June 30, 2011 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Ethics.

Incorporated March 27, 1782

2010 – 2011 Ethics Committee
Merrill Vaughan, Chair
Patrick Holland, Vice-Chair
Denise Patterson, Secretary
Larry Konopka, Member
Dan Schroft, Member

JUNE 30, 2011

MEMBERS PRESENT: Merrill Vaughan (MV), Chair, Patrick Holland (PH), Vice-Chair, Dan Schroth (DS), Member and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.

Denise Patterson, Secretary and Larry Konopka, Member recused themselves from the proceedings and were not present.

It was noted that the members present create a quorum.


Motion to accept the Minutes of June 16, 2011 was made and seconded; no discussion; Motion carried 3-0.

Motion to accept the Non-Public Minutes of June 16, 2011 was made and seconded. Motion carried 3-0.


(MV) noted that it was his intent to go into Non-Public but was advised that Committee should not do so. We cannot discuss the merits of the case today but we can discuss the procedures that will be followed regarding the Code of Ethics at the July 6, 2011 meeting.

Respondent will be represented by counsel. I have been in touch with Town Counsel and both will be here next week. It should be noted that request for use of Town Counsel is on the Board of Selectmen Agenda on July 5, 2011.

(MV) reiterated the procedure by which the meeting would be conducted allowing complainant and respondent to speak after affirming that “this is the truth”, as well as the attorneys if they choose to do so. Meeting will be conducted respectfully and with decorum at all times. At a certain point, we will stop the discussion. At this point, we are missing some “vital information.” So, we will investigate, then proceed with the hearing, and add the one vital piece of information. I think it will be resolved at that time.

The recused members will probably be in the audience but will not comment.

There have been some irregularities in the investigation and some physical threats have been made to people.


(MV) questioned whether Jim Pritchard would like to make any comments. Mr. Pritchard: “I am not going to comment.”


Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Voted 3-0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:22 P.M.

Approved: July 6, 2011

_____________________________ ____________________
Merrill Vaughan, Chair Date
