June 21, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M.,


Ed Vein (EV), Chairman, Denise Morin (DM), Vice-Chairman, Fred Hast (FH), Paul Rogers (PR), Gerard Leduc (GL), Paul Skowron (PS), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.




Ted Mitchell offered a quick update on his progress with landscaping around the Town Hall. Thank you, Ted.

Jim Theodore: On the Agenda No. 6 under Action Items, what are the various budgetary retirement accounts? (PS) explained that the State Retirement System increased the percentages for employers effective July 1st. What is currently budgeted is not enough at 2%. (EV) This is one of the surprises we have to account for. We have to pay our portion of the State Retirement Fund.

Jim Theodore: When is George going to grade our road and put down calcium because of the dust? (EV) We will send your request to George. (FH) This is in the plans but has not been done yet. (DM) They have not put calcium down on any of the roads yet.

Ms. Corcese and Tony Michaud: They related that they were present tonight regarding the shooting at the pit. (EV) noted that they were not on the Agenda for tonight. They were advised that if they chose to be on the Agenda for the next Board of Selectmen meeting that would be acceptable. They agreed that they would like to be on the Agenda for July 5th. (EV) apologized for any confusion.

Close Public Input


(PR) State Signs; (DM) Follow-up on Welfare Appeal Committee;
(PS) Appointment John Freeman/Louie Houle Re: School Curriculum, Deputy Building Inspector Position (Requested by Fred Hast), Intra-Fund Transfer $19,554 to Hydrant Charges from Highway Paving and Reconstruction, Selectman to Act on Junkyard Licenses (3), Exit Interview (Requested by Paul Rogers), Veterans’ Tax Credit Application Tax Map R23, Lot 18-1, Non-Public Session – Real Estate and Labor Negotiations, Fines for Dog Registrations.


9. 6:05 P.M. Appointment – John Freeman and Louie Houle Re: School
Curriculum (6:10 P.M.)

Louie Houle and John Freeman were accompanied by Clayton Wood.

Mr. Houle explained that the school is applying for a significant grant from Nellie Mae for School Redesign for the entire school system. He noted that if approved, that this could have a big impact overall on the Town of Pittsfield. He noted that Pittsfield would not then always be on the lowest end of the scale but rather would move to the top end of the scale. He noted it is important to get the people of Pittsfield involved and voice support for this project. The grant would initially put about $1M into the school system and possibly up to $6M for the sole purposes of renewed curriculum, school days, testing, competencies and how teachers teach. He related that Pittsfield is the only low, white socio-economical school in the running for this grant for economic reasons.”

John Freeman: He related that they are doing a great deal of preparatory work in relation to the grant which is focused on kid’s individual needs and personalizing it for every single child. It would result in kids actively involved in the learning process; students would be more aware of what they are doing, focus on interaction and include transferable skills. He noted that PYW is their community partner in this endeavor.

(GL) It was noted that it would not be hard to change the kids, but rather the teachers.

Clayton Wood: It would be beneficial to encourage all of the Town’s different organizations to get involved. (EV) elaborated on involvement by all teachers, residents or non-residents to be behind this program and Pittsfield.
Clayton Wood: The key is to get the word out and involve the community which can be a big component in achieving this grant award.

It was agreed that school would keep the Board advised of their progress in these endeavors.

Louie Houle, John Freeman and Clayton Wood left meeting at 6:40 P.M.

1. Hawkers and Peddlers Permit Application – Linda Martin

(DM) I would like to advise everyone that Linda Martin is my neighbor.

(EV) related that he had reviewed the Ordinance and did not feel that the Board according to this Ordinance had the authority to issue the Hawkers and Peddlers Permit.

Linda Martin: I have the State’s permit so I think I am okay.

Bill Abbott: What is she trying to sell? Is it produce? Board explained why applicant was filing for Hawkers and Peddlers Permit.

(FH) Motion to waive fees regarding Hawkers and Peddlers Permit. Motion fails because of lack of Second.

After further discussion:

(FH) Motion that Board not issue the Hawkers and Peddlers Permit for Linda Martin as this does not fall under the requirements of the Ordinance as written. (GL) Second. Carried 4-0. (DM) Abstain.

Ms. Martin and Bill Abbott left meeting at 6:50 P.M.


1. Draft Agreement for Kiosk Participation by Businesses

(EV) I would ask that the Board table this again as I think the rewrite is more confusing than the original. I am asking to table this for now. The Board discussed some concerns that they also had with the contents of the document.

(DM) Motion to table this matter until further clarification can be accomplished. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Welfare Lien-Tax Map R35, Lot 24-T18

(DM) Motion to approve Welfare Lien Tax Map R35, Lot 24-T18. (GL) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: Board concerned there was no amount listed on the Lien. (PS) The liens do not include a dollar amount. This is applicable as an open account rather than drawing up a lien each time services are needed.

3. Transfer $44.00 from Ambulance Fund to General Fund

(DM) Motion to approve transfer $44.00 from Ambulance Fund to General Fund. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

4. Acceptance of 2011 Audit Proposal

(PS) Just as clarification, Rural Development requires that this component be in place in connection with the WWTP bond.

(DM) Motion to approve Audit Proposal Plodzik & Sanderson and authorize Chair to sign. (FH) Second. Carried 5-0.

5. Re-Adoption of Inter-Fund Transfer from the General Fund to the Municipal Buildings Repair and Maintenance Expendable Trust

(PS) This was approved at the last BOS meeting. Cara and I reviewed it again and two items were eliminated from the total. One was for a purchase of a couch ($50.) and the other for registration of vehicle ($8.) for a total of $58.

(DM) Motion to approve transfer $5,690.45 from General Fund to the Municipal Buildings Repair and Maintenance Expendable Trust. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) It should be noted that this transfer replaces the transfer made last meeting ($5,748.45) and is not in addition to the total acted upon on June 7, 2011.

6. Intra-Budget transfer ($11,493.) from Highway Department Paving and Reconstruction to Various Budgetary Retirement Accounts

(PS) This is what was discussed earlier in that Retirement System employer rates have increased from 1.93% to 1.99%. (DM) Do the employees assume any of this share? (PS) No. This is effective as of July 1, 2011. This was not part of decisions made during the winter. (DM) So, we were not aware of this when we did the Budget? (PS) No.

(FH) Motion to approve transfer $11,492 from Highway Department Paving and Reconstruction line to Retirement funds to NH Retirement System Employer lines. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (FH) Again we are cutting from the Highway Department.
(PS) This is part of the $50,000.

7. Resignation of Deputy Welfare Director and Deputy Health Officer

(PR) This is in conjunction with the exit interviews. Larry was not asked to attend this meeting tonight. (PS) No, he was not asked nor has he been asked or agreed to an exit interview. (DM) noted that she had drafted an Exit Interview Form a while ago which was a generic type form and would try to find it for this purpose as well as future use. It was agreed that (PS) would invite him to the next BOS meeting for this purpose and in the interim a copy of the Exit Interview Form would also be sent to him by (DM).

(DM) Motion to accept resignation of Larry Konopka as Deputy Welfare Director and Deputy Health Officer with regrets. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) to send a letter of Thank You to Larry within the next few days.

8. Action on PA-28 Inventory of Taxable Property Form – DRA

(PS) This is an antiquated DRA form which is not used by any town. Every year they send a Waiver as to use.

(DM) Motion to approve not using PA-28 Inventory of Taxable Property Form to DRA. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

17. Signs

(PR) noted at beginning of meeting that he had contacted the State regarding signs on Route 28. State advised him that only six signs would be allowed so use them wisely. It was also noted that there would be NO exceptions. I feel bad about the churches not being able to utilize this and perhaps they would consider the kiosk sign at Dunkin’ Donuts.

18. Welfare Appeals

(DM) Three people have been selected for the Welfare Appeals Board. Paul (S.), did you have a chance to get them organized and set up a date for a preliminary meeting for them. (PS) Not yet. (DM) The three people selected were Diane Vaughan, Peggy Wellman and Martha Booth.

19. Citizen of the Year Committee

(PS) I have not heard anything about this yet. (EV) Check with Cedric.

9. Deputy Building Inspector Position (Requested by Fred Hast)

(FH) It is noted that this was added to the Agenda on June 7th at the request of Ed Vien. (EV) Yes, it was added at my request. (FH) My question is “What do you consider to be a tremendous amount of time (that I have been spending with the BI)? The first two weeks he was here, I spent about ten hours per week. The third week was less and I was riding around showing him the Town. I do not consider this a tremendous amount of time during the first month. (EV) He works twenty hours a week and ten hours is too much time. Board requested you reduce some of the hours and let Dan do his job. (FH) Sometimes it takes two people to do the job and having the BI car at the Police Dept. is an inconvenience. (PR) Wasn’t it because of vandalism that the car was parked at the PD? He could pick-up the car on the way to work. (FH) You said people were asking why there are two Building Inspectors. I put more time in the Food Pantry. Paul (R), you asked why the previous BI was in the car. He was covered on the liability insurance and was helping a private citizen. (PR) We all agree about the liability insurance but we should not have to worry about our liability insurance coverage. My question is: Does he really need all this help? I am just asking.

(FH) You will not find a better qualified person. “If I am needed there then I will be there.” (EV) Board can remove you. (FH) Is that a threat? If I feel my presence is needed there, then there is no question that I will be there. (EV) You heard the Board at the last meeting. (PR) His asking for your opinion does not mean that you have to hold his hand. I know because of your kindness that you would do that for anybody.

10. Intra-Fund Transfer in the amount of $19,554. to Hydrant Charges from Highway Paving and Reconstruction

(PS) There is a letter to the Town dated June 16th from Pennichuck noting that the PUC has granted Pennichuck a rate increase for hydrant rental charges which would be $19,554 through the end of the calendar year which will be transferred from Highway Paving and Reconstruction.

(PR) Why not from the General Fund? (PS) You have to take it out of a line item. (FH) Snow removal is $8,000 over. He’s cut his line items way down. (EV) We might have to say to George to leave the piles of snow. (DM) Do you have any suggestions as to where else we could take it out of the Budget?
(FH) He’s only got a few people to run the equipment. (DM) We cannot take it out of any reserve item. (EV) Fred, have you contacted Mr. Sansoucy?
(FH) No, we have no money to pay him.

(FH) Motion to transfer $19,554 to Hydrant Charges from Highway Paving and Reconstruction. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

12. Selectmen to Act on Junkyard Licenses (3)

(PS) We have three Junkyard License renewals:

James Snedeker
Bruce Clattenburg (DBA: Pittsfield Salvage)
Roy Richardson (DBA: Roy Richardson’s Auto Salvage)

Board discussed this a year ago and I have added verbiage to the license namely:
1. Licensee submits to DES Self Audit Checklist
2. Voluntary participation in the N.H. Green Yards Program
3. Progress report of the licensee to attain designation as a Green Yard facility
4. Time limit for removal of junk vehicles (Snedeker only).

(DM) What happens if we approve these and they do not submit the Self Audit Checklist? (PS) They will be able to do business this year but will not be able to renew next year. We could note if not submitted by September 1st license is revoked. (DM) Why not have Checklist attached to renewal? (PS) These can be revised any way Board decides. (EV) An addendum could be added that if conditions are not met, non-renewal will result. (FH) I do not believe it is necessary to change form. (PS) Items 1, 2, & 3 are brand new within the form. (DM) All junkyards should follow the same procedure. (PS) We could make it mandatory that the Self Checklist be part of the renewal.

(FH) Motion to approve Junkyard License for Roy Richardson, DBA: Roy Richardson Auto Salvage. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

(FH) Motion to approve Junkyard License for Bruce Clattenburg, DBA: Pittsfield Salvage. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(FH) Motion to approve Junkyard License for James Snedeker. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(PS) This can be an evolving subject and over time Board can refine license requirements by modifying conditions even more. (PR) This should be consistent with no change. (FH) State changed renewal dates.

13. Exit Interviews

See No. 7 above.

14. Veterans’ Tax Credit Application, Tax Map R23, Lot 18-A

(DM) Motion to approve Veterans’ Tax Credit Application,
Tax Map R23, Lot 18-A. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

15. Fines for Unregistered Dogs

(PR) Motion to approve issuing fines for unregistered dogs. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

16. Deeded Properties

(PS) One of the eviction notices had an incorrect name and Board needs to sign this copy as well as one that was not processed at last meeting. (L. Gilman and T. Holton).

(FH) Progress Report? (PS) All notices have been served by Dan Kramer and Police Officer other than the two notices handled by Attorney General’s office. An Agreement for Dawnmark has been drafted. Mr. Gilman has made a substantial payment on the house and Town will sell other two parcels. I will discuss with Dan as to how to secure unoccupied houses in regard to water, propane and whatever else needs to be done. (PR) What about using some for fire training purposes? It was noted that because of all the hazardous materials in older homes, and sometimes even newer homes, that this would not be a good course to take (per Fire Chief Johnson). (PS) It should be noted that property owners have a window within which to retrieve properties.

20. Other

14 Depot Street: (FH) What is happening with that property? (PS) I have discussed with Laura Spector and she indicated that the Planning Board might be meritorious in regard to their efforts. She noted that she would like to review it further and will let us know. (PR) related that the FOR SALE sign, which has been there since last meeting, still remains on the property but it is not in the Real Estate Guide as of early this week and it should be.

Town Hall Windows: (FH) It is my understanding that as of July 1st, they will be cutting this program. (PS) I know that Hillsboro County has already cut their program. (FH) There is one carpenter that is qualified but they are still searching for additional. It was noted that any deeded properties that needed cleaning up by the Town could utilize this program.




1. Hawkers & Peddlers Permit Application – Linda Martin

See Page 3.




(DM) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Register. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

(DM) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit. (GL) Second. After Discussion: Carried 5-0.

Discussion: (FH) There is a question about one of the checks. Board agreed this would be discussed in Non-Public Session.


1. Public Session Minutes June 7, 2011

(DM) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of June 7, 2011. (GL) Second. Carried 5-0.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes June 7, 2011

(DM) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of June 7, 2011.
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0.



Close Public Input


(DM) Motion to go into Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (c) and (d).
(GL) Second. Carried 5-0. Individual members of the Board were polled
and all agreed.

Recess at 8:10 P.M. Board returned at 8:15 P.M. to Non-Public Session.

Board returned to Public Session at 8:55 P.M.

(GL) Motion to seal Non-Public Session Minutes of June 21, 2011.
(DM) Second. Carried 5-0.


(DM) Motion to adjourn. (PR) Second. Carried 5-0.

Board adjourned at 8:55 P.M.

Approved: July 5, 2011

______________________________ ____________________
Edward Vien, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on June 21, 2011, transcribed and publicly posted on
June 23, 2011.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

II Tapes