June 5, 2008 Minutes

These minutes were posted by the Planning.

Pittsfield Planning Board
Town Hall, 85 Main Street
Pittsfield, NH 03263
Minutes of Public Meeting

DATE: JUNE 5, 2008

ITEM 1. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Rich Hunsberger, Chairman

ITEM 2. Roll Call

Members Present: Rich Hunsberger (RH), Chair, Gerard Leduc (GL), Vice Chair, Marilyn Roberts (MR), Larry Konopka (LK), Selectman Ex Officio, Robert Elliott (RE), Fred Hast (FH), Dan Schroth (DS), Alternate and Delores Fritz, Recording Secretary.

Members Absent: Daniel Greene (DG) and Tom Hitchcock (TH), Alternate (Arrival at 8:37 P.M.)

ITEM 3. Approval of Minutes of May 15, 2008

(LK) Motion to approve Minutes of May 15, 2008. (RE) Second.
Carried 7-0.

ITEM 4. New Business

(RH) related that next meeting we have one item on Agenda for Site Plan Review and Work Session will continue after that on June 19th.

(GL) noted that he had received notice from Pennichuck regarding increasing rates. They are starting with a 33.1% increase and graduating to a 44% rate increase. Their excuse is to fix an area where water comes off the dam and the building for it. The original Site Plan, I believe, included this. I would like to see if the Building Inspector would take a look at the area. (DS) I believe they are trying to recoup their investment. (FH) “I thought they did quite a lot of work up there.” (GL) noted he would come in and look for the original document concerning the Site Plan Review. (LK) noted it would take some research and it would be good information to have.
(GL) If it was supposed to be done originally, then they are “hitting the citizens twice.” (RE) How does this relate to the Planning Board? (GL) As a Board, we should encourage the Board of Selectman to send someone to the PUC hearing for the betterment of the Town. (RE) Should we be dealing with this? (GL) We did the original Site Plan. Why do we have to pay for it twice?

(GL) The second matter is the Capital Improvement Plan as it is part of the Planning Board. (LK) noted, “We are a new Planning Board and no one is on this committee. A few of us could each take a few departments to interpret what they may need down the road.” (FH) suggested getting the Department Heads together and get some ideas and figures from them.
(LK) “We could get a couple people on the Board together and set up a meeting. (RE) What about the School? (FH) noted that in the past the Planning Board had asked them for this and they never gave us anything. We have a lot of capital reserves so it is a question of how to spend the money. These are set so basically it is there for when we need it. Like the Town Hall computers, that is what is supposed to show on the CIP.
(RE) We should get the last CIP report to see what to work on. (FH) The Department Heads should indicate what they want down the road. (LK) We could send out a letter with a form. What about the Library? Rich, could you get this organized and set a date for return? (RH) “I will send a Memo to all Department Heads to bring in their “wish list”. Board agreed that requests from Department Heads should be returned by August 7th and then Department Heads could meet with the Planning Board on August 21st. Appointments will be staggered every half hour for this meeting. Further discussion noted that Board would sponsor Public Hearing later either recommending/not recommending.

(GL) Space Needs Committee is part of the CIP. (LK) I believe it is totally different. Do we have any volunteers for this committee? (GL) “Is the BOS supposed to be advertising for this Committee?” (LK) noted that previous members have been contacted but apparently are not interested. (GL) noted “I will do the Space Needs Committee as the Planning Board representative.”

ITEM 5. Selectman’s Report

(LK) Building Inspector will be attending Police Academy until August 1st. If the Board would like to change meeting days to Wednesdays instead of Thursdays, he would be available to attend. It would be up to Board should they desire to change the meeting day. Board agreed that since this is only temporary, that meeting days should remain on Thursdays and Mike provide written reports in the interim. (FH) We should have a report on the upcoming Site Plan Review on Depot Street.

ITEM 6. Building Inspector Report


ITEM 7. Members Concerns

(LK) noted that a Memo has been sent to all Department Heads noting the Board is trying to level budgets this year due to the poor economy. People just cannot afford any higher taxes. A letter was also sent to the School Board letting them know about the Board of Selectman’s concerns and thoughts of the upcoming budget. Hopefully, we can have no tax increases this year. (RH) related it is difficult to sell houses in Pittsfield because of the taxes here. The average taxes in the United States is $1,500 and Pittsfield doesn’t come anywhere near that.


(See Attached.) Starting with No. 37 Personal Service in Table of Uses.

37. Delete “printer, rental in definition.

39. Auto repairs to be combined with auto body shop.

44. Sawmill – Lumber Mills to be deleted entirely.

(RH) noted that further items could be added to the Table of Uses such as perhaps, “Contracting.” (RE) noted that by default if not listed here, it has to go before Zoning Board. We should look and see if there uses we should have and do not have, otherwise applicant has to go to Zoning Board first. Board members agreed that they would try and think if any should be added to the Table of Uses list. (LK) noted that once the Minutes have been typed, a copy be sent to Mike to report on his comments or additions. (RH) His comments should include any uses we do not have and should have.

ITEM 9. Public Input

No Public Input from anyone in audience.

Tom Hitchcock arrived at 8:37 P.M.

(TH) noted that he had a copy of an article that was on public radio entitled, “Grain of New Hampshire.” He noted that article indicated that New Hampshire is now older rather than younger demographically. Younger family residents are not increasing in New Hampshire due to “runaway taxes” and increasing school systems, families go elsewhere. Soon there will be no families left. We are afraid to let people in with kids. Property taxes drive our decisions. In 85 school districts, attendance is decreasing. (DS) We are worried about the wrong things. (TH) It further indicates that taxes are increasing and people count is decreasing. People are heading South where they are welcomed. (RH) noted that New Hampshire is equal with Florida in population percentage wise and growing for 65+ residents. (RE) agreed with need to encourage family development. (MR) The current trend is developing “village” type communities where one works where one lives. (RE) We are hostile to single families and we are hostile to businesses. We send signals to investors that we are hostile. (TH) We have to help young families. What you do now affects us 10-15 years down the road.

End of Public Input

ITEM 10. Adjournment

(LK) Motion to Adjourn. (GL) Second. Carried 7-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.

Approved: June 19, 2008

__________________________ _________________________
Rich Hunsberger, Chairman Date



1. Accessory Uses/Bldgs Y Y Y Y Y
2. Adult Business Establishment E
3. Agriculture Commercial Y Y Y Y
4. Airport/Helipad Y Y Y Y
5. Amusement (Indoor & Outdoor) E E* Y Y
6. Automobile Dealers (new & used) Y* Y* Y* Y
7. Auto Body Shop/Auto Repair Y* Y* Y Y
8. Bakery Y Y* Y Y Y
9. Bed & Breakfast Established Inn Y Y Y Y Y
10. Boarding Stable Y* Y* Y
11. Business Office Y Y Y Y Y
12. Campground/RV Park Y* Y Y
13. Cemetery Y* Y* Y*
14. Church Y Y Y Y Y
15. Cluster Development E Y Y
16. Combined Dwelling/Business Y Y Y Y Y
17. Conservation Uses Y Y

18. Flea Market Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*

19. Fuel Storage (Oil & Propane) Y
20. Funeral Home Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
21. Greenhouse Y Y Y Y
22. Health Club/Indoor Sports Facility Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
23. Home Occupation Y Y Y Y Y
24. Hotel/Motel/Conference Center Y Y Y Y Y
25. In-Law Apartments Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
26. Junk Yards Y* Y* Y*
27. Kennel E* E*

28. Lumber Yard Y Y Y
29. Manufactured Home Y Y Y
30. Marine Facilities Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
31. Medical Center Hospital Y Y Y Y Y
31a. Medical & Testing Laboratories Y Y

32. Multi-Family Dwelling
33. Nursery/Day Care Y Y Y Y Y
34. Nursing, Convalescent Facility Y Y Y Y Y
35. Park/Recreation Y Y Y Y Y
36. Parking Facility Y Y Y Y Y
37. Personal Service Y Y Y Y Y
38. Plazas, Malls, Multiple Use Business Parks E E Y Y
39. Repair Shop Y Y Y Y Y
40. Research & Development Offices E E Y Y
41. Restaurant Y Y Y Y Y
42. Retail Sales Y Y Y Y Y
43. Sawmill E Y Y
45. School Y Y Y Y Y
46. Self Storage Facilities Y Y Y Y
47. Service Stations Y
48. Single Family Dwelling Y Y Y
49.Theater Y Y Y Y
50. Truck, Heavy Equip & Trailer Repair Y Y Y Y
51. Two Family Dwelling Y Y Y
52. Veterinary Hospital Y Y Y Y
53. Warehouse & Wholesale Marketing Y Y Y Y Y

Key: Y = Permitted Use, E= Special Exception (A blank space indicates that the use is not permitted and that a Variance would be required.)


Zones Lot Size Frontage Setbacks
Front Side Rear Height
Urban 1/4 Acre 50’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 35’
Suburban 1 Ac. (with municipal water & sewer) 150’ 25’ 25’ 25’ 35’
Suburban (cont.) 1-1/2 Ac. (without municipal
water & sewer) 150’ 25’ 25’ 25’ 35’
Rural 2 Acres 225’ 50’ 25’ 25’ 35’
Commercial 1/4 Acre 50’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 35’
Light Industrial/
Commercial 1 Acre 150’ 25’ 25’ 25’ 35’


Dwelling & Apartments 2 Per Dwelling Unit
Hotel, Motel, Tourist Home, or Lodging Houses 1 Per sleeping room plus one per 5 seats in ancillary restaurants and 1 per 500 sq ft of other areas
Dormitories, Fraternity & Sorority House 1 for every 2 beds
Elementary School, Junior High 1 per 500 sq ft gross floor area plus 1 for each teaching station
High Schools, Colleges 1 per 500 sq ft gross floor area plus 1 for each teaching station


For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain terms or words herein shall be interpreted or defined as follows:

ABUTTER: Any person whose property is located in New Hampshire and adjoins or is directly across the street or stream from the land under consideration. For purpose of receiving testimony only and not for purposes of notification, the term abutter shall include any person who is able to demonstrate that his land will be directly affected by the proposal under consideration.

1. ACCESSORY USE/BUILDING: Any subordinate use, building, or portions of the main building, the use of which is customarily incidental to that of the main building on the same lot or premises and which is used primarily by the occupants of the main building.

2. ADULT BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENT: means any business open to the public, including, but not limited to, any bookstore, video store, newsstand, novelty store, nightclub, bar, cabaret, amusement arcade, theater, sexual encounter center or another business which: a) Derives revenue from the sale, rental or viewing of live performances or representations in any form involving displays or materials which meet the definition of “harmful to minors” and/or “sexual conduct” as set forth in N.H. RSA 571-B:1, et.seq., and b) Devotes more than twenty percent of the total display, shelf, rack, table, stand or floor area for live performances or representations in any form of displays or material which meet the definition of “harmful to minors” and/or “sexual conduct” as set forth in N.H. RSA 571-B:1, (See Article 21)

2 a. ADULT HOUSING: Housing which is restricted to and occupied by at least one person 55 years of age or older per unit in accordance with applicable federal and state laws which allow housing for older persons.

3. AGRICULTURE: Commercial agricultural activity including but not limited to orchard, market garden, nursery, dairy farm, commercial animals, poultry, livestock, including the keeping of wild or domestic animals for personal or commercial use on any parcel of at least 2 acres in size. Customary household pets such as cats or dogs are permitted throughout the town. Home farming is allowed.

4. AIRPORT/HELIPORT: An area used for landing and/or takeoff of motorized and/or non-motorized aircraft.

5. AMUSEMENTS (Indoor and Outdoor):
(a) Indoor: Bowling alley, dance hall, gymnasium, tennis center or other indoor commercial amusement or assembly use.
(b) Outdoor: Golf driving range, miniature golf course, water slide or other outdoor commercial amusement use.

APARTMENT: Independent dwelling unit in a structure or apartment building with other dwelling units.

APARTMENT BUILDING: A building in single ownership, that is used as the residence of two (2) or more families living independently.

AQUIFER: A soil deposit with the capacity to transmit and store a large amount of ground water, having the potential to meet public and private water needs.

6. AUTOMOBILE DEALERS (New & Used): Business establishment for the retail sale of new and used automobiles and trucks.

7. AUTO BODY SHOP/AUTO REPAIR: A facility where the primary work is the repair, painting and frame straightening of motor vehicles. Other work such as engine, transmission, mechanical, glass and interior repair or replacement is incidental to the primary work.

8. BAKERY: A place for the baking and/or selling of bakery goods.

9. BED & BREAKFAST: An owner-occupied home in which the owner rents guest rooms and serves breakfast to those guests as part of the room rent.


BUILDING: Any structure for the shelter, support or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels, or property of any kind.

11. BUSINESS OFFICE: Bank, insurance, real estate or other business or professional office.

12. CAMPGROUND/RV PARK: Land rented for temporary occupancy by tent trailers, tents or sleeping quarters or recreational vehicles of any kind except dwelling, mobile homes or motorized vehicles for recreational purposes.

13. CEMETERY: A burial ground or place designed, used or intended for the interment of human and/or pet remains in accordance with law.

14. CHURCH: A place of worship either indoors or outside, including a parish house and rectory.

15. CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT: A subdivision for residential purposes to promote an efficient use of land through networks of lots, utilities and streets, to preserve natural topographic features and create a more desirable environment than possible through strict application of other sections of this Ordinance.

16. COMBINED DWELLING AND BUSINESS: A building in which is combined dwelling units and business uses.

CONDOMINIUM: The definition of condominium and associated terms shall be according to New Hampshire Revised Statues Annotated, Chapter 356-B:3.

17. CONSERVATION USES: The planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction or neglect.

CONTIGUOUS PARCELS: Two or more separately defined parcels of land, which have one or more common boundaries.

DENSITY: The ratio of dwellings to land area.

DWELLING: A building or portion thereof designed for residential occupancy, including one family, two-family and multiple families, but not including hotels, motels or rented rooms in boarding houses or similar uses.

DWELLING UNIT: A dwelling or a portion within a dwelling designed for use of one (1) family for living and sleeping purposes and having independent kitchen and bath facilities.


FAMILY: One or more persons related by blood, adoption, or marriage, living together as a single housekeeping unit. Unrelated groups consisting of up to four (4) adults, or up to two (2) adults and their children, living together as one housekeeping unit, shall be considered a family for residency and density controls of this Ordinance.

FENCE: An enclosure or barrier, as around a field or yard.

18. FLEA MARKET: A usually open-air market for the display and sale of second-hand articles and antiques.

FORESTRY; Deleted (Date)

19. FUEL STORAGE (Oil & Propane): The commercial storage, above or below ground, of oil and propane fuel for commercial sale, in storage facilities legally licensed and maintained in accordance with existing laws.

20. FUNERAL HOME: Mortuary, funeral home or similar use.

21. GREENHOUSE: A structure, generally of glass or light-transmitting material such as Plexiglas, for the production, cultivation and growing of agricultural, floricultural or horticultural commodities for commercial sale.

22. HEALTH CLUB/INDOOR SPORTS FACILITY: A structure, within which is housed as the primary use, facilities for the playing of athletic games and contests, and machinery, appliances and equipment used to maintain an individual’s physical health.

23. HOME OCCUPATION: A use to be carried on strictly within a primary single-family residential dwelling or accessory buildings by the owner or tenant that meets all of the following criteria:

a. Home occupations shall clearly be an accessory use of the residential property carried on by the owner or tenant and their employees;

b. Home occupations shall include such use as offices for doctors, engineers, architects, lawyers or other recognized professions or home occupations such as hairdressers, barber shops, day care facilities, kindergartens, dress makers, upholstery, manufacturing of craft products, manufacturing of food products, real estate or insurance business except that the number of persons employed at any one location shall not be more than four (4) persons, including the owner or tenant. The owner or tenant must occupy the house as their primary residence.

c. No more than two home occupations shall be established on a lot at any one time.

d. There shall be no display of goods or wares visible from the street with the exception of farm products. Each home occupation shall be permitted a sign on the frontage of the property in accordance with the sign requirements of this ordinance.

e. The residential property, by virtue of its use for a home occupation, shall not be objectionable, detrimental, injurious, obnoxious, or offensive to the neighborhood and will not diminish the value of surrounding properties. The property shall not emit odors, gas smoke, dust, noise, or interfere with the operation or delivery of electricity, water, sewer services, cable or off air television, or radio reception.

24. HOTEL/MOTEL/CONFERENCE CENTER: A Hotel is a building or group of buildings containing guest rooms and facilities which are directly accessible from within the structure. A Motel is a building or group of buildings containing guest rooms and facilities which are accessible from outdoor parking areas. A Conference Center is a building or group of buildings containing facilities, for lease or rent on a short term basis, used to conduct conferences, large and small scale meetings and gatherings of established groups and organizations. A Conference Center may or may not contain facilities for eating such as a restaurant and may or may not be attached to, or be a part of a Hotel or Motel as defined herein.

25. IN-LAW APARTMENTS: A dwelling unit, which meets all of the following:
a. Is contained within an existing or proposed single-family dwelling unit.
b. Is clearly incidental and subordinate in extent, use and purpose to the principal dwelling.
c. Is not used for rental purposes.

26. JUNK YARDS: A legally licensed facility for the storage of junk as defined in RSA 236:91,II, III, IV and RSA 236:112, I, III, IV and V (c).

27. KENNEL: A structure other than a residence, for the care, boarding or breeding of cats and dogs, for a fee.


LOT: A lot is a parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by only one single-family structure or commercial/industrial structure and the accessory buildings or uses customarily incident to it. A lot shall be of sufficient size to meet the minimum zoning requirements for use, coverage, frontage, setbacks and area and to provide such yards and other open spaces are herein required.

28. LUMBER YARD: A commercial establishment for the sale and storage of lumber and building materials.

MAJOR INDUSTRIAL USES ~ Definition removed March 14, 1989

29. MANUFACTURED HOME: Any structure, transportable in one or more sections, which in the traveling mode is eight (8) body feet or more in width and forty (40) body feet or more in length, or when erected on site is three hundred twenty (320) square feet or more, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to required utilities, which include plumbing, heating and electrical systems contained therein. (The term “manufactured housing” includes the term “mobile home.”)

MANUFACTURED HOUSING PARK: Any parcel of land under single or common ownership or control, which contains or is designed, laid out or adapted to accommodate two or more manufactured houses.

30. MARINE FACILITIES: Facilities for selling and servicing boats, to include fuel and marine supply sales and for sheltered and outside storage that provides safekeeping of boats.

31. MEDICAL CENTER/HOSPITAL: Medical doctor, dentist, medical laboratory, chiropractor, or similar medical office or use where there are no overnight facilities for patients.

31a. MEDICAL & TESTING LABORATORIES: Offices devoted to medical and testing laboratories and facilities.

MOBILE HOME: See Manufactured Housing.

32. MULTI-FAMILY DWELLING: Apartment, condominium time-sharing structure or similar dwelling where more than two (2) families share a building with separate dwelling units.

NON-CONFORMING USE: A use that does not conform to the regulations of the district in which it is situated.

33. NURSERY AND DAY CARE: A place for the care of more than five children of elementary school age or younger children for payment. Play areas shall be separated from a major or collector street by a fence or barrier which the children cannot cross unaided.

34. NURSING, CONVALESCENT FACILITY – An institution where persons are housed for compensation and which is licensed by the State including convalescent hospital, home of the aged, rest homes and similar uses.


OPEN SPACE: Uncovered space open to the sky on the same lot as the building. A paved or similar surface is not interpreted to be open space.

(a) Agriculture: Orchard, market garden, nursery, dairy farm, commercial animals, poultry, livestock, or other commercial agricultural activity. Home farming is allowed.

(b) Conservation: Uses with the primary purpose of conservation of natural resources.

(c) Forestry: Commercial growing and harvesting of forest products.

36. PARKING FACILITY: Parking area, parking garage or similar use.

PERMITTED USE: A use that is allowable in the district as a matter of right under the terms of the Ordinance. Uses that are not expressly stated as permitted uses, accessory uses, or special exceptions are prohibited.

37. PERSONAL SERVICE SHOP: Barber or beauty shop, laundry or dry cleaning shop, shoe repair shop, photographer’s studio, or similar service commercial uses.

38. PLAZAS, MALLS, MULTIPLE USE BUSINESS PARKS: A Plaza is an open area featuring walkways, covered or uncovered, fronting on retail stores with ample parking for motor vehicles and may be commonly referred to as a shopping center. A Mall is a large shopping area featuring a variety of shops and stores surrounding an all-weather enclosed concourse exclusively reserved for pedestrian traffic. A Multiple Use Business Park is a tract of land divided into parcels. Each parcel being occupied or to be occupied by only one main building and accessory buildings devoted to various business enterprises.

39. REPAIR SHOP: Business for repair of small appliances, radios, televisions, office equipment, or similar use. No outdoor storage of materials shall be allowed. No painting or auto bodywork.

40. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT OFFICES Commercial and light industrial facilities and offices devoted to research and development.

41. RESTAURANT: A place that serves food and beverages inside a building with seats and tables for patrons who consume food and beverages inside the building.

42. RETAIL SALES: A store where merchandise is primarily sold for personal use to customers who select and buy the merchandise on the premises.

RIGHT-OF-WAY: Includes all public rights of way and all private rights of way for access and/or driveway purposes.

43. SAWMILL: A temporary operation for the cutting and removal of timber.

44. SAWMILL – LUMBER MILLS: Deleted (Date)

45. SCHOOL: Private school, college, or other educational facility either licensed by the State of New Hampshire as an educational institution or one which leads to a higher education degree as accredited by a nationally recognized accredited association not conducted as a gainful business.

46. SELF-STORAGE FACILITY: A facility constructed and configured to allow access on a continuous basis to individuals who rent, lease or otherwise utilize, individually self-contained sub-units of the structures for the storage of personal, company or corporate possessions.

SENIOR HOUSING: Housing which is restricted to and occupied by at least one person 62 years of age or older per unit in accordance with applicable federal and state laws which allow housing for older persons.

47. SERVICE STATION: Buildings and premises where items such as gasoline, oil, grease, batteries, tires and automobile accessories may be dispensed at retail and where mechanical servicing and repairs may be made. Retail sale of cold drinks, candy, tobacco and similar goods and car washing facilities may also be available.

SETBACK: The minimum distance from the property lines established by the requirements of this ordinance for each zoning district. It is a line, which runs parallel to the property lines. The areas between the property line and the minimum setback line shall remain unoccupied ground fully open to the sky.

48. SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING: A dwelling unit intended for residential occupancy by a single family.

SPECIAL EXCEPTION: A use that may be permitted under the ordinance that contains certain stated conditions applied by the Zoning Board of Adjustment after review and considerations.

STABLE: An establishment providing for the housing of more than four horses and use may include the purpose of instructing horseback riding or rental of horses for the purpose of riding for pleasure.

STRUCTURE: Something constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground or permanently attached to the ground. Specifically excluded from this definition are tree houses and fences.

SUBDIVISION: The division of the lot, tract, or parcel of land into two (2) or more lots, plots, sites or other divisions of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale, rent, lease, condominium conveyance or building development. It includes re-subdivision and when appropriate to the context, relates to the process of subdividing or to the land or territory subdivided. The division of a parcel of land held in common and subsequently divided into parts among the several owners shall be deemed a subdivision.

TEMPORARY BUILDING (STRUCTURE): A building constructed or located on a site, intended for up to one (1) year of use.

49. THEATER: Movie, playhouse.

50. TRUCK, HEAVY EQUIPMENT & TRAILER REPAIR: A business primarily devoted to the repair, reconstruction, rebuilding and refurbishing of medium and heavy duty trucks, heavy equipment used primarily for off-road applications, and trailers used in commercial operations.

VARIANCE: A departure from the strict letter of the zoning ordinances as it applies to a particular piece of property permitting a property to be developed or used in a manner that conflicts with the specific terms of the zoning ordinance, but for which approval was granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment after public hearing and review.

52. VETERINARY HOSPITAL: A place for the boarding or treating of animals, provided that the principal user is a certified veterinarian. Any outdoor use area shall be enclosed by a solid wall or fence that effectively screens all noise from adjoining property.

53. WAREHOUSE AND WHOLESALE MARKETING: A building for personal or commercial storage, distribution, or wholesale marketing of materials, merchandise, products or equipment, provided that such use is not hazardous by reason of potential fire, explosion, or radiation.

WETLANDS: Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support and that, under normal conditions, do support a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Bogs, marshes and swamps are classified as wetlands.