meeting whenever I want. He further notes that “State RSA’s allow me, as Chair, to call meetings whenever I want, for whatever reason.” Ted is listening to his “own private attorney.”

I have discussed this with the Secretary of State and this has happened to other town(s) and all their actions were thrown out for over a year. This Board needs to go on record to note that they are aware of the issues and are trying to straighten things out. He noted that Ed Vien was at the last meeting and he had to direct them on how to conduct the meeting and motion. I do have a little bit of a vendetta against Jim Pritchard. You realize that the tapes during the meeting were shut down for about an hour which means things get filled in by Jim Pritchard as to what he wants. He is violating the minutes. He never presents any documents to back up his “findings.” When you contact LGC, they always follow up with an E-Mail so you have something in writing.

You have a problem and Board should go on record that they will not support the Planning Board’s actions though this will not change their opinions.

Larry Konopka: In the Town’s Welfare Guidelines it requires that there be confidentiality. I would encourage BOS to take the name of the Welfare lien individual out of the Minutes (January 31, 2012). (PS) noted that assistance had been provided to the Welfare recipient. (EV) reviewed the Welfare Guidelines as presented by Larry Konopka.) (EV) Larry, you are right. (PS) The Guidelines do not conflict with the LGC legal opinion. You can only meet what the statutes allow. (PR) We should omit the name of the individual from the Minutes
(January 31, 2012).

(PR) Motion to omit the name of the individual from the Welfare Lien from the Minutes of January 31, 2012. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0.

Chief Johnson: I would like to thank the Board for their comments on the Secret Santa and would like to publicly thank Jen Tedcastle who puts in a tremendous amount of hours to make this program successful. The money donated would not go to the Fire Department but to the Secret Santa Program.

(PR) The money was donated to the Welfare Department with no specifications as to how it was to be utilized. It was the suggestion of the Welfare Director to start another program for Christmas toys for the kids but you guys do such a great job, it was thought that the monies could be used for other necessities such as heat.

Dan Schroth: Can I get a copy of the E-Mail that was received from Ted Mitchell?

(PR) read into the Minutes the E-Mail from Ted Mitchell:
Hi Paul:

After reading the BOS Jan 31st minutes, I would be much more comfortable if the selectmen provided me with a list of the specific questions they (m) would like me to address.

If not, I’ll have to reconsider addressing the BOS.

Thanks, Ted

Dated: Friday, February 03, 2012 @ 1:44 PM

(DS) So he wanted the questions ahead of time? (PS) Do you still want a copy of this E-Mail? Dan Schroth: No.

Ed Vien – Comment to Hank Fitzgerald: I believe this Board is aware of the situation. I was at part of the last Planning Board meeting. I realize there are a lot of concerned citizens. The Board is not taking aggressive steps at this time but is offering a tempered response and is concerned with what is going on.

Gerard LeDuc: I will read what I said at the Planning Board meeting and which should be in the Minutes. “The Board of Selectmen feels that Article 3 has no value to the Town of Pittsfield.”

Larry Konopka: I would like to thank everyone for showing up to support the Public Hearings. When we get behind a project, we stick with it.

Close Public Input


(FH) Motion to adjourn. (PR) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 P.M.

Approved: February 21, 2012

______________________________ ____________________
Edward Vien, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on February 7, 2012, transcribed and publicly posted on February 9, 2012.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

I Tape/Attachments