January 2, 2013 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Budget.

2012 Budget Committee Meeting



Members Present: Louie Houle Chairman, Mark Riel Vice-Chair, Larry Willams Secretary, Stan Bailey, Helen Schiff, Helen Schoppmeyer, Faith Whitter, Ray Ramsey, Mary Paridise School Board Rep., Nichole Manteau School Board Alt., Paul Skoworn Town Admin.

Special Guest:  Dr. Freeman , Maurice Wells .


Meeting Called to Order: 7:03                                     Date :01/2/13



Motion to approve 12/19/12 Minutes By: Stan B. 2nd By: Ray R.


Dr. Freeman has information the committee had asked for at the previous meeting.


1)  Salaries & Benefits: He will need one more week to get this info completed .

2) Total cost of the roof project on the Middle High School was $212,000.00 this included the Engineering, Sight Management, and total scope of work needed to replace roof.

3) The pay-off date for the Middle High School is year 2020.


Louie opened floor for Questions and discussion of the School Budget. No further questions for Dr. Freeman or the School Members present.


Quick review of the Schedule to set the Public Hearing date.

         January 30th @ 7:00pm in the lecture hall at the High School.


Ray R. has done some research on transferring the Ambulance vs. purchasing entire new Ambulance. There can be problems such as, gas spout not lining up, frame different enough so they don’t line up, ect.


Pg. 6 Line 124 Town Clock: Stan B. would like to see us increase this to $1,000.00 for regular maint. Issues.


Helen Schoppmeyer Thinks that we should leave the Library’s request of $1,317.00 increase alone. They have operated on minimal funds and this increase will allow them to keep extra programs open.


Paul Skowron mentioned that the Select Board is looking at a Warrant Article for the Library to fix the second egress from the basement problem. Estimated Value to be asked for is possible $60,000.00


Public Input: Morris Wells asked if the Budget committee’s job was to bring forward a responsible budget to the towns people. Louie answered that we are reviewing the numbers now, and we would recommend cuts or increases at a later date.



Things to remember for Public Hearing, to bring up as possible cuts:

1) Rental Assistance Pg. 21 Line 407 Cut $10,000.00

2) Officers Inspections Pg. 13 Line 248 Cut $4,000.00



Motion to Adjourn By: Stan B. 2nd By: Helen Schiff


                Submitted By: Larry Williams