June 6, 2011 Minutes

Pittsfield Beautification Committee
June 6, 2011

Members Present: Nicole, Theresa, Tina, Nancy, Paula, Carole

Members Absent: Ida, Judith

Carole opened the meeting at 7:03 p.m.

Acceptance of Minutes:

The minutes from the May 9th meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

Last month left a balance of $1,528.60 in the account. Tina reported the following activity since the last meeting:

Expenses: Osborne Family Farm 5 hanging plants $ 87.50
Nicole: mulch 21.00
pansies 58.07
flowers and various other supplies 108.67

Income: Donation from Florence Freese 100.00
Yard Sale 25.50

For a remaining balance of $1,122.96 in our account.

Theresa collected income from the three collection cans about town and Tina will report this income at the next meeting.

Nancy reported that the yard sale was not well attended. Downtown Pittsfield was full of people but people just didn’t drive to her area. (Thank you Nancy for allowing us to utilize your area.) Paula will pick up the left over items because Nancy does not have enough storage area. Paula noted she was planning a yard sale later on in the summer or in the early fall. (Thanks Paula.)

Carole mentioned that Paul Rodgers from Jitters suggested that the Beautification Committee collection can should be larger and possibly a box type since he also has one collecting for MS and this seems to receive all the change from recipients because their collection device is much more eye catching to customers. Nicole volunteered her daughter to make a box that would match the one Paul has on his counter for MS, which may help our committee receive more donations.

Old Business:

Paula reported that she had noticed that the sign at the Rite Aid lot was upside down and was probably caused by the wind. She fixed it but suggested adding a lock washer so the sign would not come loose again. She also noted that that sign should be inside the flowerbed. Paula also suggest that the signs at the Aranosian Lot and the Washington House Lot should be placed in the flower beds and not next to the historical markers because she feels it is not clear on the lot sponsorship, and the signs may appear to have something to do with the historical signs. Nicole suggested that the signs could be moved anywhere the Committee wished them to be placed. Nicole suggested that Paula move them to the areas she had suggested.

Theresa reported that the signposts had been installed because the state removed the signs from their posts and took them to Concord. Paul and Theresa retrieved them and installed the posts. (Thank you Paul and Theresa.)

Nicole reported that she was never really able to connect with Ted Mitchell relative to the shrubs he had asked if the committee wanted. Nicole and her sons went to Barnstead and dug up the 5 shrubs and the town crew dug the holes for planting them at the Aranosian Lot. (Thanks Nicole and sons, they look beautiful.)

Tina distributed copies of committee members’ names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. (Thank you Tina)

New Business:

Nicole asked that thank you notes be written to the Osborne Family Farm for the discount they gave us on the 5 hanging baskets, Bill and Carolyn Hatley for the shrubs (230 Parade Road, Barnstead 03218), and K and K Landscape for the discount on the blue stones. Carole suggested we should also write a thank you note to Northeast Landscape since they have always given us a discount on the mulch. (Thank you Tina for writing these notes) It was also suggested that when we write our next article for the SUN these names be included in that article.

Nicole reported she is still looking at the third week in June for planting the annuals in the various gardens. She has been shopping around for prices and it was her opinion that supplies are getting very low. She went to a number of establishments to check their prices. Nicole checked with Sunflower Gardens in Alton and asked if they would give her a discount now since the supplies were getting low and they would not. It was suggested that Nicole call Pleasant View Gardens and Milligans Nursery to see if they would give our committee a discount. Following a lengthy discussion it was decided to give Nicole a budget of $240 for annuals. (Thanks Nicole).

Nicole noted that the Aranosian Lot and the Washington House Lot were in dire need of weeding. Tina and Theresa will weed the Aranosian Lot and Paula and Carole will weed the Washington House Lot. (Thanks ladies.)

Watering of the Rite Aide Lot, Tilton Hill Lot add Crescent Street Lot was discussed and Nicole noted that when she waters she puts 4 five gallon pails of water on each lot each day. We will have to water the Tilton Hill Lot this year as the people who have volunteered in the past are moving to Florida. The following watering schedule was agreed upon by the Committee:

June 18-July 1st – Nicole
July 2nd -July 8th – Paula
July 9th-July 15th – Tina
July 16th-July 22nd – Carole
July 23rd-July 29th – Theresa
July 30th-August 5th – Nancy
August 6th-August 12th – Theresa

Next Meeting and Adjournment:

We all missed Judith and Ida. Nancy will call to see if she would like a ride to the next meeting, which is scheduled for Monday, August 8th at 7 p.m. at Theresa’s. Whereupon the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carole Richardson, Co-Chair