February 9, 2015 Minutes

February 9, 2015
7:00 p.m.

Meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.

Meeting attendance: Chairman Mr. Elkins, Vice Chairman Mr. Dustin, Ms. Hast, Mr. Heffernan, Administrator Mrs. Ramsey, Inspector Mr. FitzGerald.

Public Present: Serge Berube

Appointments: Chairman Elkins stated that the board requested Mr. Berube to come to this meeting to discuss his application for Deputy Inspector. Chairman Elkins asked Mr. Berube if he had any questions for the board he said he did not. Chairman Elkins asked if the board had any questions for Mr. Berube and Mr. Heffernan asked about his previous employment on his resume. Mr. Berube answered Mr. Heffernan’s question to his satisfaction. Ms. Hast asked Mr. Berube if he could put up with Inspector FitzGerald. Mr. Berube stated he has for some time. Inspector FitzGerald stated that he feels that hiring Mr. Berube as Deputy Inspector would be a good idea in the case he is not available. Mr. Heffernan asked if Mr. Berube is aware that if he does not perform an inspection he will not be compensated. Mr. Berube stated he was aware of that. Mr. Dustin made the motion that we hire Mr. Berube as Deputy Inspector with the understanding he gets ICC Certified. Mr. Heffernan seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Inspector FitzGerald stated that there have been a lot of complaints. He is handling each one with no problems or issues.

Administrator Ramsey informed the board if they would like to see the 2014 list of payments she has a report. All inspections for 2014 have been paid.

Mr. Heffernan asked Inspector FitzGerald about the purchase of a camera. Chairman Elkins stated that the camera and temp. reader was purchased as well.

Administrator Ramsey stated she made a mistake on 1 Tilton Hill Rd. the board wanted to have the owner come to see the board. Mrs. Ramsey received their self-certification letter and issued a license by mistake. There was some discussion and Mrs. Ramsey apologized for the mistake and understands she will not make the mistake again.

Administrator Ramsey brought to the board 2 properties ( 8 Depot St. and 10 Main St. ) we have not received self-certification from an inspection done in November. Mr. Dustin stated he believes the board should talk with them. Administrator Ramsey will send letters to property owners for a meeting time. Also 15 Crescent St., 8 Green St., 8 Marshall Ct., 19 Park St. are all in the same situation. Inspector FitzGerald stated some of those were being managed by a person that was in an accident and the paperwork may not have been taken care of. There have been letters sent to owners about missing paperwork but no response. Administrator Ramsey stated that the new person handling those properties has been contacted but she did not recieve notification from property owner of this information. Administrator Ramsey spoke with this person and she got a list of properties he will be handling in town then wrote a letter to all the properties owners requesting they confirm this information but has not received any information back. There was some discussion about all properties and was decided that all property owners to come in for a meeting before the board.
Administrator Ramsey introduced a letter of notification to the board. This letter with the board’s approval will be handed out at inspection time and a signature will be requested to confirm they have received and understand the notification. Mr. Heffernan asked about the self-certification, and any repairs that may need a permit to do the work needed. Inspector FitzGerald expressed that he does inform the person there at inspection time they need to obtain any permits the town requires them to have to do the work. But he does not know how we can enforce that. Mr. Heffernan stated that we may want to request a copy of the permits and invoices from the property owner before we issue them a HSA License. Chairman Elkins stated that we requested a copy of the invoice with the electrician’s license number on it. Mr. Dustin asked if we are currently requesting that, and Inspector FitzGerald stated no. Administrator Ramsey asked the question to the board if they would consider doing new inspection forms, and if so we could make changes to include all that information. Inspector FitzGerald stated he is ok with that but his concern is creating more work to verify the license number and follow paperwork. Mr. Dustin suggested that putting a line on the form stating that the deficiencies found needs to be completed by a licensed contractor and if they sign stating that they agree to do so and if they do not that is on them and not us.

Administrator Ramsey investigated the smoke detector tester spray, and gave a list of places and prices. Inspector FitzGerald suggested only getting a couple cans, because he only uses it once in a while when there are high ceilings. Administrator Ramsey stated she will get a few cans from Staples.

There was some discussion about the public hearing.

Minutes for the January 12, 2015 with one correction, motion to accept the minutes made by Mr. Heffernan and seconded by Mr. Dustin minutes approved with one correction. All board members in favor, motion passed.

Minutes for the January 26, 2015 with one correction motion made to accept made by Mr. Dustin seconded by Ms. Hast with one correction. 3 members in favor and Mr. Heffernan abstained from vote because he was not present at that meeting. Motion passed.

Administrator Ramsey stated that she heard from Mr. Morse and he will re appoint Mr. Elkins and Ms. Schiff to the board.

Chairman Elkins stated that the next meeting will be scheduled by the Fire Chief, Administrator Ramsey will email the chief so he is aware that it is his responsibility to set the first meeting within 15 days after the Annual Town Meeting.

Motion made by Mr. Dustin to adjourn the meeting motion seconded by Mr. Heffernan, all members in favor. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.