January 10, 2013 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
January 10, 2013

1. Meeting opened at 5:32.

2. Attendees: Ted Mitchell (TM), Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS), Paul Sherwood (PSh),
Susan Muenzinger (SM), Paul Skowron (PS), Ellen Barbasso (EB), Gary Lynn (from NHDES),
and Tony Guinta and Sarandis Karathanasis from AMENICO.

3. Minutes for November 28, 2012 accepted as written.

A. They want to get the hydroelectric plant at the dam to run again
1. Have to meet FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) standards
2. Feasibility study has to be put on hold until 2014
3. PSNH had an agreement with previous owner to stop operations of the plant
B. Topp’s Garage
1. They are interested in purchasing it but timing is not right at this time – tax liability
2. Could possibly get a group of people to remove the garage
3. Tanks were removed several years ago – it is a clean site- no monotoring needed.
C. Looking for “green ” start up companies for vacant spaces
D. Have partnered with another company to provide electricity to homes and businesses,
E. They would like to have the triangle garden- appreciate TM’s effort to recommend plants and

5. Kentek will be moving to the Turnaround Eclipse location.

6. EDC website
A. TM will contact Clayton Wood to make corrections to list of members
B. EB will contact Clayton Wood to include the latest approved minutes.
C. When Toybox closes we need a new picture on the web site

7. EDC would like to meet with Planning Board and Master Plan committees to discuss Pittsfield’s
economic future

8. Next meeting will be January 23, 2013 at 5:30 PM.

9. Meeting closed at 6:50 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ted Mitchell, Chairman
Minutes taken by: Ellen Barbasso, Secretary