July 19, 2013 Minutes

Trustees of the Trust Funds Meeting Minutes
Cara Marston
Ross Morse
Harry Vogt
T.J. Shaughnessy
The meeting of the Trustees of Trust Funds was called to order at 8:13 AM, July 19, 2013 in the Pittsfield Town Hall by Harry Vogt, Meeting Chair.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the April 19, 2013, May 23, 2013, and June 6, 2013 meeting were approved as presented.
Approval of Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was approved as distributed.
Old Business:
1. The Sanderson Trust Fund request form is now posted on the Town’s web site. The trustees shall draft an article for The Sun informing the townspeople of recent changes to the request form.
New Business:
1. T.J. Shaughnessy updated the trustees on the current investments.
2. Foss recipient database was discussed on how to better manage contact with awardees. Ross will reach out to PMHS about updating contacts.
3. Annual Review of Controls Policy: Revisions to bookkeeping and addition of revision date were made.
4. Annual review Foss Investment Policy: Added review date with no changes.
5. Perras request: Not currently enrolled: Cara will follow up with Perrases about the steps necessary to receive the scholarship awarded.
6. Graduation invites: The invitations to graduation for all Foss awardees will remain the same.
Next Meeting: 10/18/13 Trustees of Trust Funds Quarterly Meeting
Davidson, Financial Advisor to Foss Family Scholarship update
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM.
Minutes submitted by: Ross Morse