June 30, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Beautification Committee
June 30, 2011 (Emergency Meeting)

Members Present: Nicole, Theresa, Tina, Paula, Carole

Members Absent: Ida, Judith, Nancy

Carole opened the meeting at 7:35 p.m. and explained that she had received a call from Theresa earlier in the evening asking that our committee get together for a short meeting. Nicole explained that she had spoken with Dan Schroth who told her that he would only have the next two-week window to work on the Tilton Hill garden since he had jobs lined up after that timeframe. Nicole said that Dan could no longer get stones from town property because the town crew is now too busy and the backhoe has some mechanical problems. He suggested that we go to Swenson Granite to purchase two pallets of stone at an estimated cost of $596.91. They will be delivering granite to another site in Barnstead where Dan is working, and the possibility exists, that the cost of delivery ($175) could be shared by the two sites. Nicole said that Paul Riel knew people at Swensons and was very sure that they would deliver for free but he would have to make that call tomorrow morning.

Tina reported that we have $910.62 in our account and she received a check from Exit Realty for $100, which would bring the total in our account to $1,010.62. Following a lengthy discussion, on a motion by Paula, seconded by Theresa, the Committee voted to expend $591.96 for the granite, and told Nicole to proceed to make the purchase. (Thank you Nicole and Paul.)

Nicole reported that her uncle, Bob Despathy of Apple Construction in Candia made five wooden donation boxes for our committee and Carolyn Hughes, a local artist from Barnstead will be painting floral designs on them. The donation boxes will be ready some time in mid July. (They are beautiful!!!!!) We will write them thank you notes and include their names in our next newspaper article. (Thank you Nicole.)

Discussion ensued on the placement of the five donation boxes, and possible sites were as follows: Maxfields, Clarks, Jacks, Bell Brothers, Jitters, Dominicks, Parkers and Danis. These locations will be discussed further at our next meeting. (Thank you Nicole.)

Next Meeting and Adjournment:

The next meeting of the Committee is on Monday, August 8th at Theresa’s. (Whereupon the Committee adjourned at 8:15 p.m.)

Respectfully submitted,

Carole Richardson, Co-Chair