January 19, 2012 Minutes

Trustees of the Trust Fund
January 19, 2012
Trustees Meeting

Those Present: Cara Marston, Bill Provencal, Kristen Treacy, and Officer Joseph Di George
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s Minutes were accepted as written.
Old Business:
1 Sanderson Fund
Met with Kristen Treacy of the Pittsfield Drug and Alcohol Coalition –She provided us with additional information on their requests for funding.
Met with Officer Joseph Di George of the Pittsfield Police Department, who provided additional information on the Pittsfield K9 Program.
Bill Provencal reported on his visit with the Head Librarian on the Josiah Carpenter Library’s request for funding for the Library Automation System Upgrade.

All three funding requests were granted.
The total requests for funds from the E. P. Sanderson Trust Fund for $74,648 was approved.
2. The next meeting of the Trustees will be held in February. Cara will notify the Trustees as to the date.

Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Provencal, Secretary