June 30, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Pittsfield Beautification Committee
June 30, 2014

The Committee met at the Aranosian Lot

Carole opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.

Members Present: Carole, Tina, Ted, Carol, Paula, Nancy, Gail and Joe

Members Absent: Jason and Nicole

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the June 2014 meeting were approved

Treasurer’s Report: Tina reviewed the results of the Town Wide yard sale (expenditures and proceeds) as well as several individual donations she received. She also stated that all sponsorship documents and donations had been received.

Old Business: Most of the meeting was open discussion concerning the upgrade to the Aranosian Lot. Joe Darrah was in attendance and volunteered to help find the water pipes that are under the Lot and find out how much expense we would incur having them metered and turned back on. Ted was going to go to Town Hall to find out the Lot number. There was a general discussion about removing the current beds and potting and selling the flowers that are currently there. For the bigger bushes (such as the pines) Joe suggested we may want to put out “adopt a shrub” signs and he would remove the shrubs for anyone that wanted to take them to replant. We will discuss further at our next meeting. Carole would like to see the top soil skimmed from the lot and new loam laid down. There was also discussion about saving the brick pavers that are currently there for future use. Joe suggested that we may get someone to donate loam and ledgepack for walkways. There was a brief discussion of Ted’s design plan, but no decisions were made since we do not yet have budget figures or know exactly what grant funds Nicole thinks may be available for us.

Nancy will find out if a donation box was put at Maxfields. Ted will also approach Parkers to see if we can put a box at the restaurant.

New Business: Joe Hamel a new Committee volunteer was introduced. Paula suggested that we take advantage of the crowds that come into town for the Balloon Rally and have a Yard Sale booth at the Aranosian Lot from 8:00 am to 11:00 am on Saturday. We could pool our yard sale items and donate all proceeds to the Committee. Carol volunteered to help Paula man the booth and bring some items. They will work together to put a letter in the SVS and also advertise on line.

It was agreed that new stone was needed for several of the islands. Paula will pick up a half-yard and will meet Carol and Carole Wednesday night at 7:00 pm to distribute.

Next Meeting and Adjournment:

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, July 29th at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall

The meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.