January 4, 2007 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
DRAFT Minutes of Public Meeting JANUARY 4, 2007
ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:10 P.m.
ITEM 2. Members present: David Simpson (DS), Chairman, Donna
Keeley (DK), Paul Metcalf (PM) Eric Bahr (EB), Dan Green(DG), Alternate
and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
ITEM 3. Approval of Minutes tabled to later in meeting.
ITEM 4. Trigger Development – Escrow Refund tabled to later in the
ITEM 5. Brandon Guida – This matter was scheduled for January 18, 2007
with the applicant at Planning Board Meeting and is scheduled for this date.
ITEM 6. Conceptual Plan of two-lot subdivision on Clough Road,
Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map R-11, Lot 7). The property is owned by
George E. and Roslyn R. Brackett, 192 Rochester Road, Northwood, NH
03261. This property is located in the Rural Zone.
Mr. Brackett presented some sketches to the Board of the proposed
subdivision. He related that there is an existing driveway on the property,
which originally was connected to a mobile home that at some point burned
down. He related that he had already discussed this with George Bachelder.
(EB) asked if his intention was to put houses on this property. Mr. Brackett
related that it would require variances. The question as to the number of
houses that would be placed on the property was discussed and whether it
would be a minor or major subdivision. It was noted that both lots would be
non-conforming and that variances would be required. (DS) asked whether
this was Coop or PSNH though it was unsure which. Utilities would be
noted as an abutter because of the power lines. (DK) stated she believed,
though not positive, that it was PSNH. (DS) related that he did not see
anything alarming in regard to the subdivision but suggested he again speak
with George Bachelder and then present before the Zoning Board.
ITEM 7. Application for a proposed eight-lot subdivision on Governors
Road, Pittsfield, NH 03263 (Tax Map R-43, Lot 10). The property is
owned by Paul and Melissa Bicknell of 195 Governors Road, Pittsfield, NH
03263. The firm subdividing the property is James Mullaney, DBA:
Juniper Hills Builders of 89 South State Street, Concord, NH 03301. This
property is located in the Rural Zone.
Paul Metcalf recused himself at this point.
(DS) related that they have a right to a full Board. Mr. Mullaney waived this
right and wished to continue as planned. (A whole new packet including
application was put together by Mike McLaughlin, Building Inspector for
Board distribution.)
(EB) Motion to accept application. (DG) Seconded motion. Unanimous
Public Hearing:
Mr. Mullaney presented an update since the last meeting and related that
there are two main issues regarding the road and that is the paving of
Governor’s Road and the Cistern. He related that in checking the
subdivision Regs it does note that the existing town road has to be brought
up to current standards. He related that there is a major subdivision within
that area already existing. He noted that they are having issues with
providing sprinkler systems for all the houses. He noted that the Building
Inspector indicated that it would soon be necessary that all houses have
sprinkler systems and if so, he would conform to that. (DS) related that
there is a pond across the street and the possibility of a dry hydrant over fire
cistern was discussed. Mr. Mullaney felt that this was a good solution and
related that he would submit plans along with the road plans, which he
estimated would be completed in about a week. (DS) related that when the
plans are received that they will be forwarded to Louis Berger Group. (DS)
related that he had hoped that George would be here and could explain a
little bit more about the road.
Mr. Mullaney’s excavator related that he would widen road and make it so
the road has a good “flow” to it. There would be a turn around area by the
pond where school buses, ambulances, and fire engines would be able to
turn around. The road would be improved all the way up to the last house
where it would be necessary for the school bus use.
(EB) asked if anyone had “walked this property,” and suggested they
schedule a site walk and that applicant be given 60-day extension at this time
to allow the excavation plans for the road to be finalized. Mr. Mullaney
related that his engineer is currently in Florida. He related that possibly he
could have road plans available early next week. Louis Berger estimates
were discussed and it was related that this would be forthcoming at hearing.
Excavator requested that he be able to discuss with George Bachelder his
ideas regarding the road. (DS) related that the applicant would come up
with the costs and Louis Berger would review these costs.
(EB) Motion to Continue to next meeting (January 18, 2007). Seconded by
(DK). Unanimous.
A Motion for Site Walk (EB) for January 7, 2007 at 9:00 A.M. and invite
conservation to attend. (DG) seconded. Unanimous 4-0.
(DS) related that the Selectman’s Board has say over whether or not
upgrades to a road are necessary not the Planning Board. (DK) suggested
that Planning Board issue a memo to Selectman’s Board regarding road and
then the applicant can present before Selectman’s Board.
James Theodore asked how school bus is going to turn around; is there going
to be a cul de sac? The excavator indicated it would probably be a
Paul Metcalf, Sr. related that his main concern would be the road. He
related that he trusted “you people to bring it up to a good level. I have been
misled in the past.”
Five minute break.
Paul Metcalf resumed seat on Board after break.
ITEM 4. Trigger Development – Escrow Fund.
(DS) related he was having a difficult time verifying the amount of refund.
He checked with Cara and Town owes him $257.50 though specific
paperwork cannot be found. It was decided to check with Lucy, at Berger
Group regarding actual figures. (EB) Motion to refund $257.50 from escrow
bond. (DG) seconded. Unanimous 5-0.
(EB) Motion to approve Minutes of October 19, 2006. (DK) Seconded.
(EB) Motion to approve Minutes of October 26, 2006. (DK) Seconded.
(EB) Abstained. Unanimous.
(EB) Motion to approve Minutes of December 7, 2006. (DG) Seconded.
(EB) noted that he was not present at this meeting and his name should be
removed from Members Present. (EB) Abstained. Unanimous.
(EB) Motion to approve Minutes of December 14, 2006. (DK) Seconded.
(DG) Abstained. Unanimous.
(EB) Motion to approve Minutes of December 21, 2006. (DG) Seconded.
(DK) Abstained. Unanimous. Note: Spelling of Eric Bahr to be corrected.
Paul Metcalf present at meeting.
(DK) related that nothing new to report. MRI still negotiating.
(DS) related that he had received a Memo from Susan Muenzinger, Vice
Chair, Zoning Board regarding some proposed changes to the Site Plan
Review Regulations and Zoning Ordinance for Planning Board
consideration. (DK) read Memo to Board.) A brief discussion ensued
regarding home occupation, meat cutting/smokehouse, which was recently
before Zoning Board. (DK) Home occupation is like an office, and a site
plan review impacts surrounding residences. The chemical process of a
smokehouse as well as parking issues and expansion of use was discussed
(EB) related that he thought there were some changes on the Planning Board
List of Contacts, which were reviewed. A new list will be accomplished and
distributed accordingly.
(DK) minutes of Work Session of December 21, 2006 will be reviewed next
(DS) brought up the subject of applications. (EB) related that
administratively applications will be accepted. Once application is accepted,
then the applicant would return for Public Meeting. (DS) This would still
give us chance to check and see application. (DK) Has a memo gone out to
employees of Town Hall to notify them of this? A memo needs to be drafted
and E-mailed to everyone.
(LK) noted that Item 7 should be noted as a public hearing. (DS) related that
he called it at time of presentation as Public Meeting. (DK) noted that it was
posted and noticed. (DS) related that we should not be “putting the cart
before the horse” in these instances which will make presentation cleaner
and easier.
(DK) noted that Brandon Guida is having the model home delivered and was
very upfront about it at Work Session.
(DK) Motion to Adjourn.
(PM) Seconded Motion
Adjourned at 8:52 P.M.
_______________________________ _________________________
David Simpson, Chairman Date