July 16, 2007 Minutes

Town of Pittsfield DRAFT
Parks and Recreation Committee
July 16, 2007
Members in attendance: Kathy Boudreau, Jesse
MacGlashing, Jason Darrah, Maryellen Plante
The secretary’s report was accepted with minor changes.
Jesse reported that we need to have our budget requests for
next year ready for the selectmen by August 30, 2007. Our
budget to date was reviewed. Requests for use of capital
reserve monies need to be submitted by September 6, 2007.
There may be a need for us to ask for some monies from the
capital reserve fund to pay for restoration of the gazebo in
Dustin’s Park. We will need to get an accounting of monies
turned in and used from Cara at the town hall to use in
finalizing our budget proposal. Changing the Basketball
account to be a separate fund like Winterfest is was also
discussed. Minni will type a letter requesting that change be
made for consideration at our next meeting.
Gazebo repairs were discussed. Jason suggested that Minni
ask her son to take a look at the gazebo to come up with an
approximate cost so that we can have an idea of cost when
we start taking bids. This will be discussed at the next
Additional programming for the recreation area this summer
was discussed. We will get a bounce house on July 26 and
August 23. We also discussed planning a family movie night
to be held on August 10th. Kathy will look into the movie and
such and Minni will make sure there is pop corn and soda for
the concession stand. The admission suggestion was a
perishable food for the Pittsfield food pantry. Minni will check
with Paul Rogers to see if he has any suggestions for us.
On August 23, 2007, we plan to hold an end of summer
celebration. On that day we will have the bounce house and
face painting and we will have a cookout starting at 5:00 on
that evening. Jesse made a motion and Minni seconded it to
spend up to $700 for the cookout and two days of the
bounce house. The money for the food for the cook out and
bounce houses should come from programming in our
budget. Jesse also made a motion to give Minni up to $100
for the float for the Old Home Day parade. Both motions
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20.
The next meeting will be held at the Recreation Area on
August 6, 2007 at 7:00.
Respectfully submitted,
Maryellen Plante