June 3, 2014 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Selectmen.




Call to order at 6:00 P.M. by Albert Douglas, Member.


Eric Nilsson (EN), Vice-Chairman, (Arrival at 6:12 P.M.), Linda Small (LS), Gerard LeDuc (GL), Albert Douglas (AD), Michael Williams (MW), Town Administrator, and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.


Larry Konopka (LK), Chairman In lieu of absence of Chair and late arrival of Vice-Chair, Albert Douglas will Chair meeting accordingly.






1. Priscilla Drew Deed and Repurchase Deed – Bryan Locke

(MW) The properties have been repurchased and the Board needs to approve Deed for Priscilla Drew and Bryan Locke.

(LS) Motion to approve and sign Deed for Priscilla Deed.
(GL) Second. Carried 3 (AD), (GL), (LS) – 0.

Board signed both Deeds.

2. Floral Park Cemetery

David Pollard was present to address Letter to the Editor (The Sun) which will be released tomorrow for publication next week from Pittsfield Cemetery Association.

David Pollard: I will use this letter to summarize what is happening with Floral Park Cemetery. The Floral Park Cemetery Association has run out of funds needed for the continued upkeep of the cemetery. I know that there will be multiple responses from this letter after that. There is the possibility of turning the cemetery over to the Town to make it a Town cemetery.

(AD) Have you researched for any other towns in this area that have done this?
Mr. Pollard: I do not know what other towns are doing. We do not have any agreement with the Town right now though no one has ever been denied burial.

Mr. Pollard noted that the Board of Trustees for the cemetery has decreased in the past several years and it has been difficult to acquire new volunteers for this purpose. It was noted that there is a Board of Trustees encompassing the “smaller cemeteries.”

Selectman Nilsson arrived at 6:12 P.M. and was seated to chair the rest of the Board meeting.

(AD) I am sure that there are a lot of questions to be answered in the Town taking over this cemetery and I think we should table this until we can research how the Town would go about utilizing the cemetery as a Town cemetery. RSA 289 would govern this type of takeover. I do not know if there is a timeframe involved?
Mr. Pollard: As soon as possible.

(AD) Motion to table until June 17, 2014 the Floral Park Cemetery issue until research can be accomplished by the Town Administrator.
(LS) Second. Carried 3-0. (EN) Abstain.

Discussion: (GL) The Town does not have a Town cemetery and we are required to have one. I would be leaning towards absorbing Floral Park as a Town cemetery. I have no problem tabling this until further research can be done. We would need to find a way to incorporate the maintenance supervisor fees into
some department.

Mr. Pollard: There is plenty green space available. (Green space burial is when individuals wish to be buried in “the bushes in a pine box.”


Jim Adams – Candidate for Executive Council

Jim Adams noted he is a candidate for Executive Council for District 4 which encompasses quite a few local towns and explained some of the responsibilities that fall within this position. He related his work and political history including lifelong resident of NH, military service, State Veterans Council, American Legion and VFW involvement, volunteer firefighter, Chief of Staff for Postmaster General, and Postmaster General liaison.

Jim Adams left meeting at 6:22 P.M.

Mini Plante – Parks & Recreation Summer Employees

Mini Plante introduced Roger Morris, Chris Marcotte, Matt Marcotte, Gabby Bartlett, Sara Adams and Becca Adams to the Board as the new and returning employees of the Town Pool. She noted that, if warranted, the pool would remain open seven days a week dependent upon attendance.

Selectman Nilsson welcomed the new employees and the returning employees.

Mini Plante: The other thing I wanted to readdress is the necessity of a yearly Criminal Background Check requirement. (MW) noted that the State does not require a yearly criminal background check and only for new hires. This would be up to the Board. Other towns do not do it.

(EN) The Board will take it under advisement later tonight.

Mini Plante: Becca is the only one over eighteen and therefore would require a background check.


3. Jenness Pond Lake Host Program

Al Kreider was present. He noted that he is a Northwood resident and currently runs the Jenness Pond Lake Host Program. Mary Thorpe, Newsletter Editor, was also present.

Mr. Kreider explained the purpose and funding of the Jenness Pond Lake Host Program and noted that the purpose of his attendance was to request some financial support ($1,000) from the Town of Pittsfield to insure continued support for this program. The State has funded this program less and less though the program to date has been very effective. He noted that aquatic invasive species has brought down property values as much as 40% in some towns. This program covers the fees for hired individuals to check incoming boats on the weekends, when traffic is the heaviest.

Board agreed they would address at the next Board meeting. Mr. Kreider requested that they notify him of their decision either way to allow him to plan for future coverage.

4. Rustic Crust Sewer Easement

Matt Peterson and Brad Sterl were present.

Mr. Peterson, representing Rustic Crust, related that they have been attempting to get the Rustic Crust up and running as soon as possible. We have had a number of constraints in fitting onto the property as much as we can. He explained the loading dock area, the easement and the septic system placement. The septic is noted on the plans within the easement and we are present tonight to request that the Board allow Rustic Crust to do this. The need for about ten feet into the easement for the septic is being requested.

(MW) Mechanically, it works fine but there could be concerns regarding future risks. This has been discussed with Ron Vien. Should the Board approve this, the Board noted that Rustic Crust would to hold the Town harmless for any damages. Mr. Sterl agreed and noted that their attorney would prepare the paperwork.

(LS) Motion to approve sewer encroachment on the easement with documentation to note Town held harmless for damages. (EN) Second. Carried 4-0.

5. Estate of Frank Adams; Request for Additional Tax Abatement

(MW) At the last meeting of the Board, there was Board agreement to abate any amounts over and above purchase price of property. The property owner is now asking for more relief than previously suggested. The Board has been generous in abating this amount and it would be difficult to assume abating any more than the Board has approved. (GL) She did not care if she made a profit as noted in her previous correspondence and now she wants an additional amount. (LS) This is not about making a profit; it is about getting it settled. (MW) Also, if the Board will recall, there is a brand new furnace in the structure which the Town paid for. (AD) I cannot see going any further with this than we have done.

(GL) Motion to decline any additional tax abatement for 50 Leavitt Road.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

6. Lammott Tax Abatement

(MW) Mr. Lammott has been approved for the annual Veteran’s Tax Credit. The approval occurred after the first half tax bill was calculated and there is now an abatement of $150.

(LS) Motion to approve abatement of $150 for Raymond Lammott due to Veterans’ Tax Credit approval after issuance of tax bills. (GL) Second.
Carried 4-0.

7. TAN Documents

(MW) Board has already accepted the bid, bonding and this is necessary for the closing.

(GL) Motion to approve Vice-Chair to sign TAN documents for closing.
(LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

8. Deputy Director Emergency Management

(MW) Robert Wharem was the Deputy Director of Emergency Management and Town needs to replace him. I have discussed with Acting Police Chief Cain and he has indicated an interest in assuming that role.

(AD) Motion to appoint Acting Police Chief Jeffrey Cain as Deputy Director of Emergency Management. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

(MW) The necessary paperwork will be provided to Board members to come in and sign document.

9. Crossing Guard Volunteer Recruitment

(MW) The Chair has received several complaints pertaining to speeding and the lack of individuals stopping for children in crosswalks. There are only two weeks left to school and Larry has suggested asking for volunteers for this purpose. John Freeman noted that they have attempted to find volunteers for this purpose but have not been successful. He also noted that he has the necessary equipment for this position. (EN), (LK) and (MW) noted that they would be willing to volunteer for this until the end of this school year. (MW) noted also that the Fire Department might also be willing and available to accomplish this provided it is not a Union issue. Perhaps, this can be supplemented with private citizens/volunteers come fall. This can be revisited at the end of the summer.

(AD) Was this brought to the attention of the School Board? (MW) Yes.
(LS) I believe SRTS will also be doing something in this regard.

10. Cable Franchise Agreement

(MW) This is something new on the horizon. Town is supposed to be starting CLOUD-based ID. However, no one had checked the cable speed within the Town and it is now noted that it is insufficient to base the CLOUD here. Through Metrocast, it would cost about $1,200. It should be noted that our cable franchise expired about four years ago but Paul (Skowron) signed an agreement in 1998 to continue it as it presently exists. It is now too late to be part of the Cable Franchise Consortium. I have contacted Kate Miller to estimate how much it would cost to go forward. She charges $190 per hour. I have offered a suggestion to have Comcast take over the franchise which can be difficult. I will follow-up further on this.

11. Police Part-Time Hire

(MW) Acting Police Chief Cain wants to start looking for part-time officers. Currently there is not the need for any but he would like to start the recruiting process now. He related that he does have someone interested who is already certified. (LS) Town puts a lot of time/money into training part-time officers.

(LS) As previously done, Town Administrator would do the interviewing and then individual would be reviewed by Board of Selectmen. Board agreed.

12. Repurchase Deeds

See No. 1 above.

13. Criminal Background Checks

(EN) What are the Board’s ideas on this? (LS) To have checks annually is “crazy.” (AD) In researching this, most towns have them at a minimum of every three years or on a one-time basis. I think a five-year window would be applicable.

(AD) Motion to require individuals to have Criminal Background Checks every five years. (LS) Second. Carried 4-0.

(MW) will develop a policy for this.

Board noted that Mini Plante’s Criminal Background Check would be applicable again in five years from 2013 in 2018.




1. TEC Intake and Infiltration Study

(MW) This was distributed at the last Board meeting for your review. Board has already voted to go forward with this and if there are no changes in document, it can now go forward. Board agreed.




(LS) Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Checks Manifest.
(GL) Second. Carried 3-0. (EN) Abstain.

(LS) Motion to approve Payroll and Direct Deposit.
(GL) Second. Carried 3-0. (EN) Abstain.


1. Public Session Minutes of May 20, 2014

(LS) Motion to approve Public Session Minutes of May 20, 2014.
(GL) Second. Carried 3-0. (AD) Abstain.

2. Non-Public Session Minutes of May 20, 2014

(LS) Motion to approve Non-Public Session Minutes of May 20, 2014.
(GL) Second. Carried 4-0.




Bill Elkins: The Agenda and Minutes for some meetings have not been posted on the Website. This will be checked.

Bill Elkins: I have been working on monthly inspection schedules and the budget. He also noted that he now has a list available of property owners for all rental properties which is approximately 85% complete.

Close Public Input


(LS) Motion to adjourn. (AD) Second. Carried 4-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:33 P.M.

Approved: June 17, 2014

___________________________ ______________________
Lawrence Konopka, Chairman Date

I hereby certify that these Minutes were recorded by me on June 3, 2014, transcribed and publicly posted on
June 5, 2014.

Delores A. Fritz, Recording Secretary

Olympus: 1.29.27