June 11, 2007 Minutes

Town of Pittsfield
Parks and Recreation Committee
June 11, 2007
Members : Kathy Boudreau, Jesse Macglashing, Scot Palmer,
Maryellen(Minni) Plante, perspective member Tina Montville
The secretary’s report was accepted as written with minor name
Tina reported on the success of the fishing Derby that was held on June 2nd
at the Recreation Area. About $191.00 was spent on prizes. Although there
was a small crowd, everyone seemed to have a good time. The suggestion was
made that we need to do better advertising on all of our events. Kathy
reported that the fish bill was sent to her and that she would forward it to
the town office. Minni will get the picture sent to the paper.
The Recreation Area was discussed next. The following people were hired
for the positions for the summer. Maryellen(Minni) Plante($11.00) will again
be the Director of the Recreation Area. Instructor/Guards Ian Reese
($8.00per hour), Guards Jordan Drolet and Kira Batchelder($7.50 per hour)
and Sean Reese($7.00 per hour),and Gate keepers Mike Adams and Hannah
Gordon($6.00 per hour). Jesse made a motion to accept those people at
those pay rates Scot seconded. The difference in the guard pay is because
Kira is returning for a second year. Kathy volunteered to copy the swimming
brochure and deliver the copies to be sent home from PES. Scot reported
that he had spent $27.00 for cement for the fence posts down at the Route
107 end of the pool. He will need help with the fence. Minni made a motion
that he should ask Sean and Ian Reese to help him and they would be paid up
to 4 hours at their hourly pool rate. Jesse seconded and the motion was
approved. Scot also will try to get the counters on the gate house fixed as
soon as possible. Price increases for admission to the Recreation Area and
for swimming lessons were approved. Minni made the motion and Scot
seconded. They are as follows: Cost of admission for Pittsfield residents will
be .75 per person per day, family pass for the summer $40, and non
residents will pay $1.50 per day per person. The swimming lessons will cost
$20 per child not to exceed $60, Cost for non residents lessons will cost
$25. per child. Minni made the motion, Jesse seconded. Minni will ask the
town crew to put the board out. A variety of activities were discussed for
the summer. Minni will report back to the committee on those at the July
meeting. Scot also reported that he had talked with Ed Vien about getting a
waiver for the removal of the old dock.
Harvest Fest was discussed. We will plan it for October 27,2007. Minni and
Jesse volunteered to head the committee for this activity. We decided to
have a Halloween theme with a jack-o-lantern carving contest, music,
costumes, a hay ride as possible features. We will be asking different groups
to participate by selling concessions. Jesse will look into bands for the event.
We will work on this in the coming months.
The next meeting will be held at the recreation area on July 10 at 7:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Maryellen (Minni) Plante