Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Larry Konopka, Chairman
Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman, Eric Nilsson (EN), Vice-Chairman, Linda Small (LS), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Albert Douglas (AD), Michael Williams (MW),Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.
(LS) BCEP Waiver – Old Home Day.
1. Pittsfield Trail Committee
Ted Mitchell was present to review letter sent to Board on June 5, 2014 regarding creating a trail along the old rail bed along Tilton Hill Road. (See attached.) He noted that the Trails Committee would like to offer their assistance in getting the property cleaned up and discussed the possibility of a potential grant to accomplish this. This is a great piece of property with “spotty pollution” which can be cleaned up. He noted that he could do the preliminary research for potential grants for cleaning up the asbestos. No one really knows the property is there and it would be beautiful, educational and a real asset to the Town.
(LK) There were some health concerns pertaining to that property and I would like the Health Officer to check it out. I would not want anyone to go up there before the Building Inspector and the Health Officer are sure there would be no hazards. (MW) agreed he would discuss with Fire Chief and both of them would visit the property together to try and determine any issues that are present. (LS) I would be for something like this but my concerns also include the property clean-up. Liability would be my main concern. (LK) Please do not go in the house at all. (GL) There may be some health issues there. (LK) I am sure the Health Officer has some information on the property.
This will be tabled until more information can be acquired.
Ted Mitchell left meeting at 6:15 P.M.
1. Terms of Office for Committees, Boards and Commissions
(EN) This has been updated by Cara and me. A lot of the various committees had no set terms, which now has been accomplished. Some positions need to be filled. Board can approve the terms and then Cara can advertise for the missing positions.
(LK) Motion to approve the Terms of Office of Town Boards, Committees and Commissions as presented. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
(EN) Motion to approve Cara advertising for vacant positions on the committees as noted. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
(LS) After their terms have expired. Can people re-apply and will they be notified? (EN) Yes.
2. Waste Water Baffle Curtain
(MW) The WWTP baffle curtain has separated and is seeping into the ponds which needs to be replaced. This is a requirement by the State. The cost would be $11,185, which includes installation. There is $30,000 available within the budget to cover the costs of this.
(EN) Motion to approve $11,185 for WWTP baffle curtain.
(LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
3. Donation to Marston Memorial Scholarship
(MW) This is an additional donation to directly fund scholarships so that trust principle is not spent.
(EN) Motion to approve acceptance of donation to the Harvey A. Marston Memorial Scholarship fund for scholarships. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.
4. Policy Regarding Selectmen as Deputies
(MW) This was voted on June 17th pertaining to Board members not serving as deputies.
(LS) Motion to accept policy of Board of Selectmen members not serving as deputies. (GL) Second.
Motion amended to include effective date of July 8, 2014. (GL) Second Amendment. Carried 5-0.
5. Tax Payment Contracts
(MW) I have entered into three tax payment contracts with the guidelines that taxpayer must pay current taxes, interest rate cannot be below 6% and term shall not exceed ten (10) years. Taxpayer must maintain currency on the payment contract. I would like the Board to endorse and affirm these guidelines. (EN) I am 100% behind these procedures. (LS) I also support this. It keeps the individual in their homes and works out the debt.
(LS) Motion to approve the guidelines as noted above for tax payment contracts. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.
Discussion: (GL) I agree with the term not to exceed ten years and not going below 6% interest rate.
6. Richardson Auto Salvage Junk Yard License
(MW) Applicant has renewed the license, Building Inspector has inspected property and Department Heads have signed off on the renewal.
(EN) Motion to approve Richardson Auto Salvage Junk Yard License.
(AD) Second. Carried 5-0.
7. Security Cameras
(MW) As you know, the adjacent office is now the Records Room and includes the Building files. It has been noted that there are three more missing files. Security cameras have been looked at Sam’s Club at a cost of $300. I would suggest that this is an amount that can be spent for the cameras and the printing of signs denoting the presence of cameras. Funds can be taken out of the General Maintenance of Municipal Buildings.
(LS) Motion to authorize Security Cameras to be purchase for up to $300.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.
8. Past Vehicle Reimbursement for Building Inspector
(MW) Jesse, as Building Inspector, is authorized to submit mileage for use of his personal vehicle though he has not done so for the past two years. If Jesse had been putting in mileage for this year, it would probably have amounted to about $277, and I believe he is entitled to some reimbursement. (LK) Would Jesse like to come in and discuss with us?
It should be noted that any future use of personal vehicle would be at the Building Inspector discretion now that we have a vehicle for his use.
(MW) reiterated with Jesse that he is suggesting a one-time $500 payment to reimburse him for mileage.
Jesse Pacheco: When I brought this up with Town Administrator (Paul Skowron), he noted that everyone else puts in for mileage. I did not and that is my own fault. On a home site inspection, I blew a tire which cost me $292. I gave this bill to Paul, and he said you get mileage, but got no response regarding the submission and if this reimbursement is approved, I would be getting about $200 in mileage for 2 years and would cover the cost of the replacement tire. It is difficult for me to note my mileage when I am going from one site to another and because of my schedule. I have done thousands of miles. I feel this is a reasonable amount what with the wear/tear on my vehicle.
(MW) This would have to be absorbed into the operating budget. (EN) there really is no other line item for mileage in the budget. (LS) I think this is a reasonable request.
(LK) We have paid mileage to all individuals who use their personal vehicles for work associated use. Haven’t we had this discussion before? You were going to track your mileage.
Jesse Pacheco: I did purchase a book to record mileage but it became a hassle for me when going from site to site. Larry and I talked about mileage in the past, but I was never instructed to put in for the mileage. (LK) Are we setting a precedent by granting this? It is not a policy but generally all departments submit their mileage when necessary. (MW) With this discussion as to the reason we are deviating from the policy, I do not think we are setting a precedent. It should be noted that any future use of personal vehicle would be at the Building Inspector’s discretion now that we have a vehicle for his use.
(LS) Motion to approve one time payment of $500 for 2 ½ years of mileage for Building Inspector Jesse Pacheco. (AD) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 4-1 (LK).
Discussion: (AD) Who else could be requesting mileage reimbursement?
(MW) Hank Fitzgerald, George Bachelder or possibly in rare circumstances, myself. (EN) I know other departments have used their own vehicles and have been reimbursed. (LK) Other departments use their own vehicles such as getting parts or going to training, I see them all the time and they are reimbursed for mileage. Jesse Pacheco: All Town departments have a department vehicle for use but until now, not the Building Department. At one time Town did have a vehicle for Building Department but it was sold because it required too much repair. My job entails going out to do inspections. (LK) Board has authorized payment of mileage in the past. Anyone using personal vehicle has submitted their mileage. My problem is you have not submitted any mileage. You were told about this and you said it was hard for you to do this. Jesse Pacheco: At the start of this job, I did not have that direction when I talked to Paul Skowron about it. (LK) I am sorry that you did not have this direction.
(MW) will review mileage policy.
Jesse Pacheco: On that same note, I know there is a policy about vehicles going home with employee. I would like to do this and the only time I would use it would be for the Building Department. (MW) I will discuss this with Jesse after the meeting.
9. Security Barrier for Select Board Office
(MW) It has come to my attention about putting in a security barrier on the Assessing Department office entrance. A bulletproof resistant wall would cost about $4,900 (installed) or possibly installing a solid wall and window that matches the Tax Collector’s window (less than $2,500) was suggested. My preference is to go with a solid wall which could be done through a Warrant. Board agreed. (MW) to do Warrant.
10. Metrocast – INET Fiber Optic Connection
(MW) Under our current franchise (1998), Metrocast is obligated to spend up to $10,000 which would provide a direct fiber optic connection tied to each location and a patch panel except for WWTP. The cost would be $11,650 and with the $10,000 grant would leave us with $1,650 to cover. This ties in with what we at are attempting to do – tying in with the CLOUD. The INET services would cost about $300 a month. I am looking for other better options. Board discussed several options as to where the funds could be found to cover this including Municipal Building Repair/Maintenance Fund or Computer Fund. Board questioned whether it could be used with the franchise fee? (MW) This would then only be charged to subscribers in Town. I would recommend tabling this and allow Cara and me to work on the funding. (AD) This is critical that we get this done.
(EN) Motion to table Metrocast – INET Fiber Optic Connection issue until further research can be accomplished. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
11. Seven (7) Depot Street
(MW) this is the “structure” opposite the Pittsfield Players. There was a fire years ago and the structure is in disrepair, collapsing, unsanitary, unsecured and a hazard to public safety and health… The property owner was contacted and related that he does not have the funds to tear it down or restore it. Town can tear it down and place a lien on all properties owned by property owner within State. What would the Board like to do? (LK) noted that there is a line item to cover “unsafe buildings.”
(LS) Motion to authorize Town Administrator to move forward on 7 Depot Street allowing 15 days to work out agreement with owner. (AD) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.
Discussion: (AD) You can speak to the owner and have him come in to discuss the lien.
12. BCEP Waiver for Old Home Day
(LS) There is a request to waive fees to cover Old Home Day.
(LS) Motion to approve BCEP Waiver for Old Home Day trash. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.
1. Letter from Ed Rich
(MW) We have a letter from Edward Rich regarding Acting Police Chief Jeffrey Cain. This will be attached to the Minutes and be part of his personnel file.
1. Criminal Record Check
(EN) Motion to approve and accept Criminal Record Check Policy for individuals working with children. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
1. Abatement Application: Tax Map R26, Lot 1
(MW) Owner submitted an abatement request which has been reviewed by Avitar and a $26,000 abatement has been suggested.
(EN) Motion to approve abatement of $26,000, Tax Map R26, Lot per Assessor’s recommendation. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
2. Bank Transfer from ZBA Fund
(MW) The ZBA Fund was established a while ago and this is to reimburse general fund for special copy project for original zoning map preservation.
(LS) Motion to authorize transfer $189.20 from PB/ZBA Account to General Fund. (EN) Second. Carried 5-0.
3. Timber Tax Levy: Tax Map R18, Lot 11
(EN) Motion to approve timber Tax Levy Tax Map R18, Lot 11 in amount of $931.05. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.
4. Chris & Sabrina Smith Dog Civil Forfeiture Abatement Request
(MW) Mr. Smith was upset regarding the civil forfeiture assessment He felt that a notice should be sent for unpaid fees. This licensing occurs every year. He has now signed up for the voluntary E-Mail list which Erica sends to remind individuals to register their dogs. Next year, he will be notified via E-Mail, though the Town is not obligated to do so. We are looking at a fee of $120.
(LS) Motion to deny abatement request for Chris & Sabrina Smith dog civil forfeiture. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.
(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second.
After Discussion: Carried 3-0 (LS) & (EN) Abstain.
Discussion: (LS) The Ambulance Department has three individuals on vacation at the same time. One individual worked 98 hours which is not good planning and another individual worked 70+ hours – this is not a safe thing. This is not good management. (MW) to check with Fire Chief.
1. Public Session Minutes June 17, 2014
(EN) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of June 17, 2014.
(GL) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.
Discussion: (MW) As an explanation of the Minutes of June 17, 2014 (Page 8, Paragraph I – Planning Board Meeting). The Minutes reflect what was said but Clayton Wood, Chairman Planning Board wanted to have part of the statements by me redacted which should not occur. However, since I do not know the functions or duties of the Secretary of the Planning Board, my comments were inappropriate and I apologize for my statements. I said what I said.
2. Non-Public Session Minutes June 17, 2014
(EN) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes June 17, 2014. (LS) Second. Carried 5-0.
Joey Darrah: I just wanted to offer “kudos” to the Police Department. With Jeff as the Acting Police Chief, the department seems more productive, efficient and things are being taken care of. I noticed the walking patrols around Town. Good stems from the top down to the officers. He is doing an outstanding job.
Adam Gauthier: A while back I brought up the noise issues from my neighbor’s house – has that been looked into? The noise is continuing; the police have shown up a couple of time but there should be something more that they can do. There is music playing till 1-2 A.M. and we cannot sleep at night and have to keep our windows closed. (MW) I have discussed this with Jeff and Fire Chief but will check with them again.
Joey Darrah: About 7 Depot Street – maybe the building can be torn down and the Town use it as a parking lot for Town functions such as the Balloon Rally, baseball games, and other things going on in Town. Maybe parking spaces could be rented out– parking is always an issue in Town. (MW) to check.
Close Public Input
Break: 7:20 P.M. Resume 7:25 P.M.
(EN) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (b) – The hiring of any person as a public employee. (AD) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual Members of the Board were polled and all agreed.
Board went into Non-Public Session at 7:26 P.M.
Board returned to Public Session at 7:50 P.M.
NOTE: RSA 91-A (III) – Minutes of proceeding in non-public session shall be kept and the record of all actions shall be promptly made available for public inspection, except as provided in this section. Minutes and decision reached in non-public session shall be publicly disclosed within seventy-two (72) hours of the meeting, unless, by recorded vote of 2/3 of the members present, it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than the members of the Board, or render the proposed action ineffective. In the event of such circumstances, information may be withheld until, in the opinion of a majority of members, the aforesaid circumstances no longer apply.
Shall the Minutes be publicly disclosed? No.
Motion made by (EN) and Seconded by (LS) to not publicly disclose the Minutes because it is determined that divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of the Board.
Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled and all agreed.
Deputy Welfare Director:
(EN) Motion to appoint Lee Bartlett as Deputy Welfare Director with no definite hours. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.
Vacation – Linda Small:
(LS) Will be on vacation first week of August.
(EN) Motion to adjourn. (AD) Second. Carried 5-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:54 P.M.
Approved: August 5, 2014
___________________________ ________________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date
I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on July 8, 2014, transcribed and public posted on
July 10, 2014.
Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary
Olympus: 1.20.16