January 5, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Budget.

Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 05, 2011
The regular meeting of the Pittsfield Budget Committee was called to order at 7:05pm on January 5, 2011 in Town Hall large meeting room by John Kidder.
Louis Houle, Bill Abbott, John Kidder, Mark Riel, David Menard, Lee Adams, Joan Osborne, Helen Schiff, Helen Schoppmeyer, Paul Skowron Town Administrator. Not in attendance Dan Ward, Fred Hast, Dick Munn, and Stan Bailey.
A. Approval of Minutes
Vote to approve 9-0-0
B. Open Issues
C. New Business
John Freeman-superintendent of schools:
Over the last two years they have cut back over 20 positions. Currently there is no tax increase for this year due to cut back in some programs. The warrant articles will have a tax implication. The teacher contract and special education are the exception. The teacher contract includes the step increases. This increase represents a $.19 per thousand increase which represents a roughly $ 50,000 increase. Our cost increases are mostly represented significantly in the employee benefits portion of the budget. The two most expense insurance options for health insurance benefits have been eliminated. There are no salary increases for non-union positions this year. The school will receive roughly $105,000 through the Educations Job Fund which will help to save some jobs. This year 2 positions will be eliminated. One position is an elementary school aide and the other is a nurse position. Competitive grants have been helpful for our schools. Recently we have been labeled a low performing school (based on NECAP scores). This will result in funds to review of our academic achievement, culture, and college preparedness. This is a 3 year grant (federal title 1 ESA) for college, part of the NO Child Left Behind funding. Second grant is a five year grant looking at educational personalization, and application of skills. Also a large planning grant (Nellie Mae) will fund 1 year of planning to evaluate schools, the chosen schools will be further funded for improvements. Bob Bickford joined our middle school team back in July.
Student in the virtual high school program seem to be doing very well (Virtual High School). Special education numbers are up, are they new students or prior students.

D. Agenda for Next Meeting
February 2, 2011 will be our public input hearing.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:08 pm by John Kidder. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on January 11, 2011 in Town Hall meeting room.
Minutes submitted by: David M. Menard
Approved by: