July 15, 2014 Minutes

July 15, 2014

Present: Chair, Dana Sansom, Treasurer, Nancy Fogg, Secretary J.C. Allard, Library Director, Beverly Pietlicki, Mr. William Tahnk, Trustee Alternate.

Meeting Convened: The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:14 p.m.

Acceptance of Minutes: Minutes of the June meeting reviewed and accepted with changes.

Old Business: The Chair reported that she has messaged town officials with the most serious results from the Trustees annual walk around the facility conducted during the regular June meeting. Principally this was the apparent damage to the roof and the tree limb overhanging the building in the rear of the building. As of this meeting the town has not responded. Dana Sansom stated she would follow-up with the town manager.

Friends of the Library have not met since the last Trustee’s meeting. However Friends volunteers have continued to assist the library staff with reorganization of the Children’s Room.

The Friends of the Library purchased supplies for the summer reading program. The Director reports that as of this meeting 39 people are signed up for the summer program with additional sign-ups possible.

New computers authorized for purchase last month have been installed.

Director’s & Treasurer’s Reports: Both the Director’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report reviewed and accepted as presented.

New Business: Motion to formally accept future donations of money and property moved and seconded (Nancy/Jim). Motion carried

The Director reported that the town received no bids for the work on the alarm system that is a prerequisite to reopening the Children’s Room. The town manager informed the Director that “contingency plans” were under consideration and as a result a potential contractor will examine the system at 1:00 p.m. on Friday July 18, 2014. The undersigned Secretary will accompany the contractor in the building as the Library will be closed at that time.

Discussed future attendance at Select Board meetings to report or advocate for the library as needed and to improve the Trustee’s awareness of town issues.

Discussed an evolving issue of littering, smoking and blocked access to the library entrances. This seems to be acerbated by the use of the w-fi system from outside the building. The Director indicated that she would discuss the matter with both the town manager and the police department to see what ordinances might apply.

Miscellaneous: Nancy discussed her continuing examination of the contents and filing system of the Trustee’s lock box storage container. She reports that the work is on-going and as required the Trustees will need to continue to retain documents relating to library personnel.

Nancy also discussed her on-going work with the bank to ensure all of the Trustees are properly registered in accordance with bank requirements.

Motion made and seconded (Jim/Nancy) to seek a town agency or suitable non-profit organization as a possible recipient of the replaced computer from the Children’s Room. The computer is surplus to the needs of the library, but could prove useful to another organization. Motion carried.

Discussed the potential to purchase a window mounted air conditioner unit to reduce the summer humidity levels that the collections may be exposed to. No decisions taken.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn moved and seconded (Nancy/Jim). Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Policy Subcommittee Meeting: Nancy and the Director report that they will continue working their review of the staff job descriptions..

Next Monthly Meeting: August 19, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

Submitted by JC Allard, Secretary