July 25, 2012 Minutes

Pittsfield Economic Development Committee
July 25, 2012

1. Meeting opened at 5:33.

2. Attendees: Ted Mitchell (TV), Lyn Roberts (LR), Linda Small (LS), Susan Muenzinger (SM),
Ellen Barbasso (EB), Paul Sherwood (PS), Kelly Chism (NHTI), Doug Troy (Rustic Crust)
Gail Troy and Jeff Freese (Globe), Stuart Arnett (Arnett Development Group) and Gary Lynn (NH
Dept of Environmental Services).

3. Minutes from July 11, 2012 accepted and approved.

4. Manufacturers need for employee schooling/training
A. Reviewed chart of Manufacturing Workforce Training Options
1. Kentek contacted MM and told him the services they need
2. Machine shop services needed intermittently by several businesses-contract out for that
3. Electronics repairs
4. Machine skills
B. Rustic crust needs a refrigerated truck-only have a pick-up once a week

5. Irving property-NH Dept of Environmental Services (Gary Lynn)
A. Remediation was done in 1998
B. There is a smear zone of 15 feet – needs to be cleaned up
C. State has an ODD fund to reimburse businesses for clean up costs-after a deductible
1. Cost for business is more than cost for a town or a non profit agency
D. Gary Lynn is willing to contact Irving to discuss the contamination
E. He will also give us the name of a contact person to discuss possibility of donating the property

6. Other
A. New EDC member is Paul Sherwood
B. SVRDC is talking to owners of property in the Charrette area

7. Next meeting August 8, 2012.

8. Meeting closed at 6:50 P.M.

Submitted by:
Ellen Barbasso, Secretary