January 20, 2015 Minutes

January 20, 2015

Present: Chair Dana Sansom, Treasurer Nancy Fogg, Secretary J.C. Allard, Library Director Beverly Pietlicki, Mr. William Tahnk, Trustee Alternate.

Meeting Convened: The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m.

Acceptance of Minutes: Minutes of the December 16, 2014 regular meeting accepted as presented.

Public Hearing: In accordance with RSA 202-A:4-ciii to put before the public the action to be taken on all unanticipated money from the state, federal, or other governmental unit to any private source that has become available during the 2014 calendar year.

Old Business: Reviewed and discussed the Sanderson Fund submission for the upcoming 2015 year.
The Secretary and the Director provided a brief update on the recent/pending activities of the Friends of the Library since the last Trustees meeting.

The Director provided and update on the building’s maintenance, specifically the non-functioning light in the upstairs closet and the need to set the time controller for the new outside lights. The electrician will be contacted to discuss the capabilities of the timer and how best to utilize it.

The Secretary provided his latest understanding regarding the repair and reinstallation of the rose window. Work not expected to be completed until the return of good weather in the spring.

The Treasurer provided an update regarding on-going administrative challenges with the bank accounts.

Director’s & Treasurer’s Reports: Both the Director’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report reviewed and accepted as presented.

New Business: Motion made and seconded (Nancy/Jim) to pay additional fees for the upcoming CHILIS professional development training for the staff as well as NHLA memberships for the staff. Motion carried.

Motion made and seconded to accept any and all unanticipated monetary donations to come to the library during the month (Nancy/Jim). Motion carried.

Reviewed the Director’s preparation of annual library statistics for inclusion in the to be published Town Report.

Trustees resolved to read/review/comment via email on the draft report to be included in the Town Report.

Discussed plans for an open house w/refreshments to celebrate the reopening of the Children’s Room. Tuesday, February 17, 2015 between 4-7 p.m. chosen as the date and time for the open house. Regular Trustees meeting will follow immediately. Motion made and seconded (Jim/Nancy) that the Trustees pay postage costs of sending out written invitations to key individuals.

Trustees resolved to review programs and flyers for school announcing the re-opening of the Children’s Room and the upcoming open house.

Miscellaneous: The furnace received its annual cleaning and servicing. Noted that the cost with the new oil company went up significantly over the previous year.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn moved and seconded (Nancy/Dana). Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

Policy Subcommittee Meeting: Nothing to report.

Next Monthly Meeting: February 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.

Submitted: Respectfully by JC Allard, Secretary